Noodle Exchange - Gold Coast Hotel & Casino

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What’s the best buffet on the Gold Coast?

I’m travelling to the Gold Coast from Sydney and wanted to know what’s the best all you can eat buffet over there?
We’re looking at going to one for lunch or dinner but most likely lunch.
I’m currently looking at QT Bazaar, Citrique @ Surfers Paradise Marriott and Harvest buffet @ Star Casino.
Happy to hear your opinions and suggestions.
P.S. not too fussed about location, we’re renting a car and can travel anywhere on the Gold Coast.
submitted by OtsaNeSword to GoldCoast [link] [comments]

[LORE] King Mario and Friends in "No Harm, No Fowl - Prologue"

Toothenny Beach, Coast Guard Lands
Naval Seaport 003
10 years ago
For some reason, when the nations of the world were reestablishing themselves, there were two organizations that rose back from the dead to govern its people: the US Department of Agriculture and the US Coast Guard. Of all the nations and departments and citizen-based communities in the USA, those were the two that were deemed worthy by some higher power to lead the people to success.
Or some attempt at success.
As it stands, those nations don't exist anymore. They've gone off to join the ranks of obscure nations whose relics will eventually join el Dorado's museums in one way or another. But that's the far future. This particular part of the story takes place 10 years ago during the final days of the Coast Guard. Built on the ruins of Louisiana and Mississippi, the shaky ground the government stood on (literally) served as a sort of forewarning to the issues they'd have to face only a few years after its establishment. While historians from el Dorado would have issues pointing to concrete reasons as to why the government institution would fall into ruin, the geographic location and lack of posts detailed instructions from their leaders couldn't have been a positive development. Stemming from that logic is the issue of resource allocation as the months went on. No explicit leadership probably meant resources couldn't get to the most vulnerable populations, thus creating some kind of frenzy to hoard instead of to invest.
Regardless of the reasons, many citizens found themselves facing something of an exodus as their fellow neighbors left everything (nothing) behind. What would they find on the horizon? Something better than what they had now, hopefully.
Samuel Sanders was only 15 when he remembered his own exodus from the chaotic island. While people were leaving at a steady stream for a while, it started to get worse when the country started staggering to a bloody civil war between civilian and splintered government groups.
He could remember the shouts his parents threw at one another, which had long replaced the hopeful and optimistic tones they shared over the diner table. And no matter how much they released their anger, their plates of food started getting smaller and the shouts only got louder. Even the food started to become more bland and grey as if to reflect the environment surrounding them. Normally Mrs. Sander's food would be flavorful and homely, as it was made from recipes passed down generation to generation. But the world around them had manage to take away the spirit of his food and family.
Samuel couldn't remember all of it but he did remember the day it all went lopsided for his own family.
It was early in the morning when he heard his father's loud booming voice just outside his house. He was telling some men that he had already paid protection for the month and it wasn't fair for 'them' to demand more when they were already pressed for cash. After a few more moments of arguing, a gun shot rang out and he heard his mother give off the most guttural scream he had ever heard. Samuel thought he knew what screaming was like already. He was wrong.
"Is there anyone else in this shack you call a house?" He heard one of the raiders outside ask. Followed by a loud echoing slap. "I asked you a fucking question."
"No! There's no one else in this house. You've taken everything from me now please leave."
"Well... not everything." Another gunshot. Definitely not the last one of the day but the final nail in the coffin for Samuel.
"You didn't have to do that you know. Now we can't collect anything from this house anymore."
"Yeah well. Tough luck."
"Now what?"
"Burn it. Let the cinders show anyone else in this block what happens if they try to make some stupid heroic stand."
"Dude, she's still alive." Sure enough, Samuel could hear the faint coughs and ragged breathing of his mom downstairs. The house was made of flimsy wooden material, sure, but her final breaths were so loud.
"Okay, great. Doesn't change my mind. Either you waste another bullet on her or burn her alive. Take your pick."
"Eh. Bullets are becoming more expensive."
"Smart man."
Samuel didn't dare to move until he saw the smoke rising up from above and the boots march away onto some other unfortunate soul. He couldn't cry. He didn't know how to. In just a few seconds that day, his entire life had been taken from him. Not even seeing the corpse of his dad and fading figure of his mom could make him emotionally react.
In the future, he would spend hours, days in mourning. The tears that would strike his face would age him quickly in the years to come. But right then and there, in that slowly burning living room, he could do nothing except place his mom's head in his lap as he sat down.
"Sammy. Sammy I am so sorry. Your father and I wanted so much for you. B-but now we can't."
"You tried. Every day you tried. And I'm not mad about that."
"Sammy, my son. Listen to me. Y-you have no special powers. You do not come from a line of special people... And there are no fantastic treasures you are owed. Cough. But all I can give you is something that not many of us were ever given. All I can give you is a clean slate. You are owed nothing. And you owe nothing to no one. All I can give is the promise that your future is yours. Over there," She pointed a shaky finger to the sink's cupboard. "Look in there."
Samuel already knew what was in there. His mom's recipes. Most of them were originals but a few were perfect replicas his mom made to preserve their instructions. Handed down from generation to generation, since the time of the Confederacy, these meals were a staple in the Sanders family. He knew he'd inherit them one day... but he didn't think it would be in these circumstances.
The boy looked back at his mom, hoping to hear a few more concluding words... but no. That was it. She held tightly to her husband as she too passed on to the next world. And Samuel was alone.
Aside from the crying and random memories of endless blue seas, Samuel didn't remember all too much of what happened in the following months. He knew he quickly ran around his burning home trying to get a few supplies for... whatever laid ahead. He also vaguely remembers jumping from ship to ship, trying to do whatever job was needed to earn his keep. That's how it was day in and day out for almost 5 years.
And then it seemed as though his fate would change again when his current trader's ship was docked in what used to be Mexico. He didn't mean to overheard the conversation between the two drunkards on the pier. But there he was, listening in.
"Wait, so the capital of this place and the country down south are named the same thing?"
"Yeah man. It's confusing. You think they'd change the name up but it's not like anyone is gonna go down there soon."
"Fuckin' pirates, am I right? I wonder how com they haven't tried to ransack it."
"This capital of that swamp Kingdom?"
"The swamp Kingdom. Just like in old times, right? A whole Kingdom made of gold. If it wasn't for the pirates blocking the way, I would do it myself."
"Anyone you know ever been there?"
"Nope. Hey maybe I'll be the first!"
"Please. The Spaniards couldn't find it the first time. You can't even find your ass with two hands and a map. You think you'll find el Dorado this time?"
El Dorado. A name and a dream that would haunt Samuel until he stepped foot on the lands of that Kingdom. After asking around out of pure curiosity, Samuel learned that (people weren't good at geography, constantly confusing the two el Dorados and) the 'swamp Kingdom to the south' was as much mythical as it was real. No one could agree on anything except for the fact that it had to be wealthy if it was run by a King and it called itseld 'el Dorado'. Streets paved with gold. Riches beyond anyone's imagination. Surely it was those damn pirates that were blocking the way for the golden allure of el Dorado to ensnare any fortune seekers. Hell, Guadalupe's cousin's best friend went looking for the treasure but he never came back. Pirates probably. At least that's what he was told.
After countless years of mourning and moping and doing whatever he could without much direction, Samuel got a small spark of determination in his mind. It was a small one, but it was a spark all the same. This was something he wanted to do. This was something exciting and full of promise that he would achieve on his own.
His mom was right. He owed no one anything and his life was what he made of it. And damn it, he was going to make the most of it by visiting el Dorado and claiming its riches.
Samuel was 25 when he finally reached the shores of el Dorado. Through more ship jumping and saving up money and building up connections, he finally was able to step foot on those fabled lands he had only heard rumors about.
Imagine his disappointment when he actually looked around and saw one of the most subpar nations he had ever seen. Hell, he even remembered the US Coast Guard being more developed than this in its final days. The streets were paved with dirt and the only semblance of civilization he saw were rail tracks that occasionally chugged along an ethanol tankard to its destination. There were a few curious stops he made on his way to the capital. The University of the Andes in Merida. The 'electric Casino' in Libertad. The overglorified and tacky fake-gold plated 'mansions' in the Bari National Park.
This wasn't the Kingdom of Gold. This was a scrappy land with second-hand people who served as little more than a living curio shop.
And Samuel nearly lost his mind with the revelation. Damn these people. Damn these lands. And you know what? Damn his mom, who put him on this sense of purpose. The only issue with creating a 'name for yourself' with nothing is just that: you have nothing. Samuel then spent the next days going back from the capital to the 'golden coast' in the Northwest part of the country. This place had so utterly dissapointed him and there was nothing else for him to do.
And his plan was to leave these lands behind. Forget about them. Never come back.
Until he came across the same issue unplanned (American) tourists do when they reach the end of their vacation: he had run out of money. His whole plan was to use the last of his funds to get here and make a name for himself. Now all he wanted to do was leave. But he couldn't.
Furious at the world, himself, his parents, and the dirt road he was traveling on, he took a moment to compose himself and think of something.
Alright. He needed to leave this God-forsaken country and he needed to do it quickly. Money. How would he get money quickly? Shoe-shining? No. Selling himself on the street? No, because apparently this wonderland of crazy people had unionized their prostitutes thanks to some woman named Ms. Dolly.
What could he- grumble. In all the excitement of getting out of there, Samuel realized he was hungry. And as his stomach decided to demonstrate the mating calls of a humpback whale, he found himself in a market in Valledupar. Yet another random, pointless city in this pointless country of excess and poverty.
He only had a few pieces of raw gold left in his pocket. He weighed his options but realized he didn't have enough to get off this land anyway. So with a shrug, he went about getting ingredients for a meal. Not just something bland or foreign like the arepas these people were selling. No, he wanted something homecooked and he would finally have the opportunity to use his family's recipe. Despite the highs and lows (mostly lows) of his life, Samuel still had a few things he took from home 10 years ago. The recipe was one such example.
It only took 30 minutes of haggling and understanding accents, but sure enough, he was sitting down with a hearty quantity of food he was ready to dig in. How he managed to find the spices his mom used was beyond him. But he wasn't ready to question a miracle.
He was, however, ready to question the two men standing in front of him.
"Can I help you two gentlemen?"
"You have a weird accent. But you don't look white. Are you half something? Native? Black?"
Samuel shrugged. "I'm not from here."
"Oh, okay."
"... I ask again. What do you two want?"
"Oh right. Well, we just came out here for a lunch break. And we couldn't help but smell the food you made. How much?"
"Excuse me?"
"How much for the food?"
Samuel looked around and realized that he had started eating on a vendor's table. There were no signs around his stall but based on the accidental way he laid out his spread, it definitely looked like he was trying to sell his food to the public.
And he already had two customers.
"We'll pay you. How much do you want?"
Samuel didn't know much about the economy of el Dorado but he knew the amount they were handing him was more than enough to cover the cost of the raw ingredients. He was about to shrug them off before he had a very random and intrusive thought. "That will be a fine amount, fellas." He looked at the large plate of chicken and sides he had cooked up and started... thinking. Maybe... just maybe his mom had been right after all. He absentmindedly patted the side of his satchel and the gears in his head stared winding ever so slightly. "I think we've got a deal, gentlemen..."
submitted by ChanelPourHomicide to PostWorldPowers [link] [comments]

Review Of Hawaii And NCL's Pride Of America

I just got back and a friend who is taking the exact same cruise and is also cost conscious asked me to give him all my lessons learned. I figured you all might benefit even if some of this information isn't strictly about cruising. I'm going to ask my travel companions to review it (first time in Hawaii and first time cruising) to see if they have anything to add.

Getting There And Getting Around

Air Fare
With Southwest now offering tickets to Hawaii, I expect the competitive market to drop prices across the board but unless you are fortunate enough to live on the west coast in a city with flights that fly direct, air fare can be pricey. I had to get 4 people there round-trip (2 from rural Maine, 1 from Louisville Kentucky and 1 from the Baltimore/D.C. area). I ended up signing up for the Chase Sapphire credit card (annual fee waived for the first year) and the Alaska Airlines credit card that gave me a buy one/take one sign up offer. My total air fare cost was $2400. Besides the credit card, there was no secret other than monitoring the prices as far in advance as possible to see what typical prices are and then striking when there was a decent sale. I would also mention following Scott's Cheap Flights on the off chance a deal becomes available for when you were already planning on traveling.
Ground Transportation
We flew into Waikiki on Tuesday (cruise started on Saturday) so I got a rental car through Autoslash. The total cost for a mid-size for 4 days was $176 and ended up being from Alamo. While I feel this was a good deal as I had four people, if you're not 100% sure you will need it - you can probably get by with an Uber, taxi or even a hop on/off bus (see excursions later). Many excursions had an option for hotel pickup/drop-off.
Probably the best deal I found was Star Taxi which only charged $25 for up to 4 people one-way to/from the cruise terminal and not much more for other locations. Call 1 hour before you need the service.
Parking is EXPENSIVE so be sure to do a lot of research if you plan on renting a vehicle.


General In your mind, you have this idea of what Hawaii is going to be like. Oahu (specifically Honolulu/Waikiki) is not it. It is very over developed and crowded. Many places are run-down because investors have purchased the property but have chosen to wait until conditions are more favorable to develop. There is a very large homeless population in Hawaii overall but I was shocked by the number of shanty towns and abandoned vehicles doubling as homes I saw on Oahu.

Pride Of America

I have to be honest, this was hands down the most expensive cruise I have taken and it was the worst cruise ship. I had a great time but there was a lot left to be desired.
Update: One thing that really stood out as being a good thing is that the room had 3 US standard outlets!!!
Why Does It Cost So Much
Hint: You should get the NCL Mobile App. It includes dinner reservations, account charges, dinner reservations, deck plans, passenger to passenger chat for an additional fee ($10 vs Carnival's $5) and other nifty features.
I was astounded by the number of first time cruisers I saw (based on their ship card color). Because so many of the employees were American, I was also surprised by how many told me that they were on their first contract and wouldn't be back. The people (both employees and passengers) were incredibly friendly and most everyone seemed to be having a good time. I didn't see long lines at guest services. I mentioned earlier how this was the worst ship I had been on - and, while true, shouldn't give you the impression that I didn't have a great time. For my traveling companions, they had nothing to compare it to and other than the entertainment - they had no complaints at all and loved it.

Day 1 & 2 Maui (overnight)

If you have ever been on a Caribbean cruise and you didn't feel like paying for an expensive excursion you could always just walk off the ship and go to a beach or a shopping district or a friendly bar - something. This is not the case in Maui. Where the Pride Of America docks there is absolutely nothing (it took 10 minutes to walk out of the port with chained link fence on both sides only to end up about another 10 minutes away from a strip mall). I do want to point out that the strip mall did have a few artisans selling things out on the sidewalk but this was far from what you will be used to at other locations.
So what to do instead?

Day 3 Hilo Hawaii

This is the first of two days on the island of Hawaii and it is on the eastern (very wet) side of the island. Normally doing two excursions in one day is a not recommended. I would make an exception here because the Botanical Gardens are not to be missed. It is a short excursion (2.5 hours), is relatively inexpensive (you can even do it on your own) and is offered at multiple times allowing you to get another excursion in.

Day 4 Kona Hawaii

The other side of the island is a stark contrast to Hilo as it is dry/desert climate. It is the only tender port on the cruise. Unfortunately, we didn't fare very well here on excursions but shopping and beer was good.
It has been on my bucket list to be in a real submarine and go over 100 feet to below the surface to the ocean floor. That's what 3 of us did here in Kona and while I am glad that I can now say I have done it (105'), the experience itself was underwhelming. To not interfere with the wildlife, the sub doesn't use any artificial lights nor does anything to attract the fish to your windows. This means almost everything is a monochrome blue (the color red doesn't exist at this depth for instance). It's also nearly impossible to get nice photos out the windows even though they are clear enough - just not the right conditions. Now, I met a guest back on the ship that said he had a phenomenal time on a sub that wasn't sponsored through NCL but I'm not sure what it was.
The other guest in my party decided to go on the Gold Coast & Cloud Forest excursion and was also not impressed. The gold supposedly comes from the Hawaii state fish (yellow trigger fish also known as humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa) but apparently they haven't been plentiful enough to turn the coast gold for years. She also said if she was a coffee drinker, she probably would have enjoyed it more (they are famous for their coffee).

Day 5 & 6 Kauai (Overnight)

Remember how I said you have this ideal image in your head of what Hawaii is and Oahu doesn't meet it. Kauai exceeds it - I fell in love and if I ever go back, I will just fly directly here and stay on this island - it is that good.
I am not going to suggest you do anything other than exactly what I did because I couldn't possibly imagine having a better time.
Now, there's more to the story than just these two excursions. First, since you're overnight you can stay out as late as you want. I asked our tour guide where an affordable place to get good beer close to the ship was. She recommended The Nawiliwili Tavern (or just the Tavern). It happens to be a 2 minute walk from one of the free shuttle stops and they have great pizza, beer and pool. Secret I learned this is also where a lot of the crew from the ship hang out after they get off at 9PM so if you want to have a real conversation and ask real questions - this is the place to do it. Once the bartender realized I was into craft beer and trying all they had, she told me about a brew pub not too far up the road that I really wanted to try but ran out of time.

Napali Coast (still day 6)

The cruise ship leaves port early (circa 2PM) and instead of heading to Honolulu backtracks around Kauai. There is a portion of the island that's only reachable by air (helicopter) or by sea (cruise ship) and I was fortunate enough to do both. Actually, our pilot said that a few of the beaches can be reached by a hiking 11+ miles but it isn't an easy hike. In any event, this is where the opening scenes of Jurassic Park were filmed if I remember correctly - utterly gorgeous. My pilot also let me in on a little secret - that the captain times the cruise ship to sunset when the coast is all lit up in spectacular colors so be out on deck with camera ready.

Day 7 - Honolulu (Pearl Harbor & City Tour)

I made a big mistake here. I booked a late flight so I could go to Pearl Harbor and then get dropped off at the airport. We had already done the Circle Island Tour and none of the other offerings were of interest. This was a mistake for two reasons.
Reason 1: Exhaustion
After having spent 5ish days in Waikiki and then taking a 7 day cruise, we were wiped out and really didn't have the stamina to really take it all in.
Reason 2: Airport
If you have a late flight home, I'm sorry. All of your checked bags have to be screened by agriculture (certain plants are not allowed to leave the state) which is airline specific and unless that airline is running flights all day (looking at you Alaska), then you will have to wait for them to open before you can even check in. While you wait, there is essentially no place to eat (Starbucks and a bar that serves hot dogs for $12.50 - yes, $12.50). I recommend you keep some food with you for this reason. They do offer a baggage hold service but the prices were ridiculous (4 checked bags for 24 hours was $100). Sorry if it seems like I am whining - it was the end of a long trip and I was returning to reality.

Update: Viator

In this post, I have provided a number of links to NCL's excursions, directly to the vendor and also to Viator. Viator is part of Tripadvisor and generally speaking, you can trust the reviews. On most of the bookings, you can cancel for a full refund up to 24 hours in advance. They are competitively priced and you can usually get a discount. For instance, new customers will get offered a 10% discount off their first purchase. Companies like Ebates and TopCashBack will offer an additional 3 to 6% cash back as well. Use a credit card that gives back 2-4% on travel and it can really reduce the price. I haven't had too much trouble figuring out what vendor was being used through Viator so you could just book with them direct too and just use them as a way to find fun things to do and use the reviews to distinguish between what's good and what's not.
submitted by jgatcomb to Cruise [link] [comments]

Comment on my planned GC trip in November - Transport/Things 2 Do/Food – Questions!

Hi all,
I’ll be coming to Gold Coast in mid-November for 4 full days/nights, and will be based in Surfers Paradise.
I’m just wanting a few questions answered/get your thoughts on my plan.

  1. Landing in Brisbane – What is the best/efficient/ way to get to surfer’s paradise?
  2. Which other theme park besides Movie/Dream world is best?
  3. Time required at each theme parks?
  4. Travelling - To and from theme parks, and other places eg malls - Uber?
  5. Any must do activities etc
  6. Top food spots?
  7. Any deals/vouchers for the activities I want to do (below)?

Here is a list of things I’d like to do:

Food; I’ve briefly browsed on Instagram/Tripadvisor on some places to go for food:

Thanks all, your advice/input would be much appreciated! :)
submitted by pkgr33n to GoldCoast [link] [comments]

Sydney This Weekend (30 & 31)

Outside shit
Market shit
Tasty shit
Art shit
Performance shit
Gig Shit
Education Shit
Christmas Shit
New Year Shit
Other shit
Last day shit
Shit you guys suggested
Trackwork This Weekend
Need more? Resource list!
dark_skeleton made an applet so you can be notified when I post one of these threads.
There’s a heap more new year’s eve shit listed here and check out the Fireworks Mega Thread as well.
submitted by AnorhiDemarche to sydney [link] [comments]

What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas

I’ve made a terrible mistake. I’m normally one of those ‘oh let’s play it safe at all times’ kind of women, but not this time. I think I messed up big time.
I used to be your average ‘Plain Jane.’ I worked at an average desk job, making an average income, in an average town. I was very much a loner with no friends of family to speak of, so I was very surprised a few weeks ago when the ladies at work asked me if I wanted to go on a week-long trip to Las Vegas with them. We had always been cordial and polite, but I wasn’t ever invited to the weekly book club meetings, or the occasional Friday lunch at Red Lobster. I always blamed the age gap; I was early 30’s while they were well into their 50’s. Deep down I knew that it was because of my standoffish demeanor, and possibly my lack of personality.
Normally I would have politely declined, throwing out some random excuse like, “I don’t have any vacation time left,” or “I don’t have anyone to cat-sit for me on such short notice.” My acceptance of their invitation was out of my mouth before I’d even realized I’d said yes. There was an immediate chaos as a whirlwind of women practically carried me back to my desk, my ears full of excited chatter about how much fun this was going to be.
1 hour and a maxed out credit card later, I was booked for 8 days and 7 nights of fun in the sun in the City of Lights. I was a little anxious about rooming with Claire, a woman I barely knew, but I figured a little anxiety was worth getting out of my comfort zone for a week. This would be good for me. I needed this, I reminded myself.
The few weeks leading up to the trip flew by. Before I knew it, I was standing in the lobby of Treasure Island collecting my room key. The ladies from the office were very kind, and included me in every stop on their daily itinerary. Go to this casino this day, see that show that day, eat at this buffet, back to the casino where everyone won a few dollars, etc. Claire and I bonded over night time facial creams and Forensic Files the second night of our stay as we crawled into our beds at 3:30am. The trip was turning out to be a success in my eyes. It was a little overwhelming at times, but I was finally making friends. A grown adult should have friends that don’t walk on four legs and have a tail.
The third day of our trip was the day that changed everything. I wasn’t feeling very well from the heat and lack of sleep, so I decided to stay at the hotel for the day and take advantage of the pool. I laid there on a lounge chair underneath a thick layer of sunscreen when I heard “Oh, shit!” followed by ice cold liquid splashing across my legs. I jumped up quickly, only to have my eyes land on a perfectly average looking man.
“I’m so sorry,” he said hurriedly as he dabbed my legs with his towel. “I was looking off to the side, and tripped on your chair, and well the rest you already know.”
“It’s fine, it’s okay,” I said, using my own towel to soak up the rest of his drink that sprinkled itself across my thighs. I could feel my cheeks burning red with embarrassment, “I should have pulled my chair back further. I was in your way.”
He settled down into the chair next to mine, extending his right hand out, “I’m Paul.”
We spent every waking minute together for the next 3 days and 3 nights. He was everything that I didn’t know I’d wanted in a man. Funny, but not hilarious. Charming, but not cocky. Attractive, but not Tom Cruise handsome. We gambled, ate amazing cuisine, and made love. He laughed when I showed him my terrible Rocky Balboa impersonation, and I stayed up an extra ten minutes each night to watch him sleep. There’s something to be said about watching someone sleep. That’s when they’re at their most vulnerable state, so innocent and peaceful.
Our last day together was upon us before we knew it. He seemed as bummed out as I felt about having to say goodbye.
“Fly out to Florida to see me, Linds,” he suggested as I slowly packed my suitcase.
“I would love to, I really would. I just, I have to work, Paul.”
“Next week. I’ll book you a ticket right now,” he said while pulling my laptop into his lap. His fingers immediately blazed across my keyboard. This was something I’d come to realize in the last few days about him. He didn’t take no for an answer. ‘No’ didn’t seem to even exist in his vocabulary.
“I don’t even know how many vacation days I have left.”
“Doesn’t matter. I’m booking you a one-way open ended ticket. You can figure out your days off before you come down, and we will book your return flight later.”
I zipped my suitcase shut, and sat down next to him with a sigh.
“Well, I have always wanted to go to florida,” I said, cozying up to his side just in time to see him finish up the purchase of my ticket.
Paul slid the laptop off to his side and slung his arm around me.
“At approximately 11am on Thursday that wish will be granted,” he whispered in my ear, punctuating his last word with a kiss to my temple.
“Four days,” I said, snaking my arms around his neck.
Those four days proceeded to coast by at a glacial pace. Work wasn’t so bad now that I had a few acquaintances in the office to help make the time go by faster. On Monday the ladies (especially Claire) were full of questions about Paul and our budding relationship, wanting to know every gory little detail. With all of their questioning, however, I realized how little I had answers for. “Where does he work?” “What does he do?” “Does he have family, and what are they like?” “Has he ever been married?” I soon grew overwhelmed with all of the answers I was lacking.
At lunchtime I pulled out my phone with every intention of shooting all of these questions to Paul, only to see that he’d already text me 13 times.
8:01am: Hey beautiful
8:22am: Good morning, gorgeous
8:43am: How’s your morning going
8:57am: I miss you so much, Linds. Hope your day is going good
9:05am: I can’t stop thinking about you
9:07am: 3 more days
9:19am: 3 more wake ups and we can be together again
9:26am: Linds, you there?
9:33am: Linds?
9:41am: I am going to take you to my favorite beach when you get here. You’ll love it. So peaceful.
9:49am: I really wish you’d answer my texts
10:03am: I’m gonna head to lunch. I’ll text you later
10:58am: Back from lunch. Where are you?
I was instantly floored at the amount of attention I was receiving from him. I wasn’t one to really even have an actual boyfriend, let alone be chased by a man. It felt so good to feel wanted. I was always the one who was friend-zoned, or was given the line “You’re like my sister.” It was such a nice and welcome change to be pursued.
Forgetting the reason I pulled out my phone in the first place, I immediately texted back:
11:05am: Hey handsome, sorry my phone was in my purse. No phones allowed on the floor. I miss you, too!
We proceeded to text throughout my entire lunch, making plans for my trip later in the week. After that morning I started keeping my phone hidden under a pile of paperwork. I didn’t want to appear disinterested, so I made sure to make myself as available as possible at all times.
I found out a few things about Paul through the conversations that took place over the next few days. He did have a few distant relatives, but they were scattered across the country and they didn’t keep in touch. His parents passed away years ago in a horrific car accident, and he’s an only child. When I attempted to push for more details about his life, he had the tendency to offer a short answer, or completely clam up and change the subject. Even when I asked what he did for a living, all he would say was that he worked as a foreman for a construction company.
Finally the day arrived for my trip to Florida, and my stomach was a ball of nerves. I must have unpacked and repacked my suitcase 4 times. The last text message I received from Paul was just before I stepped into the terminal to board my flight.
“See you soon,” was all it read.
“Can’t wait!” I quickly replied.
When I arrived in Tampa, my welcome party was underwhelming. I wasn’t expecting flowers, a red carpet, and a flash mob, however, I did expect Paul to be there to pick me up. I left 3 voicemails before resorting to text messages. Finally, after 6 texts, each one getting a little more frantic, he replied simply with his address. I was a little pissed, but more so confused. He’d seemed so excited about my coming out that it felt a little strange that he wasn’t waiting for me to take me to his house. I ended up taking a cab. I had a 45 minute drive to calm myself down, and justify Paul’s absence. He probably had to work, I thought. Maybe he was running last minute errands to free up his time while I was there.
When we pulled up to his address I was slightly taken back at his house. I’m not completely sure what I was expecting, but the simplicity of his house caught me off guard. It was a nice yellow ranch with a brown privacy fence that stretched off a few feet to the sides, then disappeared off to the backyard. There was a basic walkway from the driveway to his front door, and a single palm tree off to the side. No frills, nothing to spruce it up a bit. If it weren’t for the car in the driveway, I’d have assumed the house was vacant.
I made my way to the front door, after retrieving my bags and paying the cab driver a hefty sum. I knocked on the door, eagerly waiting an answer. A few seconds later I knocked again. I leaned off to the side to see if I could peer into the front window, but thick curtains blocked any view to the interior of the house. Just as I was about to knock a third time, the door opened and there stood Paul. I immediately threw myself on to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, and kissing his face. “I missed you so much I’m so happy to see you It feels like it’s been forever,” poured out of my mouth.
It took me a few moments to realize that he wasn’t returning my hug. Instead, I could feel a gentle pat-pat-pat on my back.
“Hey, are you ok?” I asked, pulling back a little to look at his face.
“Yeah. Come inside,” he nodded, breaking my embrace and grabbing the bags. I followed him inside and quickly noticed how dark it was. There weren’t any lamps on, and the only light coming in was the moon light that squeaked through the cracks between the curtains. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust, but from what I could see the interior was as simple as the exterior. Minimal furniture, and literally no décor. Not even a potted plant. I stayed a few steps back as we made our way into the master bedroom.
“You’ll sleep here with me,” he said gruffly, setting my bags to the side.
“Of course I will, silly,” I giggled as I wrapped my arms around his waist. As quickly as my hands met, his were there pushing my arms away. “What’s the matter?”
I stood there, dumbfounded, as he shook his head, and crossed the room to lay in bed.
“Um. Aren’t you happy to see me?” I had to practically force the words out of my mouth.
“Just get changed and come to bed, Lindsey.”
I stared at him intently. On the outside I probably looked calm, but inside my brain was swimming with insecurities and doubt. Slowly, I pulled my pajamas from my bag, made sure to change with my back facing him, and slipped into bed.
A few days went by, and his standoffish behavior continued. The first few days I chalked it up to the newness of being reunited, and the stress having to get acquainted to our being together outside of vacation. Paul had gone from being funny and sweet, to quiet and withdrawn; his joking turned to silence and cold glares. I tried to talk to him about the sudden behavior change, but was met with the bedroom door being slowly closed in my face.
There have been other subtle changes as well. Every night since I have arrived here he always receives a call from a man at 11pm. It’s the same routine every night: his phone rings once, he answers after the full ring, he talks in a hushed tone very quickly for about 1 minute, and then hangs up. I could hear the urgency in the man’s voice on the other end, but it was too muffled for me to make out any of the words. Of course, I had asked Paul about these nightly calls, but I didn’t get an answer. I tried to peek into his phone a few times, but I didn’t know his passcode.
Paul also stopped sleeping very much. He didn’t appear to work very often, as he was only gone for a few hours during the day. I wasn’t sure if he was sleeping at work, but he was definitely not sleeping in bed at home. He would just lay there.
A few nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, and found I was alone in bed. I called out to him, but he didn’t answer. I made my way through the house, checking every room, only to find it empty. I even checked outside to make sure his car was still in the driveway. On my way back to bed from the restroom I noticed a glow coming from underneath the bedroom closet door. I opened the door to find Paul sitting cross-legged in the center of the closet, facing the back wall. His hands were placed on his knees, and his back was as straight as a board.
His head, though. His head was tipped back as far as it could go, eyes staring widely at the ceiling. His mouth hung slightly open, unable to completely shut from the overextension of his neck.
“Paul?” I gasped.
He didn’t answer, didn’t even move a muscle. I inched forward and spoke a little louder.
“Paul, honey, are you ok? What are you doing in the closet?”
Still no response. A bundle of uneasiness settled just below my bellybutton. I slowly eased my hand towards him.
“Honey, you-“ I started to say, fingers just an inch from his shoulde,r but was interrupted.
“I can’t see it,” he said. His voice was so low, an entire octave lower than usual. I don’t know how he was able to even talk with his neck stretched so far back.
Sleep talking?, I thought.
“But they are open,” he replied in his dream state.
I wasn’t normally one to eavesdrop, so the feeling of guilt that settled across my shoulders was expected.
I, again, reached out to touch him, to wake him. “Paul, honey, you need to come to bed,” I said gently.
He flinched when my fingers brushed his skin, as if I’d burned him.
“Lindsey, go to bed,” his voice, now a bit louder.
“But Paul,” I started.
I jumped so severely from the force in his voice that it knocked me off balance, sending me backwards into the closet door. I fumbled clumsily with the door knob, my eyes glued to his unmoving stature, to the very second before the door was shut. I returned to our bed, careful to stay on my side. I tried to stay awake, waiting for him to come back to bed, but after an hour I’d fallen asleep.
The next day I was determined to talk to Paul about what had happened the night before, but was again met with silence and a closed door. That night I took extra time getting ready for bed, intending to seduce him into being the man that I thought I’d fallen in love with. I sauntered my way out of the bathroom to the best of my ability, and found him lying in bed.
The moonlight snaked its way into the room through the slight part of the curtains casting a sweet glow as I tiptoed across the floor. The closer I got to the bed, the better I was able to see him. He was lying on his back, arms crossed across his chest, staring at the ceiling. I slowly eased my way under the covers and scooted up next to him. My fingers caressed his side as I showered the side of his face with kisses.
His body remained unaffected, his face a blank slate. I leaned my body over his slightly, closed my eyes, and pressed my lips to his. His once warm and soft kiss had been replaced with tight lips. I lifted my lids to see that he was still staring at the ceiling.
“Paul,” I whispered.
I repeated his name, more forcefully this time, staring into his eyes. He didn’t even blink. It was like he was looking right through me, as if I wasn’t even there. His once loving brown eyes were now cold and completely empty of any emotion. If his body wasn’t warm to the touch I would have questioned if he were even alive.
Frustrated, I rolled away from him, back to my side of the bed.
Tears stung my eyes as I whispered, “You can’t ignore me forever. I don’t know what’s going on with you, but if you don’t stop this I’ll just go home.”
“You’re staying,” he said as he rose out of bed, crossed the room, and shut himself in the closet.
“What?” I called to him, knowing I wasn’t going to get a response. I, again, slept alone.
The following morning Paul left a little earlier than usual for work. The second I heard the deadbolt slide into the lock I bee-lined it for the closet, determined to figure out what was going on in there. As I crossed through the threshold of the bedroom, I glanced back at the front door to make sure all was clear. Once I felt that I was safe, I tiptoed my way towards the closet door. The air of the room seemed to grow thicker with every step I took. A brick of dread settled itself into my lower abdomen causing my legs and arms to feel feather light.
I reached out and grasped the doorknob, pulling the door open a few inches. The light was still on as I peeked inside. It was void of any clothing. In all of the excitement from last night, I failed to notice that the closet was completely empty. I slid the door open a few more inches and eased my way inside. To the left were bare shelves from floor to ceiling, and to the right was a single horizontal rod. I placed my hands on the walls and felt around, pushing every few seconds to see if there was any give, but found nothing.
I knelt down to the floor and slid my hands along the carpet on the floor, working my way along the edges. As my hands passed the bottom shelf in the back corner, the front piece of wood moved the tiniest bit. Excitement immediately overpowered any dread that I had felt as I worked out that small flap of wood, exposing a hidden cubby. It was only about 3 inches high and 6 inches wide.
I lay my head on the floor to peer in. Tucked a few inches back I could vaguely see the spine of a book. I reached in and pulled it out to examine it. It was soft, brown, and leather bound. I held it gently as I passed it from one hand to the other, searching.
The front, back, and spine were blank. Cautiously, I opened the cover. There, on the inside of the front cover where one would usually write a sweet dedication, was a simple marking. It was like nothing I’d ever seen before, a hook like symbol with a few dots.
There was a single ribbon slipped in the middle of the book, so I opened to that page only to find it completely blank. I flipped through the pages before that one, and all of them were blank as well. Every page in the book was unmarked. I pulled all the pages over and studied the marking again. My fingers grazed down the inner cover. My index finger seemed to take on a mind of its own, lightly caressing the symbol. I repeatedly traced the curve of the hook with my fingertip, tapping each dot. With each trace, the air in the closet grew heavier. There was pressure growing behind my eyes and in my ears causing each beat of my heart to sound like the beat of a drum inside of my skull. My throat muscles began to tighten, and I arched my neck back slightly in an attempt to alleviate it. The book tumbled from my hands onto the floor, and almost immediately the pressure in my head began to slightly cease.
My hands fumbled along the carpet, pushing the book back to its place in the cubby. I, as carefully as possible, put the wooden plank back in its place, and crawled out of the closet kicking the door shut behind me.
I lay on the floor for what felt like hours, until my body felt normal again.
Later that afternoon I found myself still alone, which was unusual. Paul rarely left the house for more than just a few hours, and he had been gone most of the day. No matter what I did to keep my mind busy, it kept trailing back to that empty journal in the closet. It trailed back to that strange symbol that marked the front of the book. Back to the possessing affect it seemed to have on me physically. I felt the overwhelming urge to crawl back in there and run my finger over the slight curvature of the hook; to place my fingers lightly over the dots.
I fought that urge, instead busying my brain with mindless daytime t.v. shows and dusting the long planks of the fireplace mantle that remained undecorated and untouched. I had attempted to text Claire, my friend from work, but I kept receiving an error message. I tried to call her, but was given the ‘We’re sorry, all lines are currently busy’ response. My phone was rendered useless, and tucked back into my purse.
Numerous times throughout the day I would find myself back in the master bedroom next to the closet door, unsure of how I ended up there in the first place.
Paul finally came home later that evening, his hands full with Chinese takeout and a dozen roses.
“Linds, I’m home! I brought dinner.”
I stood frozen in my spot in the kitchen, confusion anchoring my feet to the floor.
“Hey,” he said as he leaned around me to place dinner on the counter, “I brought you these.” The roses were placed in my hands, a kiss placed on my temple.
“Paul, I-“ I started, unable to form a full sentence.
“Orange chicken with a side of rice, and 4 eggrolls with a side of sweet and sour sauce. Your favorite,” he said as he pulled out plates and the appropriate silverware.
I set the roses on the counter next to me, and stared briefly at Paul. He was back. Not just back from work, but actually back. He must have felt me staring, because he looked over at me and gave me that warm smile that made my knees go weak. Relief flushed through my body, and I threw myself at him wrapping my arms around his neck. Unlike a few days ago when I’d arrived on his doorstep, he wrapped an arm around my waist, and his other hand lazily rubbed up and down my spine.
“I missed you. I missed you so much,” I whispered, afraid that if I’d used my voice that it would crack and give away the immense amount of emotion I was feeling at that moment.
He chuckled. “You just saw me this morning.”
“No, not –“ I started, but he cut me off with a chaste kiss to the mouth.
“Come on, Linds, let’s eat. I’m starving.”
That night was the best night we’d had since Vegas. We ate dinner hurriedly, as Paul was eager to get to the bedroom. I was just as eager, as I was really in need of the attention and connection that making love would provide me with. The last few days were so full of confusion, that I was desperate to feel any kind of reassurance of love. I’d needed the soft touches, the whispers of sweet nothings, the skin on skin contact. I fell asleep quickly afterwards, our limbs tangled together, and his fingers grazing my lower abdomen.
I woke a few hours later to use the bathroom, quietly chastising myself for not going before falling asleep. I rolled to my side, intending to steal a kiss before getting out of bed, and found that I was alone. My eyes instantly shifted to the closet door, the same glow creeping out from beneath it.
I quickly made my way to do my business in the restroom, staying as quiet as possible so not to disturb Paul. As I tip-toed past the door heading back to bed, the muffled sound of his voice speaking my name stopped me in my tracks. I pressed my ear to the door and listened intently. A few quiet moments passed, so I gripped the door knob and pulled it open.
The air was noticeably heavier in the small space, and seemed to roll out of the doorway in waves. He sat there in the closet the same way as before. Legs crossed Indian-style, hands on his knees, and his head tilted back, his neck nearly to its breaking point with his mouth slightly agape. His lips began to twitch. I lowered myself to the floor, leaning my back against the door frame.
“I am. I understand,” he said, his monotone voice breaking the silence.
“Yes, Lindsey’s ready. It’s working.” My heart started to race at the mention of my name. Ready? I thought. Ready for what? What’s working? An internal battle was going on inside of my head. I wanted to ask questions, to guide his sleep talking, but I didn’t want to wake him. A moment later the one-sided conversation continued.
“It’s too soon. I have no way of knowing.” His voice was so void of any emotion that it sent chills from the base of my skull down to my tail bone.
“Too soon for what?” I whispered. “Too soon for what, Paul?” I leaned in closer as the words escaped my mouth, and saw the journal I’d found earlier sat open in his lap. A very familiar pressure started to build in my head.
My heart pounded in my chest as each second passed, waiting for his response. My breaths were rapid and shallow; my brain screamed for more oxygen.
“Lindsey will be with child . It is the order. It will be done.”
My heart felt like it dropped to the lowest pit of my stomach. I clumsily stumbled backwards, shutting the door once my body was clear. I sat there dumbfounded for what felt like ages, before finally springing into action. I knew that he would be in that closet for the rest of the night, and only had a few hours left to gather my things and leave.
I ransacked the master bedroom for any items of mine that I could find, and stuffed them into my bag. When collecting my toiletries from the top of the dresser my hip caught the edge, sending it all tumbling to the floor. I froze, waiting for any type of reaction from Paul. The house remained quiet, the closet door remained shut. I gathered the last of my things, threw on some clothing, and walked out the front door.
I ran for the first mile or so in the night, but exhaustion quickly set in and I had to resort to speed walking. I tried my best to stay in the shadows, walking through people’s front yards, staying off of the sidewalk whenever possible. Every time a set of car lights came up from behind me, I quickly ducked behind a bush or the side of a house, convinced that he had found me. And every time the car just continued past me down the road, relief would flood through my entire being.
Finally, about an hour later, I made it to a brightly lit gas station. It was completely dead, with the exception of a young man behind the counter. The cashier was eerily pleasant, and called a cab for me. He acted as if it was the most common thing in the world for a young woman to walk into his place of business with a giant duffel bag at 3am, frantically asking for a cab.
Upon arriving to the airport, I paid cash for my ticket for a plane that left for home in just a few short hours. I spent those hours huddled in the ladies room back stall, listening to the second hand on the clock on the wall tick-tick-tick the countdown to my being on that plane and home free.
That was over 8 months ago. I arrived home to find that I had been relieved of my job, and quickly relocated to a small town outside of Cleveland. The last months of my life have been full of cash jobs, month-to-month apartment rentals, and different small towns throughout the surrounding states of Ohio.
My life is now full of uncertainty and the sharp pang of dread. The feeling that I’m being watched is always there in the back of my mind, filling my nights with horrendous nightmares, and silently urging me to pack my few belongings and get back on the road to a new destination during the day. I sit here tucked away in my small apartment, gently rubbing my swollen belly, attempting to calm the baby boy that is kicking at my ribs.
I fear for myself, but mostly I fear for his little life that has yet to begin. I realize that I am hormonal, and pregnant women have the tendency to have very vivid dreams and nightmares. These nightmares, though, are full of hook-and-dot symbols and men whose eyes glow gold. I can’t help but feel that they are a warning of what is yet to come.
submitted by PlainJaneLindsey to nosleep [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Oct 11th - Tue, Oct 17th)

Oklahoma City's event list.

Wednesday, Oct 11th

Thursday, Oct 12th

  • 🎡 6th Annual Pumpkinville: Fall Festival (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am
  • Amanda Vernon (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 4:37pm
  • 🎨 Annual Spring Show artwork by Lu Beard, Beth Hammack, Dodge Hill, Phebe Kallstrom, Margot Holaday, Amy Maguire, John & Marylou M (The Studio Gallery - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 The Studio Gallery, 2646 W. Britton Rd., OKC, is pleased to announce its
    2017 Spring Show Thursday, April 20, 5:30 - 7:30pm.
    The show…
  • Art After 5 Roof Terrace (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm OKCMOA’s Roof Terrace gives visitors the ultimate downtown experience every Thursday evening from April through October with live local…
  • Ashley Dawn + Tanner Frady / Exhibition Opening (DNA galleries - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Featured in our gallery for the month of October is the work of Oklahoma artists Ashley Dawn and Tanner Frady. Learn more about these…
  • AY-MusiK (Interstate All Battery Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Battery Tour (Interstate All Battery Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Bonnie Bishop (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • 🎨 Cartoons & Comics: The Early Art of Tom Ryan (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Acclaimed Western artist Tom Ryan (1922-2011) spoke often about those who inspired him: N.C. Wyeth, Howard Pyle, Frank Reilly, even…
  • Children's Garden (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am
  • DJ Jonny Tsunami (Kong's Tavern - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • DJ Ku Rx (Coyote Ugly - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • 🎨 Drink and Draw (Brass Bell Studios - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Drink & Draw is hosted every Thursday at either Brass Bell Studios, The Okay See, or Tree & Leaf from 8-11pm.
    Here is the weekly…
  • Gallow Walkers (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Just in time for the Halloween season, “Gallow Walkers” a new paranormal folk opera, will be presented at Oklahoma Shakespeare in the…
  • Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 14th
  • Help Crush Hunger With Red Gold (Wal-Mart - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 This October, Red Gold and Feeding America are encouraging families to share a family meal and help crush hunger in the process. For each…
  • 🏆 International Miniature Bullriders Association World Finals (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00am Come out and watch top youth riders from all over the globe take on the toughest mini bulls for chance a World Title!
  • Jason Young Band (JJ's Alley - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • Mattress Firm Shoe Drive for Foster Kids (Mattress Firm - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am All Mattress Firm stores in the Oklahoma City-area are hosting a shoe drive to benefit local foster youth and families. Now through Tuesday,…
  • 🎓 National Association for Campus Activities (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 6:00am
  • Not For Sale: Graffiti Culture in Oklahoma Opening (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00am Celebrating Hip Hop Month, Not For Sale: Graffiti Culture in Oklahoma will feature 10 artists who will make the walls of Oklahoma…
  • Paul Thorn et al. (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City)
  • Platinum Party (House of Flowers - Shawnee) Start Time: 5:30pm House of Flowers is proud to have been a member of the Shawnee community since 1947 – and we’re celebrating our anniversary with a free…
  • 🎨 Queery: Monthly Films (IAO Gallery - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm "Queer" - odd, peculiar, uncanny, curious, bizarre, informal: homosexual, an umbrella term for gender and sexual minorities. "Query" - A…
  • Reclaiming My Humanity, ew Works by Brett McDanel (Kasum Contemporary Fine Art - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 9:30pm Reclaiming My Humanity New Works by Brett McDanel Exhibiting: September 30 – November 10, 2017
    A little over seven years ago, Brett…
  • Shane & Emily (Central Oklahoma City - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00am
  • Shelly Phelps (Jazmo'z Bourbon St. Cafe - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • 🏆 SNU: Southern Nazarene University Soccer (M) vs Ouachita (Bethany Library - Bethany) Start Time: 7:00pm Southern Nazarene University Soccer (M) vs Ouachita
  • 🏆 SNU: Southern Nazarene University Soccer (W) vs Ouachita Baptist (Bethany Library - Bethany) Start Time: 5:30pm Southern Nazarene University Soccer (W) vs Ouachita Baptist
  • 🎭 Strong and Sassy Women in the West (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 11:00am September 28 – November 2 Strong and Sassy Women in the West [OLLI-OSU afternoon class] 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. Dub and Mozelle Richardson…
  • Tallgrass Prairie Field Trip (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30am
  • 😂 Triple Feature Week OKC!!! (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 14th
  • 🏃 ‘Walk with Ease’ Class (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 11:00am 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM - Wellness Center: The Center for Active Living and Learning (CALL), in partnership with the Areawide Aging Agency of…
  • Worhol (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Xandria et al. (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City)
  • The xx (The Criterion - Oklahoma City) Join The XX for a very special evening of Indie pop as they take over The Criterion in OKC.
    With influences…
  • The xx & Perfume Genius (The Criterion - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm

Friday, Oct 13th

  • 2nd Friday Norman Art Walk (Othello's of Norman - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm The 2nd Friday Norman Art Walk, a monthly celebration of the arts in Norman, connects the downtown arts district with…
  • 🎡 6th Annual Pumpkinville: Fall Festival (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am
  • Blessed Hope Prophecy Forum (Embassy Suites - Norman) Start Time: 11:00am Are you ready for the first Blessed Hope Prophecy Forum? On October 13-15, 2017, hundreds of excited Christians will gather from all over…
  • Buckles, Bits & Boots Expo (Grady County Fairgrounds - Chickasha) Day 1 of 2 Visit the first ever Buckles, Bits & Boots Expo Show held at the Grady County Fairgrounds. This must-see trade show…
  • 🎨 Cartoons & Comics: The Early Art of Tom Ryan (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Acclaimed Western artist Tom Ryan (1922-2011) spoke often about those who inspired him: N.C. Wyeth, Howard Pyle, Frank Reilly, even…
  • 🏆 Central OK: 10/13 4:00 PM University of Central Oklahoma Women's Soccer vs Missouri Western (Edmond) Start Time: 4:00pm University of Central Oklahoma Women's Soccer vs Missouri Western\n
  • Charley Pride (Grand Casino Hotel & Resort - Shawnee) Catch a full Southern country music set as Charley Pride performs live at Grand Casino Hotel & Resort in Shawnee.…
  • Children's Garden (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am
  • Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • Hayes Carll (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City)
  • Heartbreak Rodeo (Royal Bavaria - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Hedwig and the Angry Inch (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Oct 28th Set the stage for a wickedly delightful Halloween season by heading to Guthrie and taking in the Pollard Theatre’s…
  • Home Free (Rose State College Hudiburg Chevrolet Center - Midwest City) Home Free is bringing its fun-loving country charm to Rose State College Hudiburg ​Chevrolet Center. This country…
  • 🏆 International Miniature Bullriders Association World Finals (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00am Come out and watch top youth riders from all over the globe take on the toughest mini bulls for chance a World Title!
  • Kids Haunt the River Cruise (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:30am Kids wear your costume and ride the haunted boat. We will have candy, Activity books, and Costume Contests. View the Ferry Schedule online…
  • LIVE on the Plaza - PlazaCon (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Los Coast et al. (The Jones Assembly - Oklahoma City)
  • Market on the Meadows (Shawnee) Day 1 of 2 Head to a beautiful country meadow for a fun weekend of shopping during Market on the Meadows. Located outdoors in…
  • Mastodon et al. (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Metal music takes over at the Diamond Ballroom in Oklahoma City as Mastodon and Russian Circles amp up the crowd. See…
  • Mattress Firm Shoe Drive for Foster Kids (Mattress Firm - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am All Mattress Firm stores in the Oklahoma City-area are hosting a shoe drive to benefit local foster youth and families. Now through Tuesday,…
  • 🎓 National Association for Campus Activities (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 6:00am
  • Not For Sale: Graffiti Culture in Oklahoma Opening (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am Celebrating Hip Hop Month, Not For Sale: Graffiti Culture in Oklahoma will feature 10 artists who will make the walls of Oklahoma…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma Football (Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium - Norman) Start Time: 3:30pm Oklahoma Football Tickets. Oklahoma Sooners Schedule. Sooners Tickets.
  • Pro Rodeo Oklahoma (Grady County Fairgrounds - Chickasha) Day 1 of 2 Pro Rodeo Oklahoma, also known as PRO, is bringing the PRCA/WPRA rodeo and their legendary professional cowboys and…
  • Russell Westbrook & Demetrius "Juice" Deason "Why Not?" Comedy Show (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Join renowned comedian "Juice" Deason and the OKC Thunder's own Russell Westbrook for an evening of…
  • Scott Ellison Band (Jazmo'z Bourbon St. Cafe - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • St. Paul & The Broken Bones in Concert (The Jones Assembly - Oklahoma City) Get ready to sway, sweat and shout when St. Paul & The Broken Bones take over The Jones Assembly in…
  • Terror on 10th Street Haunted House (Oklahoma City) Thru Tue, Oct 31st A nightmare waits around every corner at the Terror on 10th Street Haunted House. Come face your worst fears at the 11th…
  • 😂 Triple Feature Week OKC!!! (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left

Saturday, Oct 14th

  • 2nd annual Red Dirt Jeeps 4x4 show (Wild Horse Park - Mustang) Start Time: 8:00am This show is like a car show to the max! Any and every 4x4 is invited to come out to compete. We will have custom trophies, food trucks,…
  • A21 Walk for Freedom (Regatta Park - Oklahoma City) Explore downtown Oklahoma City with a meaningful walk for a cause. Join other community members on the Walk for Freedom…
  • Buckles, Bits & Boots Expo (Grady County Fairgrounds - Chickasha) Day 2 of 2 Visit the first ever Buckles, Bits & Boots Expo Show held at the Grady County Fairgrounds. This must-see trade show…
  • Chasing Gypsies Outdoor Market (Purcell Multi Purpose Center - Purcell) If you love all things repurposed and vintage, the Chasing Gypsies Outdoor Market in Purcell is a great place to find…
  • Combsy (The Deli - Norman)
  • Com Truise / Nosaj Thing (ACM@UCO Performance Lab - Oklahoma City)
  • Free Family Make + Take Art Project (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Enjoy some quality time with your children and help them develop those creative skills at this family friendly art…
  • Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • Gypsy Glam Roadshow Beats and Barrels (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Kick off your holiday shopping when Gypsy Glam brings their Roadshow to Shawnee's Firelake Arena. From comic book…
  • Hedwig and the Angry Inch (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Oct 28th Set the stage for a wickedly delightful Halloween season by heading to Guthrie and taking in the Pollard Theatre’s…
  • Humming House / Becca Mancari (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City)
  • Market on the Meadows (Shawnee) Day 2 of 2 Head to a beautiful country meadow for a fun weekend of shopping during Market on the Meadows. Located outdoors in…
  • Oklahoma Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 The Oklahoma Gun Show in the Modern Living building of Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma City is sure to have the…
  • Pro Rodeo Oklahoma (Grady County Fairgrounds - Chickasha) Day 2 of 2 Pro Rodeo Oklahoma, also known as PRO, is bringing the PRCA/WPRA rodeo and their legendary professional cowboys and…
  • Rocky Horror Picture Show (The State Theatre - Harrah) If you're a fan of campy movies or just love a good time with friends, plan on joining this late-night showing of…
  • Terror on 10th Street Haunted House (Oklahoma City) Thru Tue, Oct 31st A nightmare waits around every corner at the Terror on 10th Street Haunted House. Come face your worst fears at the 11th…
  • 😂 Triple Feature Week OKC!!! (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • Xpressions Fall Car Show & Bully Meet & Greet (Wheeler Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 12:00pm Wheeler park on western and 1-40
    Xpressions will be hosting for the H.O.P.E. Movement. "Helping one person everyday"
    Open car meet with…

Sunday, Oct 15th

  • Hedwig and the Angry Inch (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Oct 28th Set the stage for a wickedly delightful Halloween season by heading to Guthrie and taking in the Pollard Theatre’s…
  • OKC Energy FC vs Seattle Sounders FC 2 (Taft Stadium - Oklahoma City) Experience the excitement of major league soccer in Oklahoma as the Oklahoma City Energy Football Club takes on Seattle…
  • Oklahoma Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 The Oklahoma Gun Show in the Modern Living building of Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma City is sure to have the…
  • Roadcase Royale (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City)
  • Terror on 10th Street Haunted House (Oklahoma City) Thru Tue, Oct 31st A nightmare waits around every corner at the Terror on 10th Street Haunted House. Come face your worst fears at the 11th…
  • Wand et al. (Opolis - Norman)

Monday, Oct 16th

  • Hedwig and the Angry Inch (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Oct 28th Set the stage for a wickedly delightful Halloween season by heading to Guthrie and taking in the Pollard Theatre’s…
  • Terror on 10th Street Haunted House (Oklahoma City) Thru Tue, Oct 31st A nightmare waits around every corner at the Terror on 10th Street Haunted House. Come face your worst fears at the 11th…

Tuesday, Oct 17th

  • Food Truck Tuesdays (Jackson - Blanchard) Every week, treat your taste buds to new flavors. During Food Truck Tuesdays, a different food truck will park in…
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  • Hedwig and the Angry Inch (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Oct 28th Set the stage for a wickedly delightful Halloween season by heading to Guthrie and taking in the Pollard Theatre’s…
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[Table] IamA Porn Icon Ron Jeremy! AMA!

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Date: 2015-11-13
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Questions Answers
What's your craziest party story? On a film set, we did a party scene, the hot light that goes under the legs of the actor for the up and over position, the light got too close and singed his ball hairs. His name was Bobby Astyr, and he did a double somersault with a twist into the pool and saved burning his balls off. Now THAT's funny.
Link to
I saw a picture of you and Jim Norton running a train on some chick. Can you tell the story or is it too confidential? Confidential? Jim Norton has told that story on the Opie and Anthony show, on lots of tv appearances, his cable special, and his dvd. So everyone knows about it, and yes, we did a threesome in Las Vegas. Dennis Hof, from the Bunny Ranch, was there too. I was doing doggy while she was giving Jim head. I fucked her extra hard just to fuck with Jim. Ladies and gentlemen, presenting teeth! He hated it.
Does a porn set smell as terrible as people say? Which set smelled the worst? The one where your mom sat. This is untrue, I have been in over 2,000 adult films, about 100 mainstream films, and 54 music videos - and they all smell the same. Some used studios, others used homes. No smells. Unless I had refried beans and prune danish for lunch, with a jalapeno pepper. THEN look out!
Hi Ron! How many of the videos you've starred in have you actually watched after? Was it weird initially to see yourself in one? Great question, in the beginning, I watched everything. Later, just the sex, then later, just the acting. Now, only if it's really interesting.
Does watching porn change after you've been in so many? Robin Williams and Sam Kinison said to me, that watching porn live while you're there makes it less erotic because you know how tough it can be. (I shot a film at Sam's house once, and Robin owned it)
What was your least favorite experience in the porn industry? It might sound corny, but I've had great experiences. Some scenes can be more difficult than others, depends on how comfortable you are - like in Europe we would shoot in castles on slabs of concrete, not too comfortable, but I could handle it.
I.e. Link to
Hey Ron, how did you get so famous? Generally I don't care or want to see the guy in a porno. The mainstream, much more than the porn. If I didnt do films like Boondocks Saints or Oragazmo, or a hit rap single (which went gold), I would just be another Randy West.
ber the first mattress actress you've performed with? Very much so - Samantha Fox, the brunette, not the singer. Broke my screen cherry in the film Tigresses and Other Man Eaters. Link to
Can we expect anymore random cameos or appearances from you in tv/movies any time soon? Yeah, tons. Lots of them! I just did a film with Alek Skarlatos, one of the 3 marines who saved a Paris subway. Also starring William Shatner and Danny Trejo.
Link to
Hi Ron , Are any of those online ads with you in them true about how to make my penis the size of a baseball bat ? The website actually checks out the clinical trials of the various penis pills. it's accurate, it makes you larger in the soft stage, so you're dangling bigger. It gives you that morning wood any time of day. I'm referring to whatever the website says.
Hi Ron! What's your favorite memory from hanging out with Sublime? Providing the girls, including Tammy Ann, to Bradley Knolls bachelor party and us both getting lapdances side-by-side. He was a great guy, very talented. I helped produce his first music video and he mentioned me in the song Caress Me Down.
What made you decide to go into the rum business? I was approached by 2 fellows from Finland who told me they needed a famous Ron, because Ron is Rum in spanish. Ron Reagan died, Ronald McDonald makes hamburgers, Ron Howard makes movies, Enron makes crooks - that left me. I agreed.
If there's a Ron Jeremy of today, who is it? And why is it James Deen? James Deen is nice Jewish boy like me, we get along great. His mainstream work helped him get more famous, as it worked for me. I also think 2 other guys worth mentioning are Evan Stone and Tommy Gunn. Great guys!
What do you enjoy more than sex? Your mom.
Edit: fix. A good back massage, a great rock and roll show, like last night seeing Gwar at the Electric Factory in Philadelphia, and good comedy - like our buddy Ari Shaffir at Helium Comedy club last night. Life gets no better.
Was there any point during your porn career that you thought "Fuck it, I'm going back to teaching"? It's funny you ask this, when any porn actor has trouble in a scene they always say "That did it!" "I'm quitting, I'm embarassed, I'm flaccid." I have done this too. But, then you promise the director a better scene next time, and you get over it.
If you had to fist fight one celebrity who would it be? Danny Devito, I have a great chance of winning. I'll just sneeze and win. And by the way, if you want to see me beat up the iceman, Chuck Liddell, go to youtube, then punch in ron jeremy, chuck liddell. I kick his ass.
Do you have any anecdotes involving Gregory Dark and you that you can share with us? A great one. he did a mainstream film, he put me and taylor wayne in it, and at that time, an unknown actor - zach galifianakis, who became super famous in the Hangover films. This film was called Little Fish, Strange Pond.
What compelled you to parody Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball video? I got booked, I thought it was funny and it got millions of hits. Billy Ray Cyrus and Miley Cyrus, and the director Terry Richardson, all liked the video alot. And besides, I look just like Miley!
#Fuck-Marry-Kill. Fuck: Hillary Clinton Marry: Hillary Clinton Kill: Nobody - I don't want jail.
Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton, Margaret Thatcher? By the way, I got to shake hands and chat with Bill Clinton - no lie! National Enquirer told the story 2 years ago.
What kind of work did you do on Boogie Nights? I brought the director to all of my sets, had lots of dialogue with the director, PT Anderson. I even had a small part in the film that got cut. I also helped cast the film.
What's the story behind your brief cameo in Ghostbusters? Was it just a chance situation, or was it planned? I was booked as an extra. Dan Aykroyd and the director (who had worked with Marilyn Chambers) elevated me to a silent bit player. So, it was booked in advance. I got slimed.
Two questions, how does someone get started in porn living on the east coast and what do you think is the ideal penis size? To get into porn, find a pretty girl and start out as a couple. Single guys won't get work, we already have too many.
Any size works, most girls say. It's not the boat, but the motion of the ocean.
Hey Ron. Do you ever drink your signature Ron de Jeremy? I've had a bottle for a few years but haven't opened it as it's better as a convo price than anything. Im not a big drinker, but I've enjoyed both the spiced and dark rum. They are delicious, we got amazing reviews in all media, and believe it or not, Donald Trump has my rum in his casino in Panama where it used to be made.
What's your weirdest experience on a porn set? Majorca, Spain. All the big European stars were on this film, on a boat, including Rocco, Ciccoloina, everyone but me got seasick. Now THAT is a strange experience.
How has society's view of porn changed since you first started in the industry? Much more acceptable, because people can bring it home - they didn't like the theaters, but video, dvd, interactive CD, etc., helped it to be a more private medium. Then we BOOMED.
What's your favorite book? Anything by Kurt Vonnegut. I also love biographies, I recently read Tony Curtis' and Carrier Fisher - both gave me beautiful inscriptions. I know them.
Are there any pornstars that refused to have sex with you? It could happen. I wouldn't last 34 years if they refused, but once in a while, a girl might want a younger boy, flat stomach, muscular, like me before the buffet!
How big is your penis exactly? Oh come on, I think we all want to know the answer to this question. 2 inches...from the floor. Actual answer, 9 3/4. (Note: some novelty stores like the Hustler boutique sell my mold, created by Pipedream Productions - they own my dick.)
As someone who has a large number of partners. I kind of got into swing of getting what I need from someone and moving on. Did you also find it hard to settle down? Any advice on learning to settle down with one person instead of habitual one night stands? Monogamy is very. very tough. I have a swinger mentality as do many porn stars. You can be emotionally monogamous, and that works, but the genitalia can travel as long as you keep it as a team and discover new physiques.
Hey Ron, do you have someone in mind that gave you the best orgasm ever? If so, who? Tabitha Stevens, she's nice and tight. We get along...and your mom. Link to
Last updated: 2015-11-13 19:03 UTC | Next update: 2015-11-13 19:13 UTC
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