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Star Citizen Card Game: Help me flesh out an in-fiction card game for the Lore Builder

In the most recent Lore Builder, CIG mentioned a fictional card game called Trigger and has asked the community for lore to flesh this out. Well, I went a step further (as I often do; some would say too far) and made a whole game and would like some feedback on it.  
First, let me tell you my goals. I wanted a game that
Thus, after some quick brainstorming and play testing with friends, I’ve come up with the following:
I also made a video to demo the gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wEiN23eaVs  
The Verse is a big place and there are lots of Trigger variants. Here's a few (I'll add more as I find them in my travels :) )  
Trigger is traditionally and primarily a Player vs Player game that is played casually or tournament style. That said, a casino variant of the game has been becoming increasingly popular over the last decade. It is not uncommon to see a "Kit Trigger" table or automated machine in the many casinos of Goss.  
  1. Player(s) antes
  2. The Dealer draws a 9 card hand to themselves, all facing down
  3. The Dealer flips over 5 cards, one at a time in order, playing the cards per the base rules of Trigger (only order and value affect placement)
  4. The Dealer draws 5 cards off the stack and plays them in front of player(s), one at a time in order. Again, Card behavior is purely based on value and order drawn per the base Trigger rules
  5. The highest number of points of any suit is the Player’s score
  6. The Player can double their bet for an optional 2 cards
  7. The Dealer flips / plays the remaining 4 cards in their hand, one at a time in order
  8. Highest score wins (Player vs. House). Ties are a push in most establishments  
DESIGNER NOTE: This is just an initial proposal for this type of play. Like the base game, I think it has merit, but it needs some statistical massage. I’m not sure if 2 cards is a big House advantage or not. So, as before, this all comes with a Work In Progress qualifier.  
I've seen a good number of suggestions for >4 player play options. If you have an even number of players with a flat bet, check out the Zip variant. If you have an odd number or you want more betting friendly large group play, I've created a Hold'Em style variant with it's own lore.  
5TRI is a tournament style variant of Trigger meant for larger groups of players. Think “Texas Hold’em” where a larger group plays with a shared group of cards.
DESIGNER NOTES: Again, as with Kit Trigger, I haven’t done any statistical analysis here. The 5 and 8 card counts are simply off the top of my head. I’ll likely be scripting up some sort of model for this stuff at some point to see if I can optimize these values.  
And then I fleshed out the lore that fit with the game rules  
I expect most 'honest' games happen on a OptiGlass table that detects the cards being played, handles the betting, and the final payout. Players either use smart cards that just track their locations or AR augmented cards that appear blank until played (to prevent looking over shoulders). AR card values can be seen by the individual players using MobiGlass monocles. Professional players typically have optical implants with encrypted CardLinks to insure the most secure experience.  
Backwater games likely use non-monetary bets and all physical mechanisms. Cheating is possible in said crude environments, but, since OptiGlass tables track the cards, sleeve stuffing is ruled out in most honest establishments. That said, dishonest gambling establishments have been known to hack the tables to allow house players an advantage.  
Popular belief is that the name "Trigger" refers to the creation of the new stacks in the game. As in "pulling the trigger" when trumping a stack or stealing a win.  
In actuality, the game's name has nothing to do with the game's play. Trigger was the callsign of a human backwater smuggler named Elitimi Pfuntner, who is credited as the game's inventor and most notorious player. Trigger spent the majority of her free time in the bars of Pyro's Ruin Station gambling away any money she earned, but her audacious personality alcohol fueled antics insured the game was played a lot on that particular station and slowly spread around the 'Verse via both traders and pirates.  
Modern anthropology scholars believe that the Trigger card game is based on a much simplified version of the ancient Teverin game of Chil'a Cohook (roughly translated as "battle simulation of opponents supply lines and defeat through deception for great honor"). Colloquially known as Chill, the game revolves around placing tiles in a line (not too dissimilar from Trigger's card play with more tiles and a variety of special conditions) and then using the points gained each hand to move a complex chess-like set of pieces on a hexagonal board (which, in turn, gave advantages in the tile play). Additional tiles are used around the play board to denote battle phases, moral, field conditions, etc.  
This modern anthropological consensus is rooted in the fact that very similar games have been invented prior to Trigger in environments of mixed Teverin-Human cohabitation. Thus, the game of Trigger can be called many names, depending on the station / planet you are on: Bad Jump, Pipper, Hu'sic, and Soso Chill to name a few. Regardless, the name Trigger is now known universally for those looking for a game.  
Several other modern games have been derived from Chill's sub-components including games such as Gunner's Run, Drop and Dash, and Trapman. That said, Trigger is the most popular of the Chill derivatives by far.    
Kit Trigger is named for and popularized by the bounty hunter come casino entrepreneur Katherine Lyra. Known to many in the hunter's guild as D1rty K1tty, Ms. Lyra created Kit Trigger with opening of her first small gambling establishment on Terra in 2930. Originally called simply D1rty K1tty's Trigger, the game's name has been shorten (and classed up) as her casino empire has grown.  
Ms. Lyra is publicly vocal in her opinion that she should own exclusive rights to the use of the game in casinos, but has been unable to prove her position in court. Thus, after a handful of unsuccessful lawsuits (on Terra) in 2941, many casinos and software vendors have started capitalizing on the game's relatively open intellectual property status and greatly increased its popularity and availability.  
In 2937, the Goss Conglomerated Gambling corporation decided to revitalize their gambling tournament entertainment division around Spectrum broadcast Trigger matches. While already popular, Trigger was trending relatively flat in viewership over the previous three broadcast seasons. Their initial effort to make Kit Trigger watchable failed when they were sued by Kat Lyra (a suit they eventually won years latter).  
In response to this set back, the GCG decided to create and market their own brand of Trigger-based games entertainment. After a couple failed marketing ploys (Trigger n’Sauce and WaterTriggers) they happened upon on a tournament variant played by some UEEN carrier squadrons. Named after the 5th Marine detachment, the Trigger variant’s deeper origins are murky (it had been around longer than anyone could remember) and the game was relatively unknown outside military circles.  
Regardless, during the 2938 Spectrum Gambling broadcast season, 5TRI became a huge success among viewers and the popularity has been spreading regularly ever since.
Finally, here’s a link to the RSI forum thread I’m collecting everything in and documenting my playtesting and continued lore building: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/209875/
submitted by kinshadow to starcitizen [link] [comments]

A Look at some of the state healthcare reform experiments which previously applied the same strategies as Obamacare for cost reduction. (Results have been dismal.)

During the lead up for Obamacare, and in order to push other, far more credible alternatives off the table, we were repeatedly told things like "Competition in healthcare plans will lower costs" "Electronic health records will lower costs" "Capitation, would lower costs -i.e. paying doctors fixed amounts per patient and having the doctors deduct sums spent on treatments and tests from that amount- framed as "pay for performance"- oh if we could only do that with politicians!) Various forms of rationing "would lower costs". All of this occurred in an environment where experts were saying again and again that the one thing we knew would lower costs was the thing the politicians were avoiding discussing, single payer health care.
But, politicians are adept at pretending they don't know things, when their financial and political interests benefit from "credibly" not knowing them and healthcare is no exception.
So.. These initiatives were all accompanied by lots and lots of hype. They all promised to make paying for adequate healthcare "Insurance" - which stopped being affordable to most Americans in the early to mid 90s, affordable to all. But, unfortunately, they all failed.
Miserably. The US healthcare system remains the poster child for medical injustice.
One would think that we would have learned from our mistakes and when a national election came along where a President got a clear mandate to implement CHANGE, he would have done it. Not so. Instead we got a rehash of a laundry list of tired ideas all of which had previously been tried and failed, some repeatedly.
And lies about them and a convenient forgetting of their terrible track record.
I would like all of us to be aware of these attempts, and have the references to them and why these attempts occurred, they are easy to find in the historical record, and they all failed. The best reference to the long list of healthcare reform attempts in the states is this paper: Woolhandler, et al “State Health Reform Flatlines,” International Journal of Health Services, Volume 38, Number 3, Pages 585-592, 2008
Here are some more from the research page for Physicians for a National Health Program: (http://pnhp.org)
Computerized medical records (Cite 1, Cite 2, Cite 3) and chronic disease management4 do not save money. The only way to slash administrative overhead5 and improve quality (Cite 6, Cite 7) is with a single payer system. 1. Woolhandler, et al. “Hope And Hype: Predicting The Impact Of Electronic Medical Records,” Health Affairs, SeptembeOctober 2005; 24(5): 1121-1123. 2. Himmelstein, et al “Hospital computing and the costs and quality of care: a national study,” Am J Med, Vol 123, Issue 1, Pages 40-46, Jan 2010 3. McCormick, D, Bor, DH, Woolhandler, S, Himmelstein, DU, "Giving Office-Based Physicians Electronic Access To Patients’ Prior Imaging And Lab Results Did Not Deter Ordering Of Tests," Health Affairs, March 2012, 31(3): 488-496. 4. Geyman, J “Disease Management: Panacea, Another False Hope, or Something in Between?,” Ann Fam Med 2007;5:257-260. DOI: 10.1370/afm.649. 5. Woolhandler, et al “Costs of Health Administration in the U.S. and Canada,” NEJM 349(8) Sept. 21, 2003 6. Schiff, et al “A Better Quality Alternative” JAMA, 272(10); Sept. 12 1994 7. Schiff, et al “You Can’t Leap a Chasm in Two Jumps,” Public Health Reports 116, Sept / Oct 2001
Competition among investor-owned, for-profit entities has raised costs, reduced quality in the USCompetition among investor-owned, for-profit entities has raised costs, reduced quality in the US 1. Himmelstein DU, Woolhandler S. “Competition in a publicly funded healthcare system.” BMJ 2007;335:1126-1129 (1 December), doi:10.1136/bmj.39400.549502.94 2. Hellander I, Himmelstein DU, Woolhandler S. “Medicare overpayments to private plans, 1985-2012: Shifting seniors to private plans has already cost Medicare US$282.6 billion.” International Journal of Health Services 2013;43(2):305–319. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2190/HS.43.2.g
Another big lie is the fiction that privatization of public services generally is more efficient. That is completely and consistently untrue. Why does it keep getting repeated? My guess is its because of kickbacks and corruption. Even at the highest levels, such huge amounts of money are a corrupting influence, and its far easier to get kickbacks when services are privatized because there is a constant churning of contracts. And of course politicians are involved in deciding who get those multi-million dollar contracts.
I saved the worst for last.. unfortunately, we've all been taken, by not being honest about the following issue involving the inflexibility forced onthe US by our trade policies, one can only come to one reasonable conclusion, that the two parties conspired to cover up the fact that these free trade agreements block single payer and the American people recived no compensation for something which basically only helps corporations and which actually hurts almost all Americans to the tune of half a million dollars each. (over their lifetime, compared to an identical Canadian)
there is a huge problem in that free trade agreements signed since the 90s (Like the GATS agreement) basically force privatization (and make no mistake, Obamacare is a huge endorsement of privatization, not public health care) - they - the FTA's, represent a modern power grab by the world's multinational corporations- many of whom are based in the US, so they are heavily invested in them as a method of coercing other countries to pay more for things. The US is usually the one using them to open other markets, a stance which includes an ideology which portrays public services as an unfairly discriminating theft of markets from corporations.
These FTAs are globally infamous, taking the power of self-determination in markets, from formerly democratic countries, and they remove the decision-making power from the unpredictable realm of democratic control and replace it with entitlements- where international corporations who have "invested in developing" them even the most minimally - then get an entitlement to remain in that market, removing it from democratic control. nations lose their right to determine their own policies Its ironic that tehse extremist policies would turn around and bite the US itself but, thats whats happening, *except unlike corporations, we are getting nothing out of this. And a lot is being taken from us, our wishes in an election. So they have to lie, and lie a lot, to cover that up.
What do the FTAs like GATS do? they take away rights that might threaten business hegemony. They punish states that might attempt to control their own markets, with the threat of huge penalties under the "investor-state" provisions of the trade agreements) Provisions like Chapter 11 of NAFTA and Article XXI of GATS. They make privatization irreversible. So, the reader who wrote the following- this is just made impossible by the FTA "ratchet effect"
For an example of how it works, See page 9 of the following PDF: http://www.law.harvard.edu/programs/lwp/nafta.pdf
The cover up in progress:
here is part of the spin phrasology, recognize this phrase? You should.
"we use this as a stepping stool toward single payer in the future, or get rid of it and go back to the system without the reforms that Obamacare will end up initiating, if it hasn't already."
Google: About 17,700 results on the phrase "stepping+STONE+toward+single+payer"
I smell a scam in progress, do you?
If you do some reading on FTAs you'll find that they are written to create convenient fictions for governments to terminate public sevices and replace them with privatized ones. Globally.
To get that point across, look at Antigua and the USA's recent dispute over online gambling, a dispute which was looked at recently by the World Health Organization in their Draft Legal Review of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) from a Health Policy Perspective
Reverse a "commitment" isn't what we tried to do with online gambling, We claimed to not have known we even made the "commitment" but STILL when we - the USA, tried to ban online gambling, like our auto insurance companies threatened Canada with in the NAFTA paper, we were sued b the tiny Caribean nation of Antigua - which has extensive online casinos, which Americans were using- in WTO court and we lost. Online gambling is a relatively tiny market but the penalty for withdrawing" was substantial considering that. The WTO dictated to the United States what we could do with our own "online gambling market". The message was not lost on the world, but not a honest peep about it in the US press occurred that wasn't spun in a confusing manner.
The US Health care market, in contrast, is the largest market in the world. Penalties are based on potential, not actual size of the market.
The imperative, to lock in privatization, and forever preempt single payer, hiding the sellout, conflicting as it does with the public interest, may have been the reason US health reform was hijacked.
Its a cover up.
More info:
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