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After 2 years, I've finally launched Deadly Desserts! You guys have been an awesome help and I'd love to give back to this community. I tested with over 150 people before launching. Here is a post detailing my process prototyping, testing, and iterating the game.

After 2 years, I've finally launched Deadly Desserts! You guys have been an awesome help and I'd love to give back to this community. I tested with over 150 people before launching. Here is a post detailing my process prototyping, testing, and iterating the game.
Deadly Desserts game
Hey everyone, several days ago I posted asking whether people would find value in my detailed process developing and testing Deadly Desserts and it seems like there’s some appetite. I’ve found this community incredibly valuable and would like to give back by hopefully helping some of you.
I’ll be focusing on game design as that’s this subreddit’s focus. Just one point on publishing as it relates to design: if you plan on launching on the website that rhymes with TrickFarter (trying to get past auto-mod), your game design should ideally be expandable so that you can offer meaningful campaign exclusives.

Around 2 years ago, some friends introduced me to Hearts, a classic card game. It seemed pretty basic during my first playthroughs. After playing more and adding my own rules, I loved how strategic this simple game was. Surprisingly, Hearts had been around 100+ years, yet very few people I knew had played it. I wanted to play Hearts with more people, but they kept losing interest. The problems I ran into were people being turned off by playing cards and the new player experience being unwelcoming. I wanted to fix these problems so that I could play this game more. Here are some of the biggest problems and how I solved them:
  • Turned off by playing cards - solved with food-themed cards and game
  • Memorizing card point values - solved by printing points on cards and having table on player aides
  • Adding points on paper and not knowing how many someone else has - solved with food-themed health tokens
  • Limited to 3-4 players - solved:
    • 2 players - created new mechanic of playing 2 cards each, 1 at a time
    • 5 players - used 60-card decks to normalize hand size and game pacing
    • 6-10 players - added a 2nd deck and cancellation rules
  • Additional cards to double effects, scoring changes, and other changes related more to strategy and game pacing

Feedback loop
When I first started, I approached game development as a linear process. I realize now that it’s a continuous loop. The three steps I continuously cycled through are:
  • Testing - playing with people and measuring success of changes
  • Synthesizing - analyzing testing feedback and deciding changes for next iteration
  • Iterating - implementing changes based on feedback

I tested with 150+ people before launching Deadly Desserts. Although the entire game development process is a continuous loop, I took a fairly linear approach as to who I tested with. I’d loosely recommend you use the following playtester order. I didn’t strictly follow this recipe because sometimes the opportunity presented itself to test with certain people.
I’d say 50% of implemented feedback came from self-testing. I genuinely had a blast with it, too. Here are the main reasons I recommend starting with self-testing:
  • Fastest feedback cycle and iterations
  • Catch low-hanging fruit changes before using valuable testing time
  • The game needs to be fun for me before it’s fun for anyone else
As an example, I tested a 5-player game myself. I used a typical 52-card deck, removed 2 cards, and dealt 10 cards to each player. I felt annoyed when a player started with no cards of a certain suit (e.g. no hearts in starting hand). I also didn’t like the pacing, as I was used to 13-card hands. I did math and found that 12 card hands (60-card deck) decreased the probability of no cards of a certain suit from 16% to 8%. This was a problem I didn’t have to spend valuable playtests to figure it out.
Another example, I wanted to figure out how to play with 6+ people and found this bgg thread. It adds a 2nd deck and a new rule in which copies cancel one another out. I tested it and was simmering with how fun the cancellation mechanic was. It created a new strategy where I could lead a hand with an undesirable card, hoping the other person with said card would play theirs and cancel both of ours out. I tested out different hand sizes myself, so I could focus playtests on more impactful gameplay attributes.
The best part of self-testing is you’ll always be available during a pandemic!

Board game developers
I started testing at board game dev meetups after fixing what I could through self-testing. I recommend testing with board game devs 2nd because:
  • Board game devs exposed to many mechanics and will have great feedback
  • Useful and fun learning opportunity from people who have launched board games
  • Learn how to give and receive valuable feedback before testing with others
My first tests didn’t yield much feedback and I couldn’t figure out why. When testing another dev’s game, I noticed he received much more feedback than I do. Whenever I or the testers (other game devs) gave feedback, the game dev simply wrote it down. I wondered why he didn’t respond to any of our comments and finally realized that feedback isn’t meant to yield rebuttals. During my own playtests, I kept on responding to feedback, trying to explain things. Other people saw this and likely were dissuaded from contributing. I learned that feedback is feedback - don’t refute or comment on it, just write it down and ask for clarification if necessary.
I remember during a particular playtest, me and other testers glazed a game dev with a wide variety of feedback. He felt overwhelmed and wasn’t sure how to proceed. A tester asked what he changed from the previous iteration. The game dev said that in his previous iteration, all players met their win conditions at similar time-frames, despite all of the decisions made to get there. Essentially, he didn’t want the game to be as luck-based. Providing valuable feedback was much easier when focusing on a particular goal. Here’s what I learned:
  • The best way to learn how to receive valuable feedback is to learn how to give valuable feedback
  • Define goals for playtests, primarily how well the new iteration’s changes produce the intended outcome
  • Testers won’t know what I’m testing for unless I tell them
I tried to test others’ games before asking them to test mine. I also noticed that people tried much harder to provide valuable feedback to me after I had to them. It’s in your best interest, and is more life-fulfilling, to help others before asking for help.
The meetup I used to go to is currently frozen, but hopefully there are virtual meetups out there. You can also try a gaming simulator. This subreddit is also a great place to find other board game devs!

Friends and family
Here’s why I recommend testing with friends and family 3rd:
  • Start testing game’s entertainment value with a broader audience (game devs are more hardcore)
  • Loved ones are much more collaborative than strangers
  • Fine tune game before testing with strangers
I conducted my first blind test with family, where I asked them to read the instructions themselves and play while I quietly observed. I noticed their feedback was more focused on making the game fun, whereas game devs' focused on competitiveness.
Once when visiting my parents, my mom wanted to play Deadly Desserts and I told her that I hadn’t figured out 2-player rules. Since she’s the best mom ever, she spent several hours with me experimenting with different ideas, until we came up with the 2-player variant that’s in the current game. Thanks mom!

This was the most important test group because these are the people I would eventually want to buy my game. They didn’t know me and didn’t have sympathy from being a fellow game dev. They had no reason to care about my feelings and consequently gave critically honest feedback.
One of my biggest challenges throughout this project was finding playtesters. I didn’t want to pay and didn’t have a big following. Here were my main sources for testing with strangers:
  • Sat outside high-traffic areas (e.g. Peet’s Coffee) and offered free cupcakes or cookies to playtest
  • Board game cafes
  • Other board game devs’ game nights
Other game devs said they tested with dozens a day at board game conventions. I didn’t try it because I thought Deadly Desserts would be too light for a convention, but in hindsight it’s worth a try before writing off. Either way, your game is hopefully light enough to do what I did outside of coffee shops, or heavy enough to test at board game conventions. Both of which are sadly not too feasible during a pandemic.

My general approach to synthesizing feedback was:
  1. Filter feedback for which problems need to be solved
  2. Solve problems
  3. Self-test before iterating game
I found it imperative define my game’s value proposition. One of my biggest challenges was figuring out how to sift through feedback. I pushed the game in many different directions by addressing every comment. Without a value proposition, I had no structure to decide which changes to implement and how to measure success of said changes.
Board games differ from other businesses in that they provide entertainment, rather than solve problems. Consequently, it’s not as obvious as to how to measure progress for a board game.
  • Let’s say we’re trying to solve the problem of water bottles not keeping water cold
  • Our value proposition, the reason why people would buy our bottle, is fluid staying cold
  • This can easily be measured by comparing water temperature in our bottle vs Bottle X after a certain time period
  • Let’s say a customer thinks the bottle isn’t stylish and we find a stylish material that reduces insulation by 25%
  • Since we have a clearly defined value proposition, it’s obvious that this feedback would diminish it’s intended value
One of the most common pieces of feedback I received was people wanting more complexity. I spent a lot of time going back and forth between complicating and simplifying the game. After enough noodling around, I remembered that I originally sought out to be able to play my version of Hearts with more people. After defining my value proposition, I stopped bouncing around and was able to push the game in a certain direction.

In the past, I had launched a product that I had paid a contractor to develop. I had many issues with deadlines and quality because the contractor wasn’t tied to the product how I was. It also wasn’t as fun because the relationship felt too professional. For Deadly Desserts, I wanted teammates instead of contractors. I recruited a designer and animator as equity partners. Working with teammates is boat loads more fun than working with a contractor.
I spent a ton of time theorizing how much fun certain changes may or may not be. I made progress faster by iterating and testing quickly, rather than spending too much time planning.
I tried not to spend capital unless I needed to, both financially and temporally. My first prototype was index cards and poker chips. Once the card designs were more finalized, I used Print & Play to create more legit-looking prototypes. Get creative and spend only on what you need. In my case, card design was a huge value proposition, so I wanted to test it. Over time, I also improved at not asking my teammates to create something until I had it finalized in my head and self-tested.

Thanks for reading and hope this helps someone. At the end of the day, don’t forget that you’re creating something that brings fun to peoples’ lives. Have fun yourself and enjoy the process. Here’s Deadly Desserts if you’re interested in checking it out. Feel free to ask me anything. I’m also happy to test a few games for people.
tl;dr: define a value proposition, test, synthesize, iterate, nice
submitted by DeadlyDesserts to tabletopgamedesign [link] [comments]

[Serious] Probably Been asked: How can I make my own homemade poker chips

I've spent literal days DDGing up this question, and I am finding NOTHING. I was interested in ordering some cryptocurrency-themed poker chips. Not because I play poker, but because I like poker chips. Long and short, they're expensive. You have to get them custom-made. Best price I've seen so far is $0.48 per chip for orders of 500 chips. Obviously, a beginner poker player can spend $40 on a 500 piece set from Wal Mart or whatever. The divide in price there is quite massive. So, I thought, how hard could it be to just make your own poker chips from [material] and paint/stamp/decorate them myself?
Well even getting the information on how someone could even begin to look into, say, starting a company around making custom poker chips just doesn't seem to exist. You either know how to do it or you don't. I don't. And I don't like at least knowing how not possible it is. Gimme some clay from Hobby Lobby, I'll figure out a way to make them even. But how do those ceramic chips look so perfectly painted? And how are they so perfectly round? Is there a way to do this at the enthusiast level? I just feel like there's no clear information path for me to travel down; web searches just give me all the websites to put in custom chip orders. I just want to know how a hobbyist could maybe begin doing this on the side for fun.
submitted by maluigario to poker [link] [comments]

Am I crazy or does Chicago have the best offer for James Harden and a reason to do it?

Two years ago we had the pleasure of watching one of the worst stretches of basketball for one of the NBA’s most lucrative and storied franchises come to an end. Ownership played the long game; their front office made a mixed bag of good and bad decisions on draft day, in free agency, and in the trade market. They watched the league market correct their respective front offices for trying to reach around or shortcut their way to playoff basketball leading to the decision to blow it up and focus on their youth. Their brass sold their fan base on watching a nucleus of young talent with distinct but interlocking skills grow together and learn how to play consistently winning basketball. The fans watched promising homegrown talent leave the team and then make all star game(s) for other teams but continue to be moved after those same all star appearances with fans faithful to those specific players carrying the hope that they found their home by now. Regardless, the question is now in front of Chicago’s front office as it was in front of the Lakers’ front office 2 years prior. A top 5 player isn’t on the market every day. We have a promising young core, but do we compromise it to put ourselves on this superstar’s timetable?
The 2 situations are not identical and I don’t want to act as though they are, but the question is the question. Chicago is quietly sitting at the poker table with a good amount of chips: young promising players at all 5 positions(Coby White, LaVine, Patrick Williams, Lauri, WCJ), and no one expects you to trade all 5 by any means. But what could/would a Chicago package for Harden look like?

Hypothetical offer:

Houston Gets: Zach LaVine, Lauri Markkanen, Cristiano Felicio, unprotected firsts in 2022 & 2024, the better of CHI or HOU’s 1st round draft picks for 2021, 2023, 2025, and a top-10 protected pick in 2027
Chicago gets: James Harden, Bruno Caboclo, the worst of either CHI or HOU’s first round draft picks in 2021, 2023, and 2025
1.) Zach LaVine, undoubtedly would have to be in the deal. The 2 best players in this deal play the same position, have mostly the same strengths and weaknesses (different ways of specifically expressing them, but at the end of the day mark a good amount of the same stats offensively), but are on either side of 30. Zach LaVine I’d say is one of the 10-15 best scorers in the NBA. He’s raised his scoring averages each of his first 6 years in the league, flies through the air in transition, and all the tape you watch of him makes you want to believe he’s an all-star caliber guy, but there’s one glaring reality holding him back from that echelon of the NBA. He’s entering his 7th season and he has yet to play .500 basketball or appear in the playoffs. The talent is unquestionable, the athleticism eye popping, but his negatives are unavoidable.
2.) Lauri Markkanen was once one of the NBA’s 10 most envied prospects. With length, range, touch, athleticism, and European heritage the Dirk comparisons were inevitable and unfair from the beginning but still tantalizing nonetheless. Athleticism and shooting are always at premiums in this league and Markkanen possesses both. With a spotty Games Played log and a lack of trust in his body on display at times in his third season his trade value is murky and for all anyone knows he could end up like Rubio, a young euro prospect dripping with potential never getting to fully realize it due to injury. However one of the best things for the rehabilitation of Rubio’s career and perception was ultimately making his way to a better team with better coaching, getting to display his consistency for a playoff team, and just getting to be a guy instead of the guy.
3.) Cristiano Felicio is only in the deal realistically to serve as filler to get CHI in range to take on Harden’s contract, but with the dearth of bigs on Houston’s roster it’s not unheard of for Felicio to get run as an 11th man if Boogie and/or Wood find themselves in foul trouble.
Why the Rockets do it: Houston has built a brand over the last decade and a half as one of the West’s most consistently quality franchises. One franchise has made the NBA playoffs every season since the 2012-13 season and that franchise is the Houston Rockets. While it can be argued it’s exclusively attributable to their defining superstar James Harden and his uncanny durability, once upon a time before Harden donned a Houston uniform the McGrady-less (and eventually Yao-less) rockets took the eventual champion Lakers to 7 games before exiting that series as they ran out of gas against Kobe, Pau, Odom, and co. And they did it with a lovable cast of misfit toys like Chuck Hayes, Carl Landry, Shane Battier, Aaron Brooks, Metta World Peace, and Kyle Lowry. The Rockets as much as they led the way for the league’s recent love affair with analytics also sport a track record that speaks to the appeal of being consistently competitive. They didn’t need to tank for McGrady, they didn’t need to tank for Harden, and transitioning into a team with a mix of veterans with chips on their shoulders (John Wall, DeMarcus Cousins), young guys hungry to win (LaVine, Lauri, Christian Wood), and 3nD role players could be a lot more manageable and lovable group for first time head coach Stephen Silas. This package is also the most comprehensive out there for Harden right now. An AD or Holiday level return doesn’t seem to be materializing in the market right now, and the 2 media front runners for Harden (Philly and Brooklyn) don’t have a package with both a high level player and ancillary assets to make up the difference between the hypothetical 50-60 cents and the dollar that is Harden.
Why Chicago does it: First things first, the team that gets the best player typically wins a trade, and a trade without Wendell Carter Jr. or Coby White is also a win for the front office. A franchise with the youngest MVP ever, the GOAT, and the team that developed current NBA sweetheart Jimmy Butler is in their worst performance as a franchise since Jay Williams’ career was cut short. Harden on his own is a top-7 offense and a 45 win team, but some of the complementary pieces not in the trade offer could add up to be some of the best tailored supporting cast of Harden’s career. Coby White shows more promise as a heat check and off ball guard than the lead ball handler of an nba offense. With a season average of less than 3 assists his rookie year juxtaposed against 43% 3 point shooter and presence as a big-bodied guard, White poses a very interesting offensive (and defensive as a switchable perimeter defender) fit next to Harden. Wendell Carter and the other wings that Chicago has should be able to fill in the gaps on defense.
Personal opinion:
It’s ballsy of Chicago because if Harden doesn’t like how Chicago handles him when they get him he’s currently only able to be kept under contract for another 2 years, but if Harden has patience it could be a very savvy move into an easier path to a title. The floor of a Harden Bulls team would be the 4-6 seed in the East, and Harden would have to give up the least as a player going to Chicago versus Philly or Brooklyn. The championship conversation label wouldn’t immediately be there like it would going to Philly or to Brooklyn, but there would be a lot of young pieces around Harden that could be used in a second move in the subsequent offseason to bring a second top 10 guy next to Harden. The ceiling of this Bulls core is very difficult to pinpoint, but it’s hard not to see shades of the Lakers’ core before they signed lebron where as a group it’s hard to see them consistently winning games without a proven leader and top-10 guy in the nba.
For Houston it seems as though the market is either just a star level player and maybe a pick (Philly) and a lot of ancillary players and multiple picks (Brooklyn). For a player better than AD it is a frustrating and unenviable position for a front office to not be able to extrapolate the same value out of Harden, and I give them kudos for playing the trade offer patiently. However it’s on everyone’s mind that Harden wants out of Houston so they are on the clock to move him before he walks especially considering he turned down the extension he is currently eligible for. It’s lemonade-from-lemons time for the new Houston front office.
I’d like to hear other opinions or other potential destinations if anyone else has any other ideas or dark horse destinations for Harden.
submitted by THEDumbasscus to nbadiscussion [link] [comments]

Comeback Opportunities will determine the game’s long-term survival: Here’s how we do it.

Comeback Opportunities will determine the game’s long-term survival: Here’s how we do it.
There’s no question that one of the most exciting and exhilarating things that can occur in any game is pulling off an absolutely epic comeback. This is true no matter the game or the sport. Just the simple fact of knowing that a comeback is possible is enough to keep both players and spectators captivated and engaged throughout the entire duration of a game no matter what the deficit might be.
Comebacks are responsible for some of the most powerful emotions that someone can experience in a game, whether you're on the winning end or the losing end. And that's what people remember the most about games – not necessarily what happened, but how it made them feel.
Making sure that the comeback element is present is going to be IMPERATIVE for Frost Giant to not only implement, but absolutely NAIL if they plan on creating a game that stands the ultimate test of time.
What I aim to do is to explain the importance of the Comeback Factor, show the Comeback Factor’s relation to RTS and its history, and then propose game elements in terms of economy and unit balance that can ensure that comebacks play a pivotal role in Frost Giant’s mission to create the next great RTS!

To emphasize just how important the comeback element is, let’s just take a look at the top 25 sports in the world and their estimated global following:
  1. Soccer / Association Football (4 billion estimated followers)
  2. Cricket (2.5 billion)
  3. Basketball (2.2 billion)
  4. Ice Hockey, Field Hockey (2 billion)
  5. Tennis (1 billion)
  6. Volleyball (900 million)
  7. Table tennis (875 million)
  8. Baseball (500 million)
  9. American Football, Rugby (475 million) -----------------------
  10. Golf (450 million)
  11. Motorsports
  12. Boxing
  13. MMA
  14. Athletics
  15. Cycling
  16. Badminton
  17. Swimming
  18. Snooker / Billiards
  19. Gymnastics
  20. Shooting
  21. Handball
  22. Wrestling
  23. Skiing
  24. Horse Racing
  25. Bowling
Take a look at the top 9 sports on this list. You know what element they share? The Comeback Factor!
If you are a fan of any of the top 9 sports on this list, I am positive that you have multiple memories burned into your brain of absolutely incredible (or heartbreaking) comeback games, and you’re probably replaying some of those memories in your head right now as you read this. Comebacks create memories that stick with us forever, both for better and for worse (if you’re on the losing end), and these memories are what keep us wanting more and keep us coming back.
But it’s not even the comebacks themselves that create this phenomenon. It’s the fact that we know in the back of our minds that even if the team we’re cheering on gets soul-crushingly behind in a game or even gets ridiculously far ahead, a game is never over until it’s over. That’s because in all of the games at the top of this list, at any given moment the players have the power and the ability to completely turn things around, take control of the game, and have a direct impact on your opponent’s failure or success. In these games, even if your opponent gets a decisive lead – and even if he keeps up the exact same level of performance – you still have the opportunity to either step up your game and go above and beyond your opponent's level, you can drastically change up your approach to totally disrupt your opponent’s gameplay, or you can also take a series of high risks that might result in a complete change of momentum in the game.
This isn’t the case for nearly all the sports at the bottom.
In golf, if you get significantly behind halfway through a match and your opponent is scoring birdies on every hole, what are you going to do? Rack up consecutive hole-in-ones? Not gonna happen.
In bowling, if you get significantly behind in the first few frames and your opponent keeps bowling strikes, what are you gonna do? Bowl even bigger strikes? Keep dreaming.
In racing sports, if your opponent is a lap ahead and they’ve been consistently maintaining the same speed throughout the race, what are you going to do? Hope you roll a blue shell on your next power up? Ha!
The only way that a possible comeback can occur in nearly all of the sports at the bottom of this list is if your opponent just happens to make a disastrous blunder (like missing a pivotal shot in billiards) or suffers an unforeseeable misfortune (like pulling a muscle in swimming or clipping another bike in cycling).
Having to be 100% dependent on your opponent making mistakes or suffering a misfortune in order to win is simply NOT FUN. There’s nothing exciting or exhilarating about it at all!
The interesting thing about RTS games is that they share elements with sports on both the top and the bottom of this list. RTS games have both the direct offensive and defensive aspects of the top 9 sports (attacking your opponent, defending your base) and they also share the same indirect, passive aspects of most of the sports at the bottom of the list (building your army, growing your economy, developing your tech). The challenge to ensuring that comebacks are possible will be finding a happy balance between the two.
But before we get more into RTS, let’s briefly take a look at two other games that have stood the test of time due to their Comeback Factor: Chess and No-Limit Tournament Poker.

RTS games often get compared to Chess and No-Limit Tournament Poker due to their emphasis on preparation, coming up with a game plan, executing different strategies, reading your opponent, adjusting to your opponent, and taking risks. But there are also many elements in Chess and No-Limit Tournament Poker that allow ample opportunity to pull off a comeback, and because of these comeback elements, Chess and No-Limit Tournament Poker are games that will more than likely live on forever.
In Chess, if you’re behind in material, it is very possible to still win if you can coordinate your pieces, give yourself a positional advantage, and execute different tactics to either checkmate your opponent, trap your opponent’s majominor pieces, or promote your pawns. Even if these options aren’t readily available, it’s still possible to cleverly weasel your way out of defeat and force a stalemate. Yes, at the very highest of levels of Super Grandmaster (top 30 players in the world) these comeback possibilities are extremely rare and very blundemiscalculation-dependent since Super GMs nearly always play perfect chess (which is a big reason I feel that chess will never gain mainstream spectator popularity despite having been such a popular game for centuries). But for players of all different levels ranging from just the casual player to even players at the Grandmaster level, the opportunity for a comeback is almost always present and happens in games all the time. In chess, you can also even intentionally give your opponent a material advantage in exchange for a positional or tactical advantage, and these tend to make for the most interesting games in chess! These kind of sacrifices happen regularly at all different levels of chess, including the Super GM level.
In No-Limit Tournament Poker, there is a common term that every poker player knows: “Chip and a chair.” For those who aren’t familiar with NLTP, “chip and a chair” basically means that as long as you have a single chip and a seat at the table, there is still a chance that you can actually comeback and win an entire tournament. This element alone is exactly why so many players are attracted to NLTP, because just like in the top sports mentioned above, a game is never over until it’s actually over. But even before you’re down to your last chip, if your chip stack is dwindling and you’re starting to lose hope, you can decide to risk your entire stack and go all-in and take a shot at a doubling up and giving yourself new life. Not only is this kind of risk taking a possibility, but it’s also REQUIRED if you actually wish to have any kind of long-term success. And on the other end of the spectrum, even if you are the dominant chip leader and have triple the amount of chips as the next biggest chip stack in the tournament, you can go from Hero to Zero and get knocked out of the tournament in just a matter of a few hands if you get unlucky or take a number of unnecessary risks. This dramatic level of constant uncertainty is undoubtedly the element that keeps people playing and also why people will always enjoy watching streams and broadcasts of No-Limit Tournament Poker.
But it’s also very important to keep in mind the difference between No-Limit and Limit Tournament Poker. While both games definitely require a lot of skill and understanding of the game, Limit Tournament Poker almost completely lacks the Comeback Factor. If you are ever down to your last chip in LTP, there is literally close to a 0.00% chance for any sort of eventual comeback. And on the other end of the spectrum, if you’re way ahead of the rest of the field in LTP it’s basically guaranteed that you are going to be there for a long, long time and will have an almost definite chance of placing high in the tournament – of course, that is unless you recklessly make a long series of blunders or get really unlucky back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back. There’s nothing exciting about any of that. This is why Limit Tournament Poker isn’t popular at all whatsoever. There actually was a brief period of time when LTP was relatively popular during the Poker Boom of 2003, but after the player population really got a good grasp of the game, that popularity fizzled out pretty quickly, because the game is redundant and simply isn’t exciting or interesting.
We want to create No-Limit Poker, not Limit.
(Note: I am not saying that all of these sports/games are perfect by any means and I believe that there are actually some game balance issues in nearly all of them, but that’s a subject for another time.)
So how can we use all this information and implement the Comeback Factor into the next great RTS?
Before we get into what we can do, it’s very important for us to first take a good look at the economic systems of three of the most successful RTS games of all-time: Brood War, StarCraft II, and yes… WarCraft III.

Now, I have to give credit where credit is due. WarCraft III put forth an honest effort to TRY to get this comeback element right, and while I don't believe that they were successful in really accomplishing it, I do think that it would be a mistake to overlook the innovation that WarCraft III actually did manage to bring to the table.
While developing WarCraft III, Blizzard was well aware that a big reason for Brood War’s success was because even if your opponent got a significant lead, players could still stay in the game and perhaps eventually pull off some sort of a comeback. While the comeback element was definitely present in Brood War, it still wasn’t nearly at the degree of any of the sports/games discussed earlier. Blizzard aimed to change that in WarCraft III by implementing upkeep with the goal of encouraging engagement and aggression while also allowing players who get behind to have a higher flow of income than their opponent so that they can build themselves up and get back into the game more quickly.
For those who are uninitiated on upkeep or just need a reminder, upkeep is basically a tax bracket based on active food supply that essentially punishes you for building an army beyond certain points of supply. The three different levels of upkeep are:
- No Upkeep (0-50 Food: 100% income)
- Low Upkeep (51-80 Food: 70% income)
- High Upkeep (81-100 Food: 40% income)
Unfortunately, the implementation of upkeep made the game very unenjoyable for a large percentage of the RTS player base and you can still find WarCraft III players – both loyal fans and players trying to give War3 another shot – complaining about upkeep to this very day! The different levels of upkeep are so punishing that it discourages players from even building up an army much larger than their opponent’s, as their economies would suffer dramatically and it would give their opponent a significant and completely game-changing economic advantage. As a result, at the top levels of play, you basically never see players go above 80 supply and they are even hesitant to even go above 50 supply until they feel the time is right.
So how on Earth are you supposed to have a comeback when the game is systematically designed to prevent players from even getting ahead?
With all that said, it would be extremely shortsighted for us to only look at the flaws of upkeep without acknowledging what it actually did accomplish. The number one thing that the idea of upkeep got right is that it was successful in encouraging aggression. When a player approaches the maximum threshold in an upkeep bracket (50/80 supply), it’s almost immediately necessary for them to attack their opponent in order to either gain an advantage or keep any advantage that they already have – which ultimately also puts that advantage at risk – and there’s really only a small window of time to be able to do that, because if you don’t, your opponent can quickly and easily equalize. When a player is forced to put his advantage at risk, in theory it should create a perfect opportunity for a possible comeback. However, since the possibility of gaining a significant advantage at all is basically non-existent in the first place due to upkeep, the theory doesn’t really perform well in actual practice in terms of an RTS game. This causes the game to place a much higher emphasis on gaining an advantage through hero development rather than unit, economy, and tech development which are basically the three main elements of all RTS games. And in WarCraft III, once a player’s heroes become significantly more powerful than their opponent’s, the possibility of a comeback is nearly completely lost as there is no opportunity to set back any progress that a hero has already made in leveling.
Now what Blizzard seemed to have possibly overlooked when developing WarCraft III was that Brood War already had a form of upkeep innately implemented into the game that they may not have even realized they already had!

Brood War has an economic system that is extremely unique and very different from any game that has ever been made and this system is a huge reason why comebacks are more possible in BW than other RTS games. To further explain this point, it’s important to first compare its economic system to WarCraft III and StarCraft II.
In WarCraft III, each worker holds the same amount of value and this value remains the same throughout the entire course of the game unless it’s affected by upkeep, in which case every worker’s value is affected all at once. In terms of income, each base only allows a maximum of 5 workers to mine gold at a time. If workers that are mining are killed, all the races have a pretty easy time immediately replacing them with very little impact on the economy. Of course, it’s slightly more difficult for Undead, but you can still replace Acolytes relatively quickly without much of an economic effect since you only need 5 for 100% mining efficiency.
In StarCraft II, the first two workers per mineral patch all hold exactly the same value. The amount of minerals that 16 workers can mine per minute is roughly double the amount of minerals that 8 workers can mine per minute on a base that has 8 mineral patches (ever so slightly less than double actually, but not significantly enough where “double” isn’t fair to say in terms of game balance). After 16 and up to 24 workers, each additional worker adds value approximately 40-45% of the income value as each of the first 16. After 24 workers (or 3 workers per mineral patch) there is practically no value at all in having any additional workers. This is why expanding in StarCraft II is so incredibly beneficial and has such a high reward. As a result, expanding is always done as early as possible in nearly every single top-level game, because the value that you get from your first 16 workers at every base is just so ridiculously high.
In Brood War, mining works very similarly to StarCraft II except for one MAJOR difference. The rate of minerals mined per minute IS NOT doubled when you have 16 workers mining as opposed to 8 on eight mineral patches. In fact, all the workers between worker 9 and worker 16 only have about 55-60% of the income value as the first 8 workers, then workers 17-24 only have roughly 35-40% of the income value as the first 8 workers. Like StarCraft II, additional workers after the 24th worker have practically no value. These elements of mining are a big reason why Zerg players in BW can equalize their rate of income with other races despite having a lower worker count because their workers tend to be distributed among more mineral patches at more bases.
So what does all this mean in relation to all 3 games?
In WarCraft III, it means that it’s basically impossible to have a major long-term impact on your opponent’s economy unless you take out an entire base.
In StarCraft II, it means that killing just a handful of workers can be a total economic disaster for a player. For example, if you and your opponent both have 16 workers mining and you kill half of your opponent’s workers, you now effectively have an income rate TWICE that of your opponent.
In Brood War, it means that the effect of killing your opponent’s workers isn’t nearly as punishing, because if you kill half of their 16 workers in Brood War, you have only given yourself a 55-60% economic income advantage, which gives your opponent much more of an opportunity to get back into the game!
“But what if I lose ALL of my workers in BW and SC2?”
This is just ridiculously more punishing in SC2 than in BW because now you have to make 16 workers to equalize your opponent’s economic advantage instead of just having to make 8 to at least somewhat get back into the game.
These reasons are also why Drone kills in Brood War are often considered way more valuable than Probe or SCV kills, however this is compensated by Zerg’s ability to be able to produce many workers at once. If Zerg didn’t have this compensation, then killing Drones in BW would be just as punishing as killing Probes or SCVs in StarCraft II.
Because of the economic comeback elements that Brood War somewhat possesses, it's far more difficult for both players and spectators to ever really have a clear idea exactly who is going to win until the game is all but over, and I believe this plays a huge role in why an ASL quarter-finals match can still attract nearly a quarter-million live viewers 22 years after Brood War's release.
So how can we take what we know about the economy of these games and implement them into the Comeback Factor moving forward?

I’m not going to sit here and act like I’m some sort of creative genius and spitball ideas of whether or not the economy should involve mining minerals, collecting coins, soaking energy from the sun, or picking turnips. I mean, I can if you want, but that’s not what this proposal is about. This is about how to create a fair and effective economic system that finds a good and fair balance between allowing players who are behind to get back into the game while also not too harshly punishing players when they are ahead.
While there was a pretty effective form of economic income control through worker values in Brood War and a somewhat effective form of income control through upkeep in WarCraft III, I believe that both forms of control are still far too dramatic and too immediate (albeit much less immediate in BW since only one worker loses value at a time whereas all the workers lose their value at once in War3).
But there is one thing that both games taught us: Income control is necessary.
I would like to propose a simple idea that can be implemented in a variety of different ways whether it’s through gathering gold, mining minerals, or (ideally) picking turnips from a garden.
What if ONLY the first worker got 100% value from gathering resources at a single location? What if the 2nd worker got 95% value, the 3rd got 90% value, the 4th got 85%, so on and so forth...? Of course, these are arbitrary gradients that mean absolutely nothing right now and we don’t even necessarily have to use workers as our means of getting income, but the idea behind it is that if your early workers have more value and your later workers have proportionally less value but still SOME value, then you aren’t as severely behind when you just have a few workers and you also aren’t drastically punished when you have a lot of workers.
If this were implemented into any RTS it would effectively do three things:
  1. It would encourage engagement and aggression just like upkeep did in WarCraft III.
  2. It would encourage expansion and growth just like in StarCraft II.
  3. It would allow even more of an economic opportunity for a comeback than Brood War.
Q: How would it encourage aggression like in WarCraft III?
-- Because once you reach various levels of economic growth, your opponent will be able to equalize with you much more quickly unless you stop him from doing so.
Q: How would it encourage expansion and growth like in StarCraft II?
-- Because once you reach a certain level of income at one base, it becomes more beneficial to establish another base in order to gain higher value from your workers.
Q: How would it allow even more of an economic opportunity for a comeback than Brood War?
-- Because your earlier workers will have an even higher value compared to your later workers than in Brood War.
In order to give you an even better idea of how earlier workers will have a much higher value and allow for a better chance of a comeback, here are a couple of graphs so you can see it for yourself.
But so that we can compare the worker values in my proposed model to the worker values of StarCraft II and Brood War, I reduced the value of each additional worker in 4% increments rather than the 5% in my example earlier, since we will be using 24 workers to reach maximum saturation. Like I said, the actual numbers are pretty arbitrary anyway. It's the idea that I'm trying to get across. This will allow us to visually compare what it looks like going from 0% to 100% mining saturation in SC2 and BW and it shows what my model would look like in comparison.
This graph makes it clear why earlier workers in Brood War are far more valuable than in StarCraft II in the big scheme of things, which is why coming back after taking an economic hit is so much easier in Brood War. But as you can also see, my economic model for Frost Giant takes it a step even further, which would make it even more economically easier to recover should you take a big hit, or any degree of a hit for that matter. But at the same time, it's also not so way over-the-top that it makes it completely unfair to the player who holds the economic advantage either.
I've also included this bar graph if you wanted to take a side-by-side look at the difference of values the workers would have at each level.
And here are the raw numbers if anyone wants to take a look and check my math for me...
If you want to know exactly how I got these numbers, you can find the explanation HERE, because it's annoyingly tedious and it really messes up the overall flow and pacing of this proposal.
From an economic standpoint, I don’t see any downside to this if it is implemented to the primary source of income. Plus I’m just going to assume that there will be at least one additional type of secondary resource that players have to gather that could have a more stagnant and consistent gathering rate, so that can also be a way to kind of balance the flow of income between the resources.
(Edit: I wanted to avoid throwing out specific ideas, but quite a few people have commented and messaged me that this would be difficult to realistically implement. I don't see why workers wouldn't be able to extract resources from a single source that loses extraction efficiency the more workers you have on it. There are probably even far more creative/simple ways to accomplish this.)
But while implementing an economic system like this would be very effective, the Comeback Factor cannot be solely dependent on the economy. It will be very necessary to also implement other game elements to allow comebacks to be possible.

Now that we can finally push economics completely aside, there are many unit/building qualities that will be necessary in order to ensure that comebacks are possible. The main ones that come to mind are:
  1. Unit and building fragility
  2. Unit fortification advantage
  3. Units that dramatically hard-counter other units
  4. Efficient static defense
  5. Accessible and completely momentum-changing units
  6. Units that can quickly exploit different specific weaknesses
WarCraft III, StarCraft II, and Brood War all have some of these qualities to varying degrees, but it will be very important to put an emphasis on these particular unit/building qualities and make sure that they have a strong, discernible presence in order to ensure that comebacks are more of a possibility. And again, I’m not going to act like I’m some sort of creative genius, so I’m not going to try to tell some of the best professional game developers in the world how they should design their units. If you can find a way to implement turnips, cool. If not, too bad. But I do feel that these six qualities are all absolutely necessary for comebacks, nonetheless. They are mostly all self-explanatory, but I did want to elaborate a little on the importance of the first three.
1.) Unit and Base Fragility is probably the most important quality on this list. Having an opportunity to find weaknesses and deal damage to your opponent quickly can be extremely critical when trying to make a comeback, and this will only be possible if units and buildings have an exploitable level of fragility. If units and buildings are too difficult to kill, then it becomes impossible to do any kind of serious, game-changing damage to your opponent if you’re trying to equalize. It won’t matter that you snuck a covert task force into your opponent’s undefended expansion if it takes 5 minutes to kill a building. It won’t matter that you caught reinforcements on their way to join the main army if you can’t kill them before they get there. It won’t matter that you just built a direct counter to your opponent’s army if you can’t do any damage before he builds a counter to your counter. The lack of unit and building fragility in WarCraft III is also a big reason why it’s so difficult to ever rally together a comeback. In War3, if you have a bigger army than your opponent, it’s just incredibly easy to pull back weakened units to ensure they don’t die because of how long it takes to kill them. And because it takes so long to kill buildings in War3, it’s also very difficult to just run a few strategical units into a base, do some meaningful damage, and get out before your opponent’s army gets there, especially with Town Portals being a factor.
2.) Unit Fortification Advantage is a pretty big quality that I think took a hit with StarCraft II due to the implementation of unlimited unit selection and units being able to move in swarms, which led to the inevitable evolution of death balls. This made it extremely easy to get all of the units in your attacking army to all fight at once. In Brood War, it’s a lot riskier and more punishing to send your army into a fortified group of units since it’s way more difficult to keep your army close and have them all attack together. Another reason why unit fortification is stronger in Brood War is because the units and spells that work best in stationary, defensive positions (such as siege tanks, reavers, dark swarm/lurker, psionic storm) are far more powerful than those in SC2. I am by no means saying that one game’s mechanics and unit makeup are superior to the other, but it is important to acknowledge game elements that offer either more or less opportunity for a comeback.
3.) Units that Dramatically Hard-Counter Other Units will be an absolute MUST if we want to give players a good opportunity for a comeback. And I’m not talking about $1,000 worth of unit “A” will always beat $1,200 worth of unit “B” kind of counters. I’m talking about counters like $500 worth of unit “A” will embarrassingly DESTROY $2,000 worth of unit “B” kind of counters! It might not be necessary to be THAT dramatic, but you get the idea. These kind of dramatic hard-counters are definitely something that will help make it possible for a player who is behind to effectively defend or pre-empt an oncoming attack if they know what’s coming. (Edit: I'm NOT saying that every single unit should have a super hard-counter, just that dramatic hard-counters should play a clear role in the game.)
I really don’t think that I need to touch on the last three qualities at all, as the importance of those are very easy to see and understand. So in terms of units and buildings that haven’t even been invented yet, I think that’s all I got for that.

I really hope that I was able to help you understand the vital importance of having comeback elements in a game. And if I did, I really hope that some of the ideas that I proposed help you guys develop a game that makes comebacks possible and results in an RTS that lives on for generations.
I want to thank everyone who took the time to read this, as I always try put a lot of thought into analyzing any game that I really enjoy playing whether it’s a sport, board game, card game, or a video game. I am very passionate about balance and fairness, particularly in games of course, and I especially have a deep affection for RTS games, so even having you just read this really means a lot.
Thanks again for reading. Take care!
submitted by Ted_E_Bear to FrostGiant [link] [comments]

How Serious are you?

In response to a comment I made on the post "How do you play draws and other marginal hands" u/He_Abides and u/PokerAlt123 asked about advice and how to study. It got me to thinking. I read a lot of posts where the OP is an enigma to me. They must have a desire to improve their skills or they wouldn't be posting right? But then their post is like someone asking how to install a roof when they don't even know how to construct the walls that hold up the roof! For example an OP, who called OTB tells us the board is 9847r and that he's worried about V who opened under the gun and has fired two barrels has a straight to beat his bottom set(MUBSY). Well, we should have observed (and holy shit if you have a HUD and a decent sample size for V!) that V is UTG and super tight UTG and UTG1 opening about 5%. Thats JJ+, AQ+,KQ or maybe you drop KQo and add AJs+. The point is that yes there's a non zero possibility that he has JTs. But taking in to account his entire range and V's profile; V is either a spazz that is firing away with AK or by god he's got rockets or cowboys and is clueless of how the board has deteriorated for his range. Or the guy that is still using starting hand charts asking about river check raise bluffing frequencies. Now these might not be the best examples but I hope the point is made nonetheless.
So I wonder. I love poker. Poker has provided me (someone with a criminal record and a GED) a means to support myself without having to dig trenches and holes or lift and carry heavy ass shit like furniture. I wonder how serious the people that post are about improving their skills. I know people who self identify as recreational players. Many of these people are high income and very smart with no interest in giving up their careers to become a poker "pro". And yet they study the game more and have a better fundamental understanding than many "regs" that I see at the table. If you are asking about how to install a roof, do you have the willingness and desire to learn about the foundation and the walls first? If not, thats okay. But if you get frustrated, upset, downright pissed off about being a losing or break even player then what option is there? Quit and find another hobby?
Just because you have a gun doesn't make you a soldier. Likewise just because you play poker doesn't make you a poker player. Here is the syllabus to the "Core" course offered by Red Chip Poker. Thats a lot of fucking material! Still interested in becoming a winning player? You might not need to know all of the concepts presented, but you better be proficient in most of them (IMHO you need to be proficient with the concepts presented and then some). Underneath the seeming simplicity of poker is a game that rivals or exceeds the complexity of games like chess. Do you have to become some kind of poker guru to win? NO. But the depth of knowledge and understanding that you need isn't trivial either.
So in closing, if you really want to become a winning player it is going to take some commitment. The Core is 5 bucks a week. It will teach you how to become a winning player. I have heard good things about Upswing. YT has tons of free content and thats good, but The Core (and I assume Upswing) presents the concepts as building blocks so that you don't study blindly. I love books. Many people will turn their nose up at the thought of reading "The Theory of Poker" (updated to "The theory of Poker Applied to No-Limit") because it's old and outdated. Interesting because as far as my experience, the majority of the low stakes player pool doesn't even play according to "outdated" concepts let alone current ones. Enough babbling.
submitted by Amusingly_Confused to poker [link] [comments]

Badnjak - the Slavic Yule Log traditions and customs

Badnjak – the Slavic Yule Log, Traditions and Customs
“Set the blazing Yule before us…” An ancient English Christmas carol says. Tradition of burning a Yule log is very ancient and is known among Slavs, too. However, they call this holiday log Badnjak or Kraciun. In this post, I want to share the ancient knowledge of how to prepare Badnjak, its symbolism and traditions associated with burning Badnjak at home.
Winter… It’s cold and dark outside. People try to escape the cold inside, but the chilly winds blow in the cracks and howl in the chimney. The only way to survive on these dark cold nights is to build a fire, a very hot blazing fire that would not go out for days. The master of the house places a large oak log or even stump that he ritually cut down for this purpose into the hearth. The log takes a long time to start, but then burns for a long time. Oak wood produces a lot of heat when burning, and therefore is considered the best firewood. Seems simple and even… ordinary. However, to our ancestors, this was magic, the sacred rite of… survival.
Burning of badnjak is known in Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Herzegovina, Dalmatia, and Istria, some regions in Croatia and Slovenia, and everywhere it is accompanied with a ritual feast. At Winter Solstice, Serbians throw money, sprinkle grains, flour and salt, pour wine and oil in the fire from the burning badnjak as they pray about fertility and abundance of their herds and crops and prosperity of their household. As they strike a poker on the burning log, they say: “May I have as many cows, horses pigs, goats, sheep, beehives, as much good luck and happiness as there are sparks in this fire!”
The etymology of the word “badnjak” is related to the verb “bdet”, i.e. stay awake, stay on watch. First mentions of this tradition are dated by XII century (Dubrovnik).
This is how Russian folklorist A.N Afanasiev described Badnji Eve (Christmas Eve) in Bulgaria: “The head of the family, his wife and children go outside with splinters lit in their hands. From there, they go to the place where the firewood is usually chopped and choose a thick, long, and damp oakwood log. When such a log is found, the master of the house takes of his hat and pronounces with admiration: “Help us, God and you Koleda, may we live to see another year!” Then, he loads the log upon his shoulder and takes it inside, places it in the oven, and starts a fire. As he approaches the hearts he says to his family present around him: “Christ is born!” His family members respond to him: “He truly is born” and kiss each other. This log lit on the Christmas Eve is called “bdnik” (badnik); it must slowly and constantly burn during the whole Svyatki – all the way until Epiphany (The Three Kings). In some regions of Bulgaria, the villagers put out all the fire on December 24 and light a new flame from a dry piece of wood by means of friction – this fire is called the God’s or Holy Flame, and it is used to light all the hearths in the village.
Once badnjak catches fire and starts burning, the head of the household lifts it and strikes it on the oven several times while repeating: “To fruition and good health!” Sparks that spray from the first strike symbolize the new foals born, sparks that fall from the second and third strikes symbolize calves and lambs born, etc.
The fire from burning badnjak is used to bake a bland bread that has a gold or silver coin baked inside – this bread is called bogovitsa (Serbians call it “cesnica”); straw, walnuts, and wheat are scattered on the floor; wine, honey, and fruit: apples, plumes (prunes), dried peaches, raisins, grapes, peas and beans, and nuts are served for dinner. As soon as the table is set, the head of the household takes a censer, recites a prayer and censes the house with frankincense; after this, everyone can eat dinner; however, they don’t eat everything, but set some honey and fruit into a special bowl that they leave under the icons and save for the time of illness as the most reliable medicine. Spiritual people, loyal to the customs of the past, try to stay awake on the night before Christmas; they sit by the fire and watch the holy flame so that it does not go out.
The ashes that remained from badnjak are split into several parts: some of them are used to treat sick animals, some are spread around the fields, pastures, and vineyards with a firm belief that this would benefit the crops; the charcoal of badnjak that didn’t get a chance to turn into ashes by the holiday of Epiphany (The Three Kings) is buried in the ground amidst the vineyard or kept at home until next Christmas Eve – it would be used to start a new fire then.” As we can see, Afanasiev gives a very detailed description of ritual actions with badnjak in XIX-century Bulgaria. Now, let’s find out more about this special log and its ritual cutting from Serbian, Macedonian, Croatian and Montenegro traditions.
Preparation for the holiday began early in the morning, before sunrise. The master of the house and his oldest son shot a rifle in front of the house announcing to everyone that they were about to head into the woods to cut wood for badnjak. Once in the forest, they cut several large branches or even a whole tree. Traditionally it was oak, although in some places it could be a pine or a spruce. Once a fitting oak tree was chosen, the head of the family stood facing east, crossed himself three times, each time remembering “God our Lord” (first cross), the Saint that was the family’s Holy Patron (second cross), and the holiday that the log would be cut for (third cross). Woods chips that flew everywhere when they cut badnjak were called “iver”. On his way back from the woods, the master had to bring one such chip as a gift to the mistress of the house. The cut tree stood by the entrance into the house all day until sunset.
In the evening, before Christmas dinner, the master brought badnjak and straw into the house, and set the log near the hearth. The mistress sprinkled some wheat on badnjak. After this, all family members kissed the log, smothered it in honey and used it to light the fire in the hearth. This log had to burn during the whole holiday. The fire from badnjak is also called badnjak or “badnjedanska vatra” (the Fire of Badnji Day). Oakwood logs and branches are also burned on this evening on the main squares of Serbian towns and villages. This ritual burning symbolizes a transition to another calendar cycle, a new turn in time.
The dinner traditionally starts when the first star appears in the sky – before this, no one is allowed to eat for the whole day. Children look outside eagerly trying to spot the first star and tell their parents, so that everyone could eat. Christmas dinner in Serbia (and other Slavic countries) consists of Christmas pie (bread) and light foods appropriate for fasting period. In Serbia, carp or another freshwater fish is served as the main course. On Christmas Eve, family members pray, sing a psalm “Your Christmas”, and wish each other Merry Christmas before they sit at the table. It is customary for the whole family to gather at the Christmas table.
Once it becomes dark, youth walks from home to home caroling and performing other ritual actions meant to promote prosperity, crops, and good health in the coming year. Caroling is still common in eastern and southern Serbia.
In the morning, as the church bells ring, women bake “cesnica” bread. Cesnica is a round ritual loaf of bread made with white flour and sometimes water taken from three springs. No yeast as used to make this bread. Translated from Srbski, cesnica means “a piece of happiness”. Cesnica is broken into pieces and shared with the guests gathered in the house for the holiday. The second half of the day is spent visiting friends, dancing, singing, and having fun. In the evening, guests gather in the living room or on a covered patio where the mistress serves hot rakia, cheese, and fruit. The main dish served at Christmas-day dinner is rotisserie piglet (pecenica).
Many Slavs envisioned Badnjak as a spirit of the holiday log, stump, or branch that is burned on Kolyada: a bearded man winking at people from the fire. All illness and trouble that came to the household this past year, all ill thoughts and wishes that never came true burn as badnjak burns.
In these last paragraphs, let us summarize all the traditions associated with badnjak.
Concerning woods chosen for badnjak – oak is the most common; however, beech, maple, hazel, juniper, sweet cherry, pear, pine, and spruce were used, too. In some places, the tree log cut for badnjak should be the same height as a man that cut it (about 6 feet tall) or even taller. In Bulgaria, badnjak is typically an oaken stump or a piece of a tree trunk. Large stumps take a long time to burn in the hearth – sometimes, until Epiphany (The Three Kings). In some regions, several badnjaks are cut – one for each male in the household plus one for a ritual guest Polaznik – the first one to visit the household in the morning. Some cut two badnjaks: men’s and women’s badnjak (made with “masculine” and “feminine” types of wood); children’s Badnjaks are also known. People belonging to “Kuca” ethnicity in Montenegro cut the trees in the amount equal to the amount of women in the house for New Year’s Eve (“Women’s Bozic”).
Badnjak is traditionally cut on the day before Christmas (December 24): early before sunrise or right before sunset; however, in some places, they cut it several days in advance. In Gruza (Sumadia), the master of the household dressed up for the holiday goes in the woods carrying with him an axe, a mitten filled with grains and cereal, and a small loaf of bread. As he has chosen the tree for badnjak, he sprinkles grain and cereal on it, break the loaf on the tree trunk and says: “Good morning to you, Badnjak, Merry Christmas!” The master eats one half of this loaf, and leaves another one on the stump from the cut tree. In Leskovacka Morava, some people go to get badnjak riding a cart with steers adorned with flowers for the holiday, while in some villages this ritual is performed in secret – badnjak can be even stolen, i.e. cut on someone else’s land. Badnjak has to be cut in complete silence with one or three (but not two!) strikes of an axe. In Kosovo Field, badnjak that was cut with two strikes of an axe would not be brought into the house (two was considered the number of the demons and the Dead); the same would happen to a badnjak that cracked all the way to the top.
The head of the household traditionally brings the badnjak into the house. In Serbia, badnjak is commonly swaddled in a new men’s or women’s shirt, cloth, or even swaddled like a baby. In eastern Serbia and Aleksinacki Pomoravje, as the master enters the house, he lifts badnjak over his head saying: “May the hemp and grains be just as tall this year!” Then, the mistress scatters grain, nuts, and coins upon badnjak, so that the shed would be full of grain and the house would be full of money. Usually, badnjak is carried inside with its thicker end first and placed upon the hearth with this thicker end pointing east. At this, the master sometimes kisses badnjak and bows to it.
Badnjak is commonly smothered with honey or grease and sprinkled with grain. And opening could be made in the wood, and wine, honey, and oil are poured in the opening. Some mistresses cut holiday bread (kalach) on top of badnjak, place dry fruit, roast meat, and other ritual foods, as well as money, kerchief, handkerchief, or other objects on it.
In Popovo Pole, the whole family would walk under the burning badnjak that the master of the house or Polaznik (the ritual guest) held up high. Polaznik would move the burning badnjak in the hearth to “push the affairs forward” and promote success of the household, stirred the coals with a branch from badnjak, made the badnjak produce sparks and recited over each series of sparks: “May you have as many calves, lambs, piglets, as there are sparks in this hearth…”
The moment when badnjak burned in the middle and fell in two pieces was considered sacral. The master or his children solemnly waited for it by the hearth – the first one to spot the badnjak burn in half would receive a prize.
Ashes and charcoal from badnjak was used for many magical and healing purposes: the charcoal was used to make the stakes that were stuck in the field and a wedge for the plow – this was believed to protect the plants from hail; crosses made with charcoal remaining from badnjak were brought into the barn or at the vineyard; the charcoal could be left at the apiary, orchard, or buried in the grain-shed.
Ashes from badnjak were kept. Peasants sprinkled them on the new plants in spring, roots of the fruits trees, rubbed animals with them, added them to chicken feed, and even drank with water to cure headache.
From all the described above customs, we can see that to our Slavic ancestors, burning of badnjak was both the offering and the representation of the new Sun born on Winter Solstice, burning the old problems and troubles and bringing life and warmth to the world and humankind.
Prepared by Olga Stanton
Literature used: 1. Slavic Encyclopedic Dictionary, 2nd edition; 2. Christmas/Vinogradova, L.N., Plotnikova, A.A.//Slavic Antiquities: Ethnolinguistic Dictionary in 5 Volumes/Editor Tolstoy, N.I.; Institution of Slavic Studies RAN. – Moscow; International Relations, 2009. Vol. 4, pp. 454-460. Рождество / Виноградова Л. H., Плотникова А. А. // Славянские древности: Этнолингвистический словарь : в 5 т. / под общ. ред. Н. И. Толстого; Институт славяноведения РАН. — М. : Межд. отношения, 2009. — Т. 4: П (Переправа через воду) — С (Сито). — С. 454—460. — ISBN 5-7133-0703-4, 978-5-7133-1312-8; 3. Bozic/Ivanov, V.V., Toporov, V.N.// Legends from the World: Encyclopedia in 2 Volumes/Editor in Chief – Tokarev, S.A., 1987 – Vol. 1: A-K, p. 181. Божич / Иванов В. В., Топоров В. Н. // Мифы народов мира : Энцикл. в 2 т. / гл. ред. С. А. Токарев. — 2-е изд. — М. : Советская Энциклопедия, 1987. — Т. 1 : А—К. — С. 181.; 4. Etymologic Dictionary of Slavic Languages. Pre-Slavic Historical Fund. 2nd Edition. Moscow: Nauka, 1975, p. 238. Этимологический словарь славянских языков. Праславянский лексический фонд. Вып. 2 (*bez - *bratrъ). — М.: Наука, 1975. — 238 с.; 5. Bozic/ Vinogradova, L.N., Plotnikova, A.A.// Slavic Mythology, Encyclopedic Dictionary/ Edited by Tolstoy, S.M., Radenkovic, L. – Belgrad: Zepter Book World, 2001, pp. 41–42. — ISBN 86-7494-025-0. (Serb.) Виноградова Л. H., Плотникова А. А. Божић // Словенска митологија, Енциклопедијски речник / Ред. С. М. Толстој, Љ. Раденковић. — Београд: Zepter Book World, 2001. — С. 41–42. — ISBN 86-7494-025-0. (серб.); 6. Nedelkovic, M. “Calendar Customs of Serb” – Belgrad: Vuk Karacic, 1990. (Serb.) Недељковић М. Годишњи обичаји у Срба. — Београд: Вук Караџић, 1990. (серб.); 7. Usacheva, V.V. “Of One Speech and Semantic Analogy (based on material of Carpathian and Balkan Ritual “Polaznik”//Slavic and Balkan Linguistics, Moscow, 1977, pp.21-76; Усачева В.В. Об одной лексико-семантической параллели (на материале карпато-балканского обряда «полазник» // Славянское и балканское языкознание. М., 1977. С. 21-76; 8. Usacheva, V.V. “Polaznik” Ritual and Its Folkloric Elements in the Areal of Serbo-Croatian Language//Slavic and Balkan Folklore, Moscow, 1978, pp.27-47; Усачева В.В. Обряд «полазник» и его фольклорные элементы в ареале сербскохорватского языка // Славянский и балканский фольклор. М., 1978. С. 27—47.
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Book of Doom - “Living the Dream”

The Book of Doom
Living the Dream
Story of a time traveller trapped in a world where everything is backwards.
I’ve possibly never had an original thought. Everything is already written. I’m just discovering. I’ve lived my life and been manipulated left right and centre.
I love everyone.
I think I’ve rarely been conscious. My friends say i day dream more than participate in thought.
I think I’ve mastered life though & people in power know & are following me.
My whole life is a lie.
The whole world is a stage.
From genocide, world war & Jesus.
I’ve lived life just letting life take me.
It feels real but none of it feels like my own.
I’m writing this in a mental hospital for my own sanity maybe this will help you if you have gone through an awakening
The population to resources is a shambles but with technology and everyone working together we could turn the world green :)
They’re going to implement change through a world war where we will have no choice but to work together.
I’ve pretty much lived life for my mother and father, followed them all my life. My next job could be at the Chatsworth house. Working for the Duke of Devonshire.
I was stressed working with my mum, she ran a catering business and my Gran has moved to Greece. Alls I did from 15-17 was play video games. Outdoors had got violent and territorial. Xbox multiplayer came out and the introverts stayed in.
I played a pc game called Visual Utopia. It was an mopg, 2D map with around 200 players. A turn based strategy game, like hunger games, chess, fort nite, RISK & C&C all in one. You landed with 50 soldiers in a unit & had to find a place to settle, find friends & create a kingdom to survive. I hated it and loved it at the same time.
At 17 I moved to Greece with intensions of staying or coming back after a summer like I did. I convinced Gay to come with me before hand, I went but he couldn’t because of his dad. He came over a month later though. Damon was on holiday there with lads from work, he’d already booked before the idea and said he’d stay when I came over. Damon stayed two months and Gay stayed 1 month. Gav came back and got a job in Livingstones. I came back five months later and my neighbour got me a job in Bar Centro working for Noah the next week. I said to my mum, give me a year I’ll be manager. I was supervisor trainee manager after six months, after a year, Noah offered me managers job and a shit salary so I turned it down. He took me on holiday, now I black out when I’m drunk and I remember nothing of the holiday but I have a memory of him threatening to kill me if the truth gets out.
I’ve spent many family holidays with my mum in Greece. Me & mum loved to travel. She also took me to Paris twice, which a fell in love with but I was most fascinated by Greece, their history & architecture. From what I heard, Greek Mafia had their hands in bit coin & some of the common folk had ancestors from Zimbabwe which when I asked them about they was shady and avoided the question, as if they we’re wondering how I knew.
Here my life pretty much begins. My parents split at the age of seven. My mum and dad worked in bars, Bradbury Club, which has been torn down now. My dad was all round handy man pretty much managing the place, my mum worked the bars.
The split was rough. Me and dad moved to a flat in Grangewood then to Brimington where my Nan lived. My dads mum.
Chapter One - Age Seven
Chapter Two - Age Eight to Fourteen
Chapter Three - Age Fifteen to Sixteen.
Chapter Four - Age Seventeen
Chapter Five - Age Eighteen to Nineteen
Chapter Six - Age Twenty
Chapter Seven - Age Twenty One
Chapter Eight - Age Twenty Two to Twenty three
Theory of everything contents
The more wisdom and philosophy we attain the more heavenly life is
Wisdom is the truth known consciously
Truth is what has consistent value
We are all connected
We are the centre of the universe
We are an accumulation of our ancestors
Consciousness is the manifestation of interactions
We are a sum total of our experiences
Free will is a form of self control
Frustration is the door to perception
Hell is the burning desire for this moment to be different. Heaven is the present moment
Gratitude is the state of mastership
Everything is a phase
Good is to do love onto another; out of love for yourself, to make one love oneself. Evil is to inflict suffering on to another; out of hate for yourself, to make one hate oneself
We attract what we fear, we become what we hate
Unconditional love does not mean unconditional behaviour
Karma is when you don’t learn your lesson the same situation repeats until you accept your mistakes & make the changes.
The universe; inner and outer, is a spiral, what goes around comes back around
Change your mind, change the world around you
Our purpose is to express ourselves in order to understand ourselves and the universe
Alls life is is a story going back in time to understand creation
We are time travellers
Knowledge is power
My dad was an all round handy man. He was a carpenter in his spare time to earn us extra cash. We loved building things together or, I loved copying him.
I met Tricky, Gay & Alan at Brimington Junior School. Me and Tricky lived on the same street. We became friends when two girls stole his shoe and I just happened to be there. We became very good friends. We loved playing with action figures & watching Dragon Ball Z. Tricky was a bit mardy, hated playing outdoors and hated PC but I loved playing Age of Empires at his. With Gay & Alan, we loved to play outdoors & have tea at each other’s houses, throughout life we have loved building things together. I joined cubs with Tricky & I went to karate with Tricky.
I also gained three step brothers from my mums side. Daniel, Mathew & Liam. My brothers always stuck up for me and I looked up to Daniel, he was awesome :) we all loved building things together, playing blind mans bluff & man hunt. We also played for our local Rugby team & was learning to box at the local boxing club. Me and Liam played in the same team at rugby, under 11’s because I was small enough to be a back and get away with it even though I was 13 :) Me and Mathew was too big for me at boxing and Liam was too small for me so I never really got a fair fight. Mathew also joined the choir at the Crooked Spire :)
My Gran was amazing to me. Now let’s get to her. :) She was a very faithful woman, adored by the church and had great piano skills. She was well respected and played piano for the church. She used to get tons of Christmas cards. I loved learning to play piano with her, well, a little. :) she used to always play classical music and we’d drink orange juice and elderflower which is still a favourite, thanks Nan :) We could never say the Lords name in vein, my dad and her friend are the one’s that got me and Tricky into cubs :)
A rough part of my life in general this was. It was rough on the streets, fighting and territorial gangs of kids. I had baby sitters from a young age. Even before the break up. After the break up. I had mark bottoms who came from my street. He was still a kid really. Probably only 15. He used to bully me and beat me up. I blocked out most of my memory but I remember being trapped under a table being hit with poles. After one night another one of the baby sitters kicked him out, I called him a ginger twat down the street then he chased me to the shops and tripped me over. Fun :)
In Boythorpe I wasn’t having much more luck at my mums either. We was just being kids, taunting shop keepers when one dragged me into the shop. They then grabbed an arm each and started beating me, lovely stuff :) The shop keepers fled the country.
So I had a rough family break up that resulted in police tearing us apart and I was being beaten left right and centre :)
By age thirteen I’d made lots of new friends and felt more comfortable. School was fun, the work was not. I’d took up ju jitsu as a hobby, I was a natural and stuck at it two years. :) I remember learning to draw in perspective, 3D in the younger years, creating a tin can alley to raise money for charity and having the dinner lady steal the earnings, lovely stuff. :) We’d play army with our imagination, we’d play pokemon cards & bulldog, the usual stuff kids we’re playing :)
I met a bunch of other more friends along the way, Ryan Turner, Luke Spyra, Damon Shaw, Daniel Stirling, Daniel Wood etc... I met Luke Spyra on the parks through Ryan Turner I met in school through girls we used to associate with. I fancied the girl that fancied Turner so I clung to Turner to learn everything I could from him. He’s still a close friend now. I met Stirling & Woody through school. I met Damon on the streets. He came from Manchester and his uncle was once the head of defence :)
I don’t remember doing any work during school because I basically didn’t do it. :) I was very lazy & unimaginative when it came to writing, I could never produce more than three lines worth of writing. I wasn’t made for school. I remember playing something maybe called the game of life where we all had to pretend to be adults and work out our expenses, what we could afford and couldn’t afford, that was fun :) I remember in nursery my favourite thing to do was build with the blocks & I built a small bird house out of wood for my nursery teacher when I left because me loved her :) 13-15 was the good life after that where we just played and paid no attention to school. I spent most of my time day dreaming not bothering other kids so I got away with doing nothing :) At 15 I said I’d get 3 GCSE’s just incase and I got myself. Maths, Science & Electronics. I had a passion for business :)
Around this age, we moved twice and my dad had met Jean, we spent some time on Somerset drive where we’d play football, be more building & fighting. Jean was wonderful to us, she studied at university, loved classical music and would help me out with my english gcse :) we loved camping holidays. Unfortunately Jean died of cancer, along side my dad’s best friend who was like an uncle to us and joined us on holidays. My Dad’s life wasn’t getting much better :(
If I wasn’t at school I was at work :) I got my first wage packet at about 9 years or younger, cleaning with my aunt for £2.50. I used to work paper rounds with my brother at eleven and at 13 I had my own paper round. At 15 I was skipping school to labour for my step father plastering :)
I learned for a while and owned a drum kit & a electric Guitar at this time. We’d also all love playing Warhammer & getting eight players linked up to two Xbox’s in my shed & having BBQ’s in the summers
I was accident prone too, by this time I had broken my arm three times & my fingers once. One time at band camp my arm actually snapped in half, I stood up and immediently snapped it back in to place after my older brother threw my over his shoulders :) Proud moment. Aha
At fifteen we we’re pressured into making life choices, internet is becoming more popular. Streets are getting rougher and Xbox bought an online console out with Halo. Things got weird. We all started playing VU. I was mardy because Xbox had taken everyone indoors. But at-least I had VU. It had took a grasp on me and I became addicted. I played along side Turner, Gav, Adam, Damon, Straw, Stirlin & Woody. This was a rare time the game got a good flow of players.
I felt like there was a strange secret kept from me. I remember at one point in my life not being able to know something because I’m ginger as a joke. I linked it to VU lol.
Everyone but me and stirlin stopped playing, Stirlin was the founder. I became obsessed. I thought it was the most simple intelligent fun game there was on offer & I still do aha.
There was a kingdom called Legacy, pretty much like our illuminati of the world, all the veterans together undefeated. Well, I was determined to defeat them aha :) I set out on my own on a lower world to them where the noobs roam, Mantrax. I found two other players and created a kingdom called Trio, The Three Musketeers. All for one, one for all was our motto :) we became legendary in three era’s on the lower world. I had gathered about 20 noobs and was leading them all, teaching them how to play at the same time. We dominated every Era. On the fourth Era we went to the top world, Fantasia, where LGC roam and we defeated them :) Each era, Armageddon is cast by the winning kingdom and we all reincarnate again.
I wrote guides on this game. I was bar shit passionate about it, I felt like I was mastering life and Visual Utopia at the same time. I’ve met from the game probably around 200 people from all around the world and been trolled by nearly all of them :D I never felt respected by LGC but I felt respected and loved by other players. They mostly loved me :)
This game took over my life and I became depressed though between 15 & 17 whilst playing I was also working.
At Fifteen I started working for a company with my mum, it was silver service, waiting on for the three masons, on a steam train & weddings at Eyam Hall where the Black Plague started.
I was also working with my step dad plastering. I was working with Daniel Straw’s step dad landscaping & mechanics. I was left to change a gear box by myself lol. I did some bricklaying with Scott, my mum’s neighbour and with Damon Shaw’s Uncle Chris a couple of times.
I was also at College part time as well as school doing a bricklaying & painting & decorating City & Guilds
By 17 came I was out of work & stuck in just college not satisfied with my earnings or the fact I failed my driving test five times so, I moved to Greece :)
At seventeen Greece was the time of my life. Bars. Booze. Boobs. Beach parties & work :) I started at a bowling alley for a Greek Australian friend of my Nans with Damon. We had accommodation right on the beach next door to Mac Donald’s. Atleast 15 units of alcohol a night for 5 months :)
It was legendary. Gav came and by then we’d been kicked out of our first apartment and had an upgrade. It had a separate kitchen and bathroom with two massive bedrooms each. When Damon and Gav left, I had one of these to myself :)
I started smoking weed with my new manager and became supervisor of a night club and hosted poker nights in my kitchen after work.
I still believe Faliraki was the best place for British workers because of the community we all had. I spent the first two weeks with my Nan by myself, once Damon arrived it was all go :)
We lived off Mac Donald’s, Subway, chips & cheese or a Gyros, one meal a day aha We spent our days adventuring the island, sun bathing and go karting :)
I got back just before my eighteenth birthday. I caught up with everyone and the drinking continue’d :) Gav loved vodka and so did Straw. I got a job in Bar Centro and Gav got a job in Livingstones. I remember we would down half a bottle of vodka each before we went out. I never drank around town until my eighteenth birthday. It was drinking at parks, houses and the streets from fifteen up until now but I could get away with drinking in Brimington pubs before I was legal :)
I continue’d playing vu throughout this and we had now all started using Skype :)
I loved my job at Bar Centro. I was getting paid for a social life. Sunday BBQ’s became a thing. Unfortunately Noah was married and sleeping with a girl that had friend zoned me, even told me she wants someone like me but not me. I learnt about the affair and this caused problems at work in the end. I was close to Laura, I never let it effect work until about twelve months in. I was taken on holiday to a fake maga reunion, at one point they was posing as night club owners to Ultra Beat and introducing me as manager as if we had a club big enough lol. I remember very little of the holiday, it’s all a blur but I remember being by a pool at one point. They sent me home at night once so they could have fun with women. I remember Nick telling me in the car if his wife found out I’m dead and he doesn’t care who my dad’s are.
A few more months of working and I’m offered salary and managers job. I was expected to work 50 hours a week, clean, manage the cellar & bar for 200 a week plus ten cash. I turned it down and I didn’t leave quick enough so they put a ban on phones then drew lines around my phone to see if I move and when I moved it they sacked me or I walked out there and then.
Lauren Whittaker joined in mid game and was sleeping with me and Nick.
I quickly got myself a job at escapade where I met Joe Mosley, Kirk Bytheway & Daniel Drew who became friends for years. I had a short fling with Hannah sellars I knew from Daniel Straws sister. Town had an awesome gang of workers, we was a little community, we often merged up with other bar workers for parties at each other’s houses. Summer peaked I became less interested in work, more interested in women & having sex. I got sacked at escapade for not taking the job seriously and spending more time dancing than working before my trial ended. I had also picked up another job at Vesuvius, a factory. So I didn’t care.
I got another job in brand new bar in town. I was also offered a job to run the bar and take a % with Gary Gee. I turned it down because Gary Gee was very Un organised and I’d have had to do all the work to turn the bar around. It was a failure. He framed me for stealing a tenner then sacked me lol.
I’m 19-20 now and round about this I met Leanne Moore :)
Leanne knew Beck who was the sister of a girl I worked worked with. I was sleeping with Beck for a month before Leanne attached herself to me, we had sex in the night clubs, neither of them we’re happy when they found out I was sleeping with them both. I saw this as a way out and a start at a fresh life. I dropped Beck for Leanne and she became my everything. I was hopelessly in love. We lasted twelve to eighteen months on and off planning life and she wanted out in the end, I spent most of my time telling her to wake up and getting stressed at all the pressure she was putting on me.
I was made redundant at Vesuvius a few months in & I started working at Dominoes as a delivery driver with Luke Spyra as manager. Leanne has been going to university at Hull and I have been spending my time working full time and partying with Leanne in Hull. We loved each other too much to be apart, we went together like two peas in a pod, we was both dreamers and hard workers, very passionate people and we both clashed and argue’d a lot.
Her dad worked at Royal Mail and we decided it would be a good idea for me to get a job there. Me and her dad we’re pretty similar, both computer geeks & fiercely competitive. They used to call me stupid together and taunt me, her mum would stick up for me. They made me feel like family and bullied me at the same time
So I applied at Royal Mail a few times & got a job at Chesterfield, the head office of Royal Mail. I knew privatisation was coming and I was warned it was the worst office in the UK. I knew although we had broke up in the end I had made it, I had a job for life, I had unlimited possibility.
Leanne was inspiring though, she had come back from university and made a promotion in two jobs before we split
Leanne wanted to rush things, get married and have babies, I wanted to take my time and she couldn’t trust me, we was looking at houses to buy and I was walking a tightrope for her trying to keep her happy. I had to get a back bone and stopped having sex her at times, she gave me a black eye at one point and we just kept falling apart.
Gavin in the mean time had setup a business called Bespoke Bartenders with Rick. I was working and partying with them. I was working 50 + hours a week. I couldn’t keep my managers at work happy and my girl happy. I cheated. We ended. My managers told me to get out more so I went and slept with three girls and realised quickly it wasn’t the answer but my ego was back and I was a now a poser :)
I’m 21 now. :)
Danny Swan came into the picture. He appeared at Gav’s once and we started drinking together. Danny Swan was the most popular in town who hung around with the rich kids & got all the girls. I couldn’t compete with them so I didn’t even try lol. I believed I was stupid and ugly. Always had trouble with women. Had issues with my hair & weight. We started drinking together every weekend, it was fun just dancing, smoking drinking and getting attention from girls.
I’ve always been constantly criticised & called stupid and ugly by friends. My step dad used to say I was gay and point at me saying look at him he’s thinking, he knows what you’re thinking, that stuck with me. Girls used to call me ugly and say it was because I was ginger. Lad mates would all call me stupid and put me down on everything I did, idea I had or what I owned, nothing was ever good enough. I have often been flabbergasted at everyone, noticed people’s insecurities stop them from being themselves. I’ve always felt like everyone expects us to prove something. I hate it.
I was being used by Danny for a good time and my car. I didn’t mind, I just found it strange his need to steal fifty p from me once. Danny rarely had a job and always wanted to go out. We started smoking weed. I was paying for most things but I didn’t mind because I was in with the popular kids.
Danny introduces me to Mat Wood, Dan Malloy & Tom Smith. May wood was a tattoo artist. Dan was the leader singer of a band & Tom had just slept with everyone in town. I knew about them all previously from Laura Dawes. They all loved making fun of me and wanted me around all the time. The single life had began. I slept with three girls and realised this wasn’t the answer. I was looking for something meaningful. I just set to live & have a good time minus the sex. I made lot’s of new friends & reunited with old friends. Life was simple until point. Everyone wanted a piece of me and wanted to know what I was doing. I’d always just yolo’ it. I’d probably met 50 new people in a year.
I was a man in demand. Me and Ricky had caught up again and he always wanted me round his. Ricky and his friends all worked and I had a lot of good to say about them. They looked to Ricky as the what would Ricky do kinda guy.
Tom Smith was depressed and I was a sucker that couldn’t say no so I was also catering to him and hanging around with him to keep him happy
I made time for everyone & everyone started getting weird around me. I started questioning everyone and everyone was calling me stupid.
I had changed & I wanted to find out what was going off.
I’m now 22 and it’s 2012 :)
Danny introduces me to Mat Wood. He was very keen to give me advice and thought I was going through an awakening. He told me to concentrate on my breath. I was very angry at this point. I wanted to know why everyone was being shady around me at the same time I was trying to gain respect from everyone. This drove me made trying to get respect.
I was having trouble at work also. They noticed I had changed. I blamed them for the break up putting pressure on me to work too much. They would punish me every time I said no. I clicked on to their methods and started making them look stupid. The managers didn’t find it funny but all I wanted was respect. One postman said at a Christmas party I was the future of Royal Mail. People knew I knew something.
A year went by with all the stress from work and friends, I’d given up, I just wanted to settle down and find a woman. I was trying to say no to everyone. I wanted control of my life.
I’m 23 now and it’s 2012.
Mat Wood and Jaydee introduce me to zeitgeist. I become obsessed with it and watch it slowly. Watch a piece, meditate on it, concentrated on my breath and let the thoughts flow.
Suddenly bam. I had awoken. I had mastered life. All the dots connected in my life from past present to future. I was petrified I was going to destroy the world and everyone was out to get me for it. I was watching the whole world spiral around me from that point onwards.
I remember when my mind eclipsed I thought I was the last point in time.
This is my theory of everything :)
The secret to philosophy is, it is true if you believe it to be true. Philosophy is like taking the tomato and making tomato sauce. Wisdom is knowing it is a tomato. By these means, philosophy keeps getting closer to the tomato. We make purée then we make slices and eventually we find our tomato, wisdom. Basically all philosophy is bull**** around what could be true. Wisdom is the result of good philosophy, which stands the time until another cycle begins. Philosophy is the love of wisdom.
So for example, we look at a chair and can see it is a chair, wisdom, philosophy, we can see it is nails and wood. :)
Wisdom is the truth known consciously. Wisdom is basically what is with the times; what the crowd can agree upon, what has consistent value. As for philosophy, we wouldn’t pick an in coherent philosophy out of the air but, someone may have an experience that gives them a philosophy that is ahead of the times. It only works if we truly believe it. :)
So basically psychosis = differently sane. :)
Their’s layers to truth but everything is built on truth. Truth can have more than one answer but a limited amount of answers. Meaning it is possible to understand the universe. :)
We are unlimited awareness but what we are materialistically is limited so, in other words. Wisdom is limited. Philosophy is unlimited.
So therefore, a plastic chair cannot be a plastic chair because that’s philosophy, the chair is plastic or a chair.
ID = Our wisdom
Ego = Our philosophy
So, we are our actions.
What we have done in our past is what creates the Angels & Demons that surround us.
Angels & Demons are also manifest by the things done onto us.
So for example we sacrifice people to summon a Demon.
This creates our karma, Karma is when we don’t learn our lesson the same situation repeats until we accept our mistakes & make the changes.
Angels and Demons can be also described as what makes up consciousness. Angels being consciousness. Demons being subconsciousness, so, until we make our demons conscious we will continue to be controlled by them from our subconscious. Preventing us from being ourselves. What we have not made conscious is our shadow.
Angels & Demons are what create our personality We can think of the ego as presence and that be all our demons playing together.
Life is about growth, holding on and letting go. We gain wisdom from angels and demons.
To create a Demon we go experience something and start a ritual*, then we simply let our Demons out to play and let them possess someone else. Talk about them, write poetry, a short story or a lesson we learned. This way they lose their power. The karma is released. * A ritual is taking the long way home around an action to create a better result, we apply method to the madness, and take small steps into creating bigger actions. Like gathering ingredients to empty our minds of all the questions and gain the power to manifest something we want :)
This is us creating the capacity to fulfil our dreams. We take the steps towards our dreams. This is creating more space inside ourself for them to happen. Whilst we are doing this; we are attracting the reality we want, by implementing our intension we create a ripple that spirals back to us. This is how our thoughts create our reality. We’re forcing the universe to conspire in our favour until we master what we are doing and gain the wisdom from the ritual. “I am” is the beginning of all wisdom, what we say after these words is what creates our reality.
We are god, Demons are our imperfections we fear being seen by the crowd, the fears that control us, this is how we attract what we fear, we become what we hate.
Demons will always stay with us, they are out to get us, Angels are their to save us. Demons give us the challenges in life, Angels give us the wisdom to get through them. Demons be like our children, frenemies, we have to give them something to look up to. We can think of Angels as our higher self, the elders.
So, we are the sins of our fathers. In this sense we are an accumulation of our ancestors. Each generation naturally practices self control and has had a sense of good and evil. Meaning, we inherit less & less Demons and we’re acquiring more & more wisdom through generations over time until we enter heaven.
In other words we have to go through hell and defeat all the demons to get to heaven.
There must be an alternate universe running backwards. One where philosophy comes first we are drawing all our energy from, the void must be a wormhole our imagination is trapped in eager to be discovered.
Wisdom = time
Philosophy = space 🙂
3rd dimension = action, material world
4th dimension = thought, dream world
5th dimension = no thought, spirit world
The universe is a mirror so there would be ten dimensions, because we are in the middle of the middle looking in at the middle
They say life is better understood backwards so, the universe manifest from one point, the 1st dimension but, the universe also manifest from the higher dimensions. The higher dimensions are bigger, so, we go down the middle and we would say the 5th dimension is the centre of the universe. This is where the universe started but, this is not true. This creates dimension zero which is the egg, so, we have the 5th dimension down the middle of the spectrum which is the sperm. The 1st and the tenth, all this this creates you, a little spec, a special creation, a little miracle, a 5D, 3D hologram but, we’re not alone. We was shattered at the start. We mirror again, meaning the universe started with a twin flame in the 6th dimension. Each spec is going across distance is flat, each made of 3 points so, each spec is made up of zero, the fifth and the 3rd. Space, time & matter, creating a 3,6,9 pattern in every direction. This is the 3,6,9 method. This means everything that’s possible that could be manifest, manifest at the start of the universe with unlimited possibility 🙂
This would mean each universe is contracting or expanding. That there is only beginnings. All life is game, the universe is like a Russian doll.
This would mean we are all born at the centre of the universe. We are born with all the wisdom of the universe and life is a journey moving closer or further away from the centre of the universe as we develop, discovering wisdom or not. We are the singularity. This makes us creation & creator. :)
We all have the Ontic Sphere,
“ Deep inside the being of a human life there's a secret connection to powers and forces, the refined and raw energies of the world and the cosmos beyond it, all funneling down and inward to that secret connection and flowing through the entire ontic sphere* of the human being, bringing more reality to the reality than it had before it was fed the true foods of existence, the blending of experiences and the feelings, and from the ontic sphere spreading out to all the world, radiating like a microscopic star the rays and beams of a formative influence, making the human being more than a consumer or a parasite, but a symbiote, a producer even of the transformation flows through the topologies shaping reality everywhere. This is a good purpose for human beings, enriching the very planet and it's planes themselves, and between them, even more special the magick, the sorcery, the craft, the very tales of love and drama, the majestic other dimensions of the being of the human family. Consciousness is more than a trip, it's a vital part of our present cosmos & chaos alike. *An Ontic sphere, to the best of my understanding, is the world which you live interplaying with your psyche and it's organic expressions, creating an almost ultrafractal and transfractal appearance and relevance to life.” - written by Jerry David Rosenberger
So in theory. Each solar system is like a little universe. There are possibly little you’s running around with one leg missing. Our imagination is a portal. All the chaos happening here right now, is all the chaos happening everywhere in the universe. We could be the first to leave the planet and it’s probably already happened. Our realist us would be immortal and complete all challenges in life. All life across the universe shares the 3D 5D realm.
Everything that exists inside the mind has already happened somewhere or is about to happen. Everything is a phase. Everything is a figment of our imagination. Life is but a dream.
We could say we all share the same dream and it’s a dream within a dream. Meaning we all share the same wisdom with unlimited paths of getting there.
This means we are all connected. Meaning we all have attachments, demons. This causes frustration & frustration is the door to perception. We all desire happiness & the more wisdom & philosophy we attain the more heavenly life is. We can take these steps, (Compassion > self control > reason) on the way to attaining wisdom.
We have the question do we have free will? On one side we say everything happens for a reason. On the other side we say everything is random. If we go down the middle we say, self control is a form of free will. Yes, the universe is determined but the more awareness we have the more choice we have. The middle path is useful for philosophy. The middle path may mean going a hard right to balance a weak left.
Gratitude is the state of mastership, so, we rather ask what is this trying to teach me? instead of why me? in moments of frustration. It’s important not to play the victim.
And then there’s the eightfold path.
  1. Right understanding (Samma ditthi)
  2. Right thought (Samma sankappa)
  3. Right speech (Samma vaca)
  4. Right action (Samma kammanta)
  5. Right livelihood (Samma ajiva)
  6. Right effort (Samma vayama)
  7. Right mindfulness (Samma sati)
  8. Right concentration (Samma samadhi)
As you can see consciousness is a manifestation of interactions. Our soul is an accumulation of our ancestors, all our and Angels and Demons. We are one soul, wisdom, philosophy, we are all different souls. We came here with lessons to learn passed down through generations already so, an old soul is wise, every generation is more advanced than the next. Children are the wisest on the planet, children know they know but don’t know what they know until they are older.
So, Alls life is is a story going back in time to understand creation. We are an accumulation of the past, future and present. Souls can come from other planets as well as this as we are time travellers. We all have the ordinance of the entire universe limited by our awareness.
Everything has its place and we want everything in it’s fitting place. Good and evil can be seen as a spectrum. Intentions come into play and even the observer so, there can be a greater good and a lesser evil. When a crowd come together we all get on a level, you get what you give, for some direction I suggest:
To do love onto another is good; out of love for yourself, to make one love oneself. Evil is to inflict suffering on to another; out of hate for yourself, to make one hate oneself.
We have three forces pulling us. We all have god, we are god, wisdom. We all have our demons, our path, our philosophy and we all have our idea of perfection that haunts us.
Everything is spiralling us :)
The 5th dimension is where we are all heading. Where we are all connected at the heart and have empty minds, experiencing things like telepathy.
This would be heaven. This is where we become free spirits. This is where all our wisdom & philosophy comes from. Everthing has a spirit, all matter and thought are a manifestation of spirit.
Archons are what set the limits on our wisdom & philosophy.
The greys are the Devine perfect beings from the future that we will all metamorphosis into. They can shape shift, time travel & take hostage in our mind like a parasite. Everything get’s smaller and closer to perfection. These are what create our negative thoughts the beings preventing us from completing our challenges. They feed off of negative energy; if there’s no imperfection, they can’t exist.
if we don’t pay attention to spirits, spirits lose their power, so, we can kill death. Fear is a virus, the root of all evil.
I assume you know what to do. Our purpose is to express ourselves in order to understand ourselves and the universe. I suggest you be yourself.
This is how habits create the man. :)
We are a result of our life choices.
Knowledge is power.
Ten Commandments
Rule one Trust no one
Rule two Serve a brew
Rule three Dance with me
Rule four Don’t ask for more
Rule five Learn to dive
Rule six No quick fix
Rule seven Love comes second
Rule eight Always be straight
Rule nine Do not wine
Rule ten Master your zen
submitted by LoveOracles to awakened [link] [comments]

Badnjak - the Slavic Yule Log, traditions and customs.

Badnjak – the Slavic Yule Log, Traditions and Customs
“Set the blazing Yule before us…” An ancient English Christmas carol says. Tradition of burning a Yule log is very ancient and is known among Slavs, too. However, they call this holiday log Badnjak or Kraciun. In this post, I want to share the ancient knowledge of how to prepare Badnjak, its symbolism and traditions associated with burning Badnjak at home.
Winter… It’s cold and dark outside. People try to escape the cold inside, but the chilly winds blow in the cracks and howl in the chimney. The only way to survive on these dark cold nights is to build a fire, a very hot blazing fire that would not go out for days. The master of the house places a large oak log or even stump that he ritually cut down for this purpose into the hearth. The log takes a long time to start, but then burns for a long time. Oak wood produces a lot of heat when burning, and therefore is considered the best firewood. Seems simple and even… ordinary. However, to our ancestors, this was magic, the sacred rite of… survival.
Burning of badnjak is known in Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Herzegovina, Dalmatia, and Istria, some regions in Croatia and Slovenia, and everywhere it is accompanied with a ritual feast. At Winter Solstice, Serbians throw money, sprinkle grains, flour and salt, pour wine and oil in the fire from the burning badnjak as they pray about fertility and abundance of their herds and crops and prosperity of their household. As they strike a poker on the burning log, they say: “May I have as many cows, horses pigs, goats, sheep, beehives, as much good luck and happiness as there are sparks in this fire!”
The etymology of the word “badnjak” is related to the verb “bdet”, i.e. stay awake, stay on watch. First mentions of this tradition are dated by XII century (Dubrovnik).
This is how Russian folklorist A.N Afanasiev described Badnji Eve (Christmas Eve) in Bulgaria: “The head of the family, his wife and children go outside with splinters lit in their hands. From there, they go to the place where the firewood is usually chopped and choose a thick, long, and damp oakwood log. When such a log is found, the master of the house takes of his hat and pronounces with admiration: “Help us, God and you Koleda, may we live to see another year!” Then, he loads the log upon his shoulder and takes it inside, places it in the oven, and starts a fire. As he approaches the hearts he says to his family present around him: “Christ is born!” His family members respond to him: “He truly is born” and kiss each other. This log lit on the Christmas Eve is called “bdnik” (badnik); it must slowly and constantly burn during the whole Svyatki – all the way until Epiphany (The Three Kings). In some regions of Bulgaria, the villagers put out all the fire on December 24 and light a new flame from a dry piece of wood by means of friction – this fire is called the God’s or Holy Flame, and it is used to light all the hearths in the village.
Once badnjak catches fire and starts burning, the head of the household lifts it and strikes it on the oven several times while repeating: “To fruition and good health!” Sparks that spray from the first strike symbolize the new foals born, sparks that fall from the second and third strikes symbolize calves and lambs born, etc.
The fire from burning badnjak is used to bake a bland bread that has a gold or silver coin baked inside – this bread is called bogovitsa (Serbians call it “cesnica”); straw, walnuts, and wheat are scattered on the floor; wine, honey, and fruit: apples, plumes (prunes), dried peaches, raisins, grapes, peas and beans, and nuts are served for dinner. As soon as the table is set, the head of the household takes a censer, recites a prayer and censes the house with frankincense; after this, everyone can eat dinner; however, they don’t eat everything, but set some honey and fruit into a special bowl that they leave under the icons and save for the time of illness as the most reliable medicine. Spiritual people, loyal to the customs of the past, try to stay awake on the night before Christmas; they sit by the fire and watch the holy flame so that it does not go out.
The ashes that remained from badnjak are split into several parts: some of them are used to treat sick animals, some are spread around the fields, pastures, and vineyards with a firm belief that this would benefit the crops; the charcoal of badnjak that didn’t get a chance to turn into ashes by the holiday of Epiphany (The Three Kings) is buried in the ground amidst the vineyard or kept at home until next Christmas Eve – it would be used to start a new fire then.” As we can see, Afanasiev gives a very detailed description of ritual actions with badnjak in XIX-century Bulgaria. Now, let’s find out more about this special log and its ritual cutting from Serbian, Macedonian, Croatian and Montenegro traditions.
Preparation for the holiday began early in the morning, before sunrise. The master of the house and his oldest son shot a rifle in front of the house announcing to everyone that they were about to head into the woods to cut wood for badnjak. Once in the forest, they cut several large branches or even a whole tree. Traditionally it was oak, although in some places it could be a pine or a spruce. Once a fitting oak tree was chosen, the head of the family stood facing east, crossed himself three times, each time remembering “God our Lord” (first cross), the Saint that was the family’s Holy Patron (second cross), and the holiday that the log would be cut for (third cross). Woods chips that flew everywhere when they cut badnjak were called “iver”. On his way back from the woods, the master had to bring one such chip as a gift to the mistress of the house. The cut tree stood by the entrance into the house all day until sunset.
In the evening, before Christmas dinner, the master brought badnjak and straw into the house, and set the log near the hearth. The mistress sprinkled some wheat on badnjak. After this, all family members kissed the log, smothered it in honey and used it to light the fire in the hearth. This log had to burn during the whole holiday. The fire from badnjak is also called badnjak or “badnjedanska vatra” (the Fire of Badnji Day). Oakwood logs and branches are also burned on this evening on the main squares of Serbian towns and villages. This ritual burning symbolizes a transition to another calendar cycle, a new turn in time.
The dinner traditionally starts when the first star appears in the sky – before this, no one is allowed to eat for the whole day. Children look outside eagerly trying to spot the first star and tell their parents, so that everyone could eat. Christmas dinner in Serbia (and other Slavic countries) consists of Christmas pie (bread) and light foods appropriate for fasting period. In Serbia, carp or another freshwater fish is served as the main course. On Christmas Eve, family members pray, sing a psalm “Your Christmas”, and wish each other Merry Christmas before they sit at the table. It is customary for the whole family to gather at the Christmas table.
Once it becomes dark, youth walks from home to home caroling and performing other ritual actions meant to promote prosperity, crops, and good health in the coming year. Caroling is still common in eastern and southern Serbia.
In the morning, as the church bells ring, women bake “cesnica” bread. Cesnica is a round ritual loaf of bread made with white flour and sometimes water taken from three springs. No yeast as used to make this bread. Translated from Srbski, cesnica means “a piece of happiness”. Cesnica is broken into pieces and shared with the guests gathered in the house for the holiday. The second half of the day is spent visiting friends, dancing, singing, and having fun. In the evening, guests gather in the living room or on a covered patio where the mistress serves hot rakia, cheese, and fruit. The main dish served at Christmas-day dinner is rotisserie piglet (pecenica).
Many Slavs envisioned Badnjak as a spirit of the holiday log, stump, or branch that is burned on Kolyada: a bearded man winking at people from the fire. All illness and trouble that came to the household this past year, all ill thoughts and wishes that never came true burn as badnjak burns.
In these last paragraphs, let us summarize all the traditions associated with badnjak.
Concerning woods chosen for badnjak – oak is the most common; however, beech, maple, hazel, juniper, sweet cherry, pear, pine, and spruce were used, too. In some places, the tree log cut for badnjak should be the same height as a man that cut it (about 6 feet tall) or even taller. In Bulgaria, badnjak is typically an oaken stump or a piece of a tree trunk. Large stumps take a long time to burn in the hearth – sometimes, until Epiphany (The Three Kings). In some regions, several badnjaks are cut – one for each male in the household plus one for a ritual guest Polaznik – the first one to visit the household in the morning. Some cut two badnjaks: men’s and women’s badnjak (made with “masculine” and “feminine” types of wood); children’s Badnjaks are also known. People belonging to “Kuca” ethnicity in Montenegro cut the trees in the amount equal to the amount of women in the house for New Year’s Eve (“Women’s Bozic”).
Badnjak is traditionally cut on the day before Christmas (December 24): early before sunrise or right before sunset; however, in some places, they cut it several days in advance. In Gruza (Sumadia), the master of the household dressed up for the holiday goes in the woods carrying with him an axe, a mitten filled with grains and cereal, and a small loaf of bread. As he has chosen the tree for badnjak, he sprinkles grain and cereal on it, break the loaf on the tree trunk and says: “Good morning to you, Badnjak, Merry Christmas!” The master eats one half of this loaf, and leaves another one on the stump from the cut tree. In Leskovacka Morava, some people go to get badnjak riding a cart with steers adorned with flowers for the holiday, while in some villages this ritual is performed in secret – badnjak can be even stolen, i.e. cut on someone else’s land. Badnjak has to be cut in complete silence with one or three (but not two!) strikes of an axe. In Kosovo Field, badnjak that was cut with two strikes of an axe would not be brought into the house (two was considered the number of the demons and the Dead); the same would happen to a badnjak that cracked all the way to the top.
The head of the household traditionally brings the badnjak into the house. In Serbia, badnjak is commonly swaddled in a new men’s or women’s shirt, cloth, or even swaddled like a baby. In eastern Serbia and Aleksinacki Pomoravje, as the master enters the house, he lifts badnjak over his head saying: “May the hemp and grains be just as tall this year!” Then, the mistress scatters grain, nuts, and coins upon badnjak, so that the shed would be full of grain and the house would be full of money. Usually, badnjak is carried inside with its thicker end first and placed upon the hearth with this thicker end pointing east. At this, the master sometimes kisses badnjak and bows to it.
Badnjak is commonly smothered with honey or grease and sprinkled with grain. And opening could be made in the wood, and wine, honey, and oil are poured in the opening. Some mistresses cut holiday bread (kalach) on top of badnjak, place dry fruit, roast meat, and other ritual foods, as well as money, kerchief, handkerchief, or other objects on it.
In Popovo Pole, the whole family would walk under the burning badnjak that the master of the house or Polaznik (the ritual guest) held up high. Polaznik would move the burning badnjak in the hearth to “push the affairs forward” and promote success of the household, stirred the coals with a branch from badnjak, made the badnjak produce sparks and recited over each series of sparks: “May you have as many calves, lambs, piglets, as there are sparks in this hearth…”
The moment when badnjak burned in the middle and fell in two pieces was considered sacral. The master or his children solemnly waited for it by the hearth – the first one to spot the badnjak burn in half would receive a prize.
Ashes and charcoal from badnjak was used for many magical and healing purposes: the charcoal was used to make the stakes that were stuck in the field and a wedge for the plow – this was believed to protect the plants from hail; crosses made with charcoal remaining from badnjak were brought into the barn or at the vineyard; the charcoal could be left at the apiary, orchard, or buried in the grain-shed.
Ashes from badnjak were kept. Peasants sprinkled them on the new plants in spring, roots of the fruits trees, rubbed animals with them, added them to chicken feed, and even drank with water to cure headache.
From all the described above customs, we can see that to our Slavic ancestors, burning of badnjak was both the offering and the representation of the new Sun born on Winter Solstice, burning the old problems and troubles and bringing life and warmth to the world and humankind.
Prepared by Olga Stanton
Literature used: 1. Slavic Encyclopedic Dictionary, 2nd edition; 2. Christmas/Vinogradova, L.N., Plotnikova, A.A.//Slavic Antiquities: Ethnolinguistic Dictionary in 5 Volumes/Editor Tolstoy, N.I.; Institution of Slavic Studies RAN. – Moscow; International Relations, 2009. Vol. 4, pp. 454-460. Рождество / Виноградова Л. H., Плотникова А. А. // Славянские древности: Этнолингвистический словарь : в 5 т. / под общ. ред. Н. И. Толстого; Институт славяноведения РАН. — М. : Межд. отношения, 2009. — Т. 4: П (Переправа через воду) — С (Сито). — С. 454—460. — ISBN 5-7133-0703-4, 978-5-7133-1312-8; 3. Bozic/Ivanov, V.V., Toporov, V.N.// Legends from the World: Encyclopedia in 2 Volumes/Editor in Chief – Tokarev, S.A., 1987 – Vol. 1: A-K, p. 181. Божич / Иванов В. В., Топоров В. Н. // Мифы народов мира : Энцикл. в 2 т. / гл. ред. С. А. Токарев. — 2-е изд. — М. : Советская Энциклопедия, 1987. — Т. 1 : А—К. — С. 181.; 4. Etymologic Dictionary of Slavic Languages. Pre-Slavic Historical Fund. 2nd Edition. Moscow: Nauka, 1975, p. 238. Этимологический словарь славянских языков. Праславянский лексический фонд. Вып. 2 (*bez - *bratrъ). — М.: Наука, 1975. — 238 с.; 5. Bozic/ Vinogradova, L.N., Plotnikova, A.A.// Slavic Mythology, Encyclopedic Dictionary/ Edited by Tolstoy, S.M., Radenkovic, L. – Belgrad: Zepter Book World, 2001, pp. 41–42. — ISBN 86-7494-025-0. (Serb.) Виноградова Л. H., Плотникова А. А. Божић // Словенска митологија, Енциклопедијски речник / Ред. С. М. Толстој, Љ. Раденковић. — Београд: Zepter Book World, 2001. — С. 41–42. — ISBN 86-7494-025-0. (серб.); 6. Nedelkovic, M. “Calendar Customs of Serb” – Belgrad: Vuk Karacic, 1990. (Serb.) Недељковић М. Годишњи обичаји у Срба. — Београд: Вук Караџић, 1990. (серб.); 7. Usacheva, V.V. “Of One Speech and Semantic Analogy (based on material of Carpathian and Balkan Ritual “Polaznik”//Slavic and Balkan Linguistics, Moscow, 1977, pp.21-76; Усачева В.В. Об одной лексико-семантической параллели (на материале карпато-балканского обряда «полазник» // Славянское и балканское языкознание. М., 1977. С. 21-76; 8. Usacheva, V.V. “Polaznik” Ritual and Its Folkloric Elements in the Areal of Serbo-Croatian Language//Slavic and Balkan Folklore, Moscow, 1978, pp.27-47; Усачева В.В. Обряд «полазник» и его фольклорные элементы в ареале сербскохорватского языка // Славянский и балканский фольклор. М., 1978. С. 27—47.
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Shattered Helix - 1.07 ‌-‌ All That Work for Chits

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~‌ ‌1.07 ‌-‌ All That Work for Chits ‌~‌
Kyle’s Apartment
Wednesday, June 11th
Opening his eyes, Kyle looked over at his alarm clock. The time was 7:14 in the morning. He had been in the game for a little over five hours this time. The teen got up and went to the bathroom to take care of his needs, then made a trip to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Sitting down on the couch, he brought up a web browser on his augmented vision. Checking his favorite gaming news sites, he saw Massively OP already had a handful of articles about Fantasy. The top article talked about how Fantasy with the new Neurolink implant combined to create the first true digital world with all senses intact.
The writer wrote how he and another player became buddies with one of the town's guards and was able to find a hidden quest for him which didn’t show in their logs. They also became great friends with the guard and had pints of ale with him later that day. The author of the article went on to say he was able to talk to the guard about any subject. The guard responded and gave opinions on almost everything they talked about, like he was a real person with his own thoughts. The author’s main point about his first day playing was that the new AI systems that controlled each NPC was extraordinary.
He pulled up his email to see if Iron or Elen had gotten his contact details from Sinn3r and found nothing in his inbox. Checking on some other sites produced more of the same. Everyone was in love with the game, and people were foaming at the mouth to get their chance. The second batch of users were slated to start playing early next week with the Delve Neurolink. Kyle had figured most would start playing Fantasy with the capsules until they could upgrade their implants, but a few articles told players who wished to play with the implant to hold off on starting but didn’t give the reasons why. He sent an email to his Uncle William, letting him know how the game was and that he would be incognito for most of the summer playing Fantasy.
Finishing up on checking a few more sites and drinking his water bottle, Kyle closed out his augmented tabs in his vision and went back to bed.
“Initiate Delve.”
[Delve Initializing]
Kyle found himself flying through the stars at warp speed once again for a few moments before materializing on the back terrace of his house in his MicroWorld.
“Hey, Bob, can you make me the same Gnome as Flea in Fantasy here as well? The perspective shift is a bit hard to get used to.”
Kyle found himself shrinking down to his gnome avatar without Bob saying anything.
“Thank you, Bob.”
Now a Gnome, Kyle walked to the pavilion and by opening the door to Fantasy logged in.
The Drunken Ogre
2nd Spirtday of The Full Moon
Getting up from his bed in the inn, Flea grabbed everything out of the chest and made his way downstairs. A few players were still hanging around, chatting and drinking in the common room. The Gnome made his way outside and headed towards the town’s North Gate. He noticed a different guard stationed there, nodded to him as he left the town. He could only make out a few players farming the rabbits this late at night, as he got closer to the yellow fields.
Walking through the field with his daggers in hand, he made sure to be on the lookout for any rabbit trying to surprise him. Making it to the tree line, he started looking for the Hollyhock he needed. It was then Flea realized a considerable problem; he couldn’t make out shit in the dark.
How are the other players able to see the rabbits well enough to farm them?
Catching one of the players in his sight, he was able to see the player and cursed. He was an Elf, so he assumed he had some type of night vision that helped them farm at night. Flea decided to go back up to the gate and asked the guard if he had an extra torch lying around.
“Too dark for you little one?” the guard asked as Flea got closer.
“Got it in one!” Flea smirked. “Any chance you have any extra torches lying around?
“Sure, we got a ton of them in the shed over near the wall left of the gate. You can take one or two; each will last you all night.”
“Thank you. During the night, is there anything else I should worry about?”
“I’d stay away from the forest at night, as the terrorbears come out in full force. Without a small hunting party, they will rip most people to shreds. Your best bet would head to the mines near the lake at night and mine. There is silver in the mountain, and the runoff has deposited plenty of silver into the lake over the ages, keeping monsters far from its shores.”
“That's what I’ll do then. You know where I can get a pickaxe?”
“You’ll probably find them all over the mines, they are bulky, and no one wants to waste a space inside their bags to store a basic one, so they usually leave them at the entrances.”
“Didn’t even think of that. You’ve been a huge help. Thank you. I’m Flea. Is there anything I could help you with to repay the favor?” Flea asked, hoping to try and buddy up with the guard.
“No problem, Flea, I’m Telen. If you happen to find any extra silver, I could use a couple of chunks. I’m an apprentice Jewelsmith, but silver is hard to come by. Making rings out of iron doesn’t help when you need to learn to work with higher-grade materials.”
“If I happen to find any silver, I’ll think of you first, Telen. I’m off. Thanks again for the info and torches.”
Flea walked over to the shed, opening it. Inside he found barrels with tons of torches in them. Grabbing one, he found the torches’ head was soaking underneath the water at the barrel’s bottom. Taking the torch, he whipped it towards the ground a few times to get the water off the head. Walking over to a torch on the wall, Flea lit it. For the second time that night, he headed out the gate and down the hill. Getting to the bottom, he took a left from the path and headed away from the fields and towards the lake.
It took Flea well over thirty minutes to reach the shore of the lake. Skirting around the lake to the left, he started his trot towards the ridge in the distance. Getting closer, Flea could make out a couple of cave entrances in the distance with warm glows of a torch in them. Flea assumed these caves had players inside already mining.
Walking for a couple more minutes, Flea found himself near the ridge. Walking to his right and keeping the rise to his left, he started looking for one of the mine entrances. It didn’t take long before Flea found one thirty feet ahead of where he had been. Entering the shaft, he looked around but couldn’t find any pickaxes. Checking the next five mines provided nothing as well. He found a couple of pickaxes inside the seventh mine. Grabbing the smallest one, he walked deeper into the mine.
The entire mine shaft looked the same to him. Flea couldn't make out any veins or discolored chunks on the wall. He spent a large amount of time going down the mine shaft and back up to the entrance and not finding anything. He assumed it was just an empty mine. Deciding to go into one of the caves with the glow of a torch at the entrance and hoping to find a player. Upon entering the first lit up entrance, he found a player with a race he was not expecting. A single dark-green goblin with huge pointy ears was cursing up a storm and slamming his pickaxe against the wall over and over.
“Oie, what's your problem, you bloody cunt?” The goblin shouted out in fright as he jumped back deeper into the mine.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. I was trying to figure out how to mine. I couldn’t see any iron or veins on the wall to mine in the shafts I’ve checked. I figured I'd come to ask another player if they had any luck. Also, why in the hell a Goblin?”
“No worries, just scare easily at my age. I’ve always chosen a Goblin for my characters. I always end up playing some type of tinker or engineer and wanted to keep it going. I’m Khorwin, by the way, and to answer your question about mining. I’m having a fuck all time myself. I’ve been in almost all of these tunnels, and I’ve yet to find any type of metal anywhere in the first couple hundred feet of the entrance. I’m just randomly digging to see what it gets me.”
“Names Flea, and that's what I’d have done too. Want to share the tunnel and try and figure this out?”
“That sounds like a splendid plan. Let’s go deeper down the cave then. I didn’t want to adventure and travel deeper going solo. It’s rather spooky. I swore I heard low moans coming from deeper down, but with the two of us, it shouldn’t be too bad.”
Khorwin grabbed his torch, pulling it out of the crack he had wedged it into, and they headed off deeper into the cave. They traveled in silence for what seemed like an hour before they found the first hint of what they were looking for, spotting small red flecks among the walls of the shaft. Five minutes later, they came across a sizable reddish-brown vein within the rock low to the ground.
“Well, it seems the mine was bare till here. At Least the vein is lower to the ground for us,” said Khorwin.
He then jammed his torch into a crack on the wall to the right of the iron vein.
“Put yours somewhere to the left, and we should have plenty of light to start digging. Let's just mine out the vein till it’s gone, and we can split it up then.”
Flea followed suit and stuck his torch into the rock face to his left. Grabbing the pickaxe out of his inventory, he started to swing and strike at the vein. The two of them got into a rhythm, hammering away at the vein until nothing was left within the cave wall.
“I'd say we got a pretty good haul even after the split,” Khorwin said.
Flea wiped the sweat off his brow and sat down.
“How the hell aren’t you dying right now. I feel like I’ve just run a marathon.”
“Ah got two points in strength already. I got lucky with the rabbits yesterday and was able to get eight cores. With how much mining I plan on doing in the future, I figured it would help out.”
They took their time sorting through the chunks of rock and iron. After finishing up, each had forty-two pieces of iron. They agreed to head deeper into the mine to find more veins so they could sell it in the morning. The duo found two medium iron veins and a small silver vein through the night. When they finally left the cave the next morning, they had a hundred and ten chunks of iron and thirteen chunks of silver each.
“Thanks for the help man, this should make me enough money to pay for some more training. I’ll be up for more mining tonight if you’re available, man. If you need me, you can leave a message at The Drunken Ogre. That’s the inn I’m currently staying at,” Flea said.
“Oh, you bet your bollocks, I’ll take you up on that. These mines are bloody scary as shit when you're by yourself. The guard at the gate said they were safe at all times of the night, but are they really safe if we keep going deeper? I'd rather have someone with me. Want to meet back here at sunset?”
“Sounds good to me. I can finish my first three Adventurers’ Guild quests today. I’ll meet you back here at sunset then, glad I ran into you. I would have had a terrible night trying to find the iron by myself. See you tonight, Khorwin.”
Flea walked towards the forest to start looking for the Hollyhock he needed. In the morning sunlight, he was able to spot them easily in the shade of the larger trees. Two hours later, the morning’s three bells rang. He decided to stop gathering and head to the fields to fill his bag with rabbits. On the way to the fields outside town, he checked his magic bag.
Magic Bag: 11/20
Noto Spawn Crystal Starter Daggers Travel Rations: 5 Canteen: Water Rabbit Hide: 32
Rabbit Horn: 32 Noto Island Map Iron Ore: 100 Iron Ore: 10 Silver Ore: 13
Hollyhock: 31
Nine inventory spots were still open. He decided to kill rabbits and then turn in his three quests.
Flea found Gronky at The Pit and gave him ten new rabbits. He had the nine in his bag and carried a tenth he had killed when he pulled one off a train-runner, deciding to just take the body with him. Flea asked Gronky if he knew where he could find Krem and The Silver Pestle. Krem was easy to find as the tannery’s stench sat right at home near The Pit and wasn't more than a hundred yards from where they were standing. He turned in his thirty hides for a sad 60 copper and the extra two hides for another four copper. He was also given a blue ceramic chit that looked like a poker chip. The chit had Copper printed on both sides that shined with a greenish metallic color.
Gronky’s directions to The Silver Pestle let Flea find it with relative ease. Entering the shop he was assaulted with the heavy scent of pine, with a hint of lavender. The smell brought back an old memory of him and his family on vacation at a cabin on a lake surrounded by the forest. His family used to go there twice a summer for as far as he could remember.
“Welcome, how may Silverfang help you today?” a small female Wolf Beastkin asked him, breaking him out of the memory.
“Hello Silverfang, I have your Hollyhock as per your request. I also have eleven more Hollyhock I wish to sell as well.”
“Welcome young adventurer; thank you for fulfilling our request. We would be happy to buy all the Hollyhock you can gather in any quantities you can obtain. Sadly per the Guild’s rules, I can only give you the quest chit once a day. We will buy each Hollyhock from you at three copper each for a total of 93 coppers, adventurer. Is there anything else you may be interested in selling or purchasing?” Silverfang replied.
“Do you have any useful poisons for daggers? Also, do you buy these rabbit horns?”
“I have a few vials of paralyzing poison for sale at 20 copper each. We’ll also buy the horns from you at one copper each.”
“Alright, I’d like to buy two vials of the paralyzing poison, and I have thirty-two horns on me for sale.”
“Your total is 85 copper. We will buy the Hollyhock for 93 copper. 32 copper for the rabbit horns. Your cost will be 40 copper for the two paralyzing poison vials. Silverfang has had the pleasure of doing business with you.”
He was also handed another blue chit with his coins.
Flea was now 151 copper-rich. He asked the closest guard he could find where Blacksmith Grom could be found and was directed to the west wall. His smithy was the furthest away from the residents of the town.
I’m betting the hammering would drive anyone nuts.
He greeted the Dwarf he assumed was Grom, handed over his twenty iron ore request, and sold him the rest of his iron ore, netting him five silver and 50 copper. Flea quickly figured out 100 copper coins equaled a silver coin. Asking Grom about it revealed a hundred to one ratio; 100 silver to a gold coin, and 100 gold to a Royal coin. Finished with his three quests, he pulled up his journal.
Quest Journal
With the three quests finished, he decided to first wander around the town then head to the Adventurers’ Guild to see if they had any more quests. Taking some time to walk around the town and visit every shop, he introduced himself and browsed their wears. When he spied the time on the clock tower over the top of the buildings close by, he decided to head over to the Adventurers’ Guild, turn in his quest chits and see if new quests were on the boards.
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4. Brybelly poker chips set in a wooden carousel case. Coming in at number 4 on the list of poker chips sets, the Brybelly poker chips set complete with a wooden carousel case. The product is one of the very best gifts for any amateur/casual poker player with fantastic gift-focused packaging. To help you make the best choice among the hundreds of products available, we have decided to offer you a comparison of the Poker Chips in order to find the best quality/price ratio. In this ranking, you will find products listed according to their price, but also their characteristics and the opinions of other customers. Some important considerations when picking out poker chips are material and weight. The most popular materials for poker chips are plastic or composite for casual use, and ceramic or clay for casino or professional quality. Ceramic tend to be more expensive and have a slick texture, but they are highly durable. Clay poker chips are the most respected type of chips available on the market because of the touch and feel of thee chips. Almost all clay chips made today are not actually 100% clay. They are actually made from a composition of clay mixed with other materials, such as chalk, or sand because pure clay would be too soft and the chips would be too fragile and easily broken. The Clay Poker Chip Set by Fat Cat is one of the best poker sets for enthusiast rookies trying to impress their late-night poker buddies. Ideal for 6 to 10 players, the set comprises 500 chips of five colors along with tournament and gambling accessories that include all needed to keep the game flowing. Any poker chips that are made out of plastic (or some other compressed material) may look fairly similar, but they will not have the same finish, and they will not have that trademark "clink" whenever you toss them into the pot. No deposit Casino Poker Chips Material bonuses are fantastic marketing tools for online casinos as they allow players to boost their bankroll by playing without paying as soon as they sign up. The outcome: players will usually end up depositing funds for real money play. hello everyone, as part of my new poker table project i decided to make also the chips. what materials would you reccomend me to work with, knowing that i dont have a workshop. (i was thinking about concrete). would really like to hear your thoughts and opinions best regards. yarin The best poker chip sets come with everything you need to get started, including dealer buttons and decks of cards. Some sets even come with plaques to represent excessively large amounts of winnings. The Trademark Poker Chip Set is the best kit for beginners or for those who just want to make their home parties more fun. The first thing that strikes you with this set is its affordable price and as many as 500 chips enough even for a full ring poker game.

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How to Study Poker Like the Pros: The Best Way to Study ...

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