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[Table] I am Dave Plummer, author of Windows Task Manager, Zip Folders, and worked on Space Cadet Pinball, Media Center, Windows Shell, MS-DOS, OLE32, WPA, and more. (pt 1/2)

Note: Based on observing question-taker's profile, he is still taking answers, so two parts may or may not completely summarize the AMA.
Questions Answers
Space Cadet Pinball, how does it feel to be the most played "bring your child to work day" game? I remember it fondly. The best part is that I used to "teach" computer lab when my kids were in K through 6th grades, back when Pinball was still included and well known. The kids could care less about anything technically hard or interesting that I'd worked on, of course, but Pinball gave me instant street cred with them.
Especially cool was being able to walk over and enter a secret code that only I knew that would turn on all the cheats, like infinite lives. They thought I was a wizard at that age!
The code, by the way, is "hidden test" without the quotes! Then various keys do different things, you can click and drag the ball around, and so on. Google it for the gory details!
I always like to point out that I was working with a full set of original IP from Maxis, so I had nothing to do with the design of the game, or it's art, etc... that was all done! My contribution was volunteering to port it, including a partial rewrite from asm to C, to work on MIPS, Alpha, PowerPC, IA64, ARM, and so on, which was actually a lot of work. But I got it into the Windows box, which is how and why everyone knows it today. But all credit for the gameplay and so on goes to Maxis, all I did was not screw it up in that case!
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To add a bit of detail re Space Cadet Pinball: we built Space Cadet originally at my company Cinematronics and did a deal with Microsoft to ship it with the Plus Pack that accompanied Win 95 and Win 98. While it technically didn't ship w/ Windows, the Plus Pack had something like a 25% attach rate and pinball wound up on most systems anyway. Microsoft actually had an option in our original contract from 1994 to ship it with the OS itself or the Plus Pack. Maxis was our publisher for the subsequent retail version, and later bought my company. More germane to this thread: I believe Dave's port entered the picture a few years later, after Win 98, and was likely critical to pinball continuing to ship on later iterations of the Windows OS (i.e. 32-bit). I definitely appreciate the time he put in to give the game extra years of life on the Windows platform. Kevin Gliner, game designer and producer for 3D Pinball, and co-founder of Cinematronics. Pleased to FINALLY put a name to the game design! You should update the Wikipedia article for the game, as I think it lists Matt Ridgway, who might have been sound? I've been crediting Maxis for years, not knowing the role of Cinematronics who was who. One thing that confused me: wasn't there a company that did video games in the 80s called Cinematronics? Any relation? Star Castle, Armor Attack, etc...
As for timing, this likely between the Win95 and Win98 Plus! packs. It was very early on at least, and shipped at least in NT4, and perhaps earlier in "SUR" release that ran atop NT 3.51, but I don't have access to any source files to check dates!
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I keep meaning to fix that wikipedia article, there's a significant number of people that worked on the game and for some reason only Matt (an independent sound guy who did some excellent part-time contract work for us) is listed. There's also a lot of confusion about the timing of various releases and the companies involved, and who owns it now (EA). I actually have all the original source, although no rights to any of it anymore. Hard to say on the timing of the port. I was working in Redmond in '99 when I got word someone had done an NT4 and Win2000 port (I'm assuming that was you), so that was the first time the port showed up on my radar. I have a more confident memory (and contracts, email, etc) of all the events related to how pinball came about and the first couple years after it was released. I like to think pinball was the very first Win95 game (it was fun to watch Gates and Leno pretend to play it on stage at the Win95 launch event), but of course there were other games that shipped with the launch too. You're correct, there was an 80s arcade game company called Cinematronics that went out of business long before we started in 1994, and someone had let the trademark lapse. How we came to be called Cinematronics is a long story for another time... NT shipped in 96, so the version I did for it would have been done in 95. I remember working on it about the time Win9X was shipping or in late beta. I could be wrong on that part, but Nov 95 would be my guess.
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Damn dude, porting assembly? You are a legend! Thanks - we actually did all of our debugging in assembler. We didn't have any source-level or line-level debugging at all (except as noted below). So you'd connect to a machine through an ssh-like tool and then, if the symbols were right, you could get a callstack and inspect memory, disassemble functions, and so on. But since we spent much of our day staring at assembly, I became reasonably adept at it.
I say "reasonably" as I was lazy enough that I would compile the components of interest to me with Visual Studio PDB symbols so that, if I could repro on my own machine, I could then source-level debug it. That made me fast at some stuff that others were slow at, but I likely never got as proficient at asm debugging as someone who never had an alternative. I had a developer friend named Bob whom was an ntsd (our debugger) superstar, and he'd write expressions inside of breakpoints to fire conditionally, that kind of thing. So I did learn that trick, but I'm sure there were dozens I just never knew.
That all said, we rarely if ever coded in assembly. All coding was in C/C++.
In the Pinball case, parts of the original were written in hand-coded in asm by Maxis, like the sound engine, and wouldn't have had a hope of working on anything but an x86. Rather than be lame and not have sound on the RISC platforms, I opted to rewrite that stuff in C so that it was portable.
The RISC platforms also bring their own set of problems like 32-bit alignment for data. And being on Windows NT (now just "Windows") meant being Unicode, but fortunately there isn't a TON of text in a pinball game!
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boytekka: damn, the only time that I did assembly language is when we tried moving a small machine through the printer port.. I miss those days LordApocalyptica: Only time I did assembly was when I wanted to make a game on my TI-84, and decided that I didn't want to. I miss those days too. First game I wrote in assembly I did in a machine language monitor on my C64. You can't (easily) relocate 6502 so to add code you'd have to jump out, do stuff, and jump back... Crazy!
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If I can ask a question, how does it feels to go from coding with basically zero help to working with modern IDE and code editors that give you a lot of infos, tips, error notifications and so on? I've started programming like a year ago from zero, and I don't think I could be able to program like y'all did 20 years ago or more. Thanks for doing this AMA anyways! You're very welcome! The progression in tools has been amazing, really. I remember HESMON and my first machine language monitors for the PET and C64, then really nice ROM dev environments, and CygnusEd for the Amiga... all the way up to PlatformIO and Visual Studio Code.
My most recent "WOW" moment was adding a line to my lib_deps line in platformio, which magically included the library being developed at the URL on github. So you can link to online projects... cool.
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Just wanted to say thanks for the Alpha port! Alpha AXP was by far the hardest to debug! "Branch later, maybe"
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I just want to thank you for my first experience with pinball. I am now a top 100 competitive pinball player and own 16 pinball machines. That's cool, which do you collect primarily? I was always a fan of Williams, and am FB friends with a couple of their older devs like Steve Ritchie, Larry DeMar, and Eugene Jarvis (but I should be careful, Bill Gates warned me never to name drop :-) )
I have a Black Knight 2000 as my own machine right now!
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I have a wide range. Some modern Sterns like Metallica, Jurassic Park, Tron and Iron Maiden. Older Bally’s like Frontier and Fathom. 2 classic Bally/Williams Dr Who and Attack From Mars. Plus a few EMs. I like them all! Attack From Mars was the game that got me into the physical world of pinball. Collecting has been more of a recent pandemic thing since I can’t go out and play. I miss traveling around the country playing in big tournaments. Oh yeah and Steve Ritchie is quite the character. You must meet him some day. I’ve met him a few times and each time has earned a place in my pinball stories I talk about with friends. Congrats on the collection, that's a nice set! I've never met Steve - I did meet Larry DeMar in vegas. I was playing at a slot machine and he was next to me, and had a name tag, and I was like... "Excuse me sir, but does the word Robotron mean anything?" and it turned out to be him!
Asking as someone pretty new in software development, did you experience impostor syndrome? If so, how did you deal with it? My first couple of years were very productive, so I wasn't insecure about my output, but even so I definitely experienced imposter syndrome. I think most people who achieve aspirational roles do... I have a friend who was in the NFL who describes the same feeling.
Being as productive as your peers is sort of the pre-requisite, and if that's true, then remind yourself that when you were in fifth grade, the eighth graders on the playground seemed so old and mature! It's odd in that I started in 1993, but to me anyone who started in the 80s was a "true" Old Timer and remains so in my head to this day. And similarly I'm no doubt the grizzled veteran to people I hired a few years later.
I know when I started I felt like the dumbest guy in the room, and by the end I felt like the smartest guy in the room, and I don't think I'd gotten any smarter along the way. So it's all relative and perception. Well, that and the stock caused some serious attrition of the "really smart"!
I remember visiting Google a couple of years ago in the bathrooms they had posters that read "YOU ARE NOT AN IMPOSTER", and info about seminars and so on about it, so it's very common! I wish I had a concrete strategy for you, but I don't other than "It's commonplace, and I bet there are a ton of resources on the Web. Don't be surprised you're experiencing it!"
What would you encourage someone to start learning today related to your field? I'm learning React at the moment. Let's face it, the web development experience is utter nonsense. So I kept hoping for something that would make it clean, and easy to make components, and to work with REST apis. So I went looking for a solution. Then I read about Angular, and it seemed like "too much" to learn for the sake of making a SPA.
But React seems understandable enough and solves a ton of problems with web development, not the least of which is being able to intermingle HTML and Javascript (via JSX).
As for languages, I'd probably start with Python. I prototyped a complicated LED system a couple of years ago and it was admirable what it could accomplish for an interpreted language. And you probably have to know modern Javascript as well.
Now, would you be rather interested in working for windows, macos or linux ? I work in all three. For my own projects I write to the ASP.NET Core 3.1, and that's available on Windows, Mac, and Linux. I originally wrote my LED server to it under MacOS, then moved it to Windows with about 5 minutes of changes (related to the consoles being somewhat different). Then I moved it to Linux, where I made it work and then containerized it with Docker. I got it up and running on my Raspberry Pi and in a Windows HyperV and under WSL using Ubuntu. To me that kind of stuff is super cool.
Once I had it working in a Docker container I deployed it to my Synology NAS, which is some variant of Linux. So my NAS runs my Christmas lights!
I love stuff like that when it works!
My main workstation is a Dell monitor that has an internal KVM. I have a 2013 Mac Pro connected to it, which is maxed out and then has an eGPU and eRAID setup via Thunderbolt. And then I have a 3970X Windows PC connected as well, and I can jump back and forth with a button.
I spend most of my day in Windows now, unless it's video related, in which case I use Final Cut Pro.
Hi Dave, thanks for the AmA! In regards to task manager - often times I have to click the 'end task' button more than once to get the frozen program to actually close. Why is this? Thanks again. Remember that, at least in my day, End Task is different than End Process. The former sends a "Please close yourself" message to the app, and if it's hung, it should then detect it and so on, but doesn't always. Imagine the app is in a weird state where it's still pumping messages, it's not hung, but it's broken. End Task likely won't work.
That's when you need End Process, which tears everything down for you. The substantive difference is that the program gets no choice in the matter and no notification. End Task can be graceful. End Process is brutal.
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What about when the task manager stops responding? We need a task manager manager to manage the task manager. Lol I've never seen that happen, ever, unless the system itself or the window manager is bunged in some way. Your puny Task Manager cannot save you now.
Then again, nothing can, save a reboot.
What cool new tech are you excited about? Right now I'm actually trying to productize something of my own, a system for doing hidden, permanently-installed LED holiday lighting. It receives the effect entirely over WiFi, or it can fall back to built-in effects and so on. Quick demo from 4th of July here:
I'm done the software on the ESP32 and on the desktop, and working on the phone app now. So the next step is to find someone to manufacture the actual addressable LED strip fixtures. They'd be like under-counter LED strips that snap together end to end, but weatherproof, and with WS2813 LEDs internally.
In terms of stuff that I'm just benefitting from, the latest CPUs from AMD are amazing. I have the 32-core 3970X and the raw computing power is hard to comprehend. That you can buy a 32-core chip for $2K (or 64-core for $4K) amazes me! Now I need to learn AI or something to make use of all of that hardware...
After the rise of WinRAR, did you continue to use the trial or did you pay? From: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 3:14 PM
To: Dave
Subject: Your BuyRAR.com Order #: 122229610 License Key
Attachments: rarkey.rar
My WinRAR order number, from about 15 years ago, is above. And my WinZip license is much older than that. As someone who (a) made their real living in shareware and (b) worked on Product Activation, I'm the kind of guy who always licenses everything! You'll notice in my PlatformIO/"Arduino" video I even walk people through how to contribute to show how easy it is. I love good, cheap software.
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Would you download a car? My wife's Tesla downloads update all the time. I'm sure they're just as complex as the mechanical components of the car, so in a sense, we already do!
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But... why did you keep the email? I have a folder on my OneDrive called Registrations where I keep copies of license keys and registrations. So it was handy. Looks like Telix is my oldest registration from 1989 or so.
Also what was Microsoft really like back in the 90s? As a user of MS-Dos 3.30 forward till now. I’m assuming there has just been a whole tide of changes. Was double space really as funny on the dev side as it was on the user side with the slowness and the pufferfish as a logo :) I worked on Doublespace in that I wrote a thunking layer that could live in low memory and then moved the rest of the code into the HMA. I didn't work on the compression, but odds are the guy who did is reading along right now, I bet!
I don't really know if it was faster or slower than its contemporaries like Stacker. I wrote one for the Amiga, though didn't get it quite finished before starting at MS, and it's an interesting and hard problem to do well. At least on the AmigaDOS it was, FAT would be a tad easier.
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I mean for its time it was great. But back then floppy disks and 10M RLL-MFM drives were more the norm. It was actually awesome to have it included IN the OS instead of having to buy stacker. I think this is why I get so much of a kick out of every phishing AD that says download this to double your RAM. It just takes me back. RAM Doublers are a whole 'nother ball of wax. Raymond Chen, in his blog "The Old New Thing", covers them well. If I understand it correctly, in the most famous case the code to do the actual memory compression was disabled, so it literally did nothing, but did it with overhead.
On the other hand, I note that current Windows, the HyperV, and even my Synology NAS offer "Memory Compression" now so perhaps there's a time and a place on modern cpus and systems.
I'm an Engineer and regularly use MS Office to produce reports and calculations. Subscript and Superscript are something I use all the time. For at least the last 15 years, in MS Word I can hit "Ctrl +" & "Ctrl Shift +" to make the highlighted text Subscript or Superscript. But MS Word sucks for calculations, so I use MS Excel. But MS Excel it's about 8 clicks to make something super or subscript, and the hotkey technology hasn't made it in. So my question is, why was MS Office 2003 the best version of office that was ever produced? I retired in 2003. Coincidence? I'll leave that one up to the scholars.
If you could go back and change anything about Windows without consequences or worrying about backwards compatibility, what would it be? Format! I wrote that and since I was used to using the Visual Studio Resource Editor for dialogs, but couldn't in this case, I just laid out a stack of buttons and labels, content in the knowledge that a Program Manager or Designer would come up with a proper design for it that I would then code up. But somehow, no one did, and no one has for 25 years! So it's a big tall stack of buttons like a prairie grain elevator.
Ever met Bill Gates or have an interesting personal experience with him or another higher up you can share? Yes, even when I was a new college hire he had the 30 of us or so over for beer and a burger in his back yard. It was a nice touch and quite informal. Obviously, at some scale, it wasn't 30 people anymore and they couldn't continue it!
Ever play the video game Star Castle? It was like that. Concentric circles of people standing around BillG each armed with what they hope is a question or comment so clever they'll stand out in some way!
If every software you need would be available for both systems. Would you use a Linux distribution or Windows 10? Right now I'd use Windows 10 because, if the same client software is available, I'd do it on Windows simply because I have a new 3970X w/ 128G of RAM and triple RAID0 SSDs plus an Optane stick. All for about 1/10th the price of a Mac Pro. Since the hardware is so cheap and powerful, it's really hard to resist.
Even if all the client software were magically available, or Parallels for Linux were a thing, I'd stick with Windows because I haven't seen a Linux UI that I really like. I know everyone has a favorite... if there's an actually good and attractive one that works out of the box, let me know what distro, and maybe link a screenshot!
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Give Mint 20 with Cinnamon a fair shot! I have struggled for years trying to like a Linux distro but never found one that felt and looked right which I think had been the reason Linux hasn't been adopted mainstream but Mint20 with Cinnamon is possibly it..if not its very very close.. Has awesome multi-desltop winodws feature and you can make it basically just like Win10.. Would love to know what you think of it! 20.1 BETA just dropped and has a super interesting feature called Web Apps that needs to be checked out asap! Heres a link to the 20 long term support version.. some people do not like the Minto Logos/Backgrounds out of the box..keep in mind there are a ton of nice ones included and many more you can get quickly if that's something you don't like..what is really neat is that you can make Mint20 look like any OS.. there are themes that make it exactly like MacOS I just have not personally tried those out yet. https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=3928 Thanks, I'll check out Mint!
I am looking at my copy of Douglas Coupland's "microserfs". Although it's fiction, do you think it resembles the Microsoft Culture of the time? Lord no, that book bugged me. On the one hand, they're a bunch of pretentious and precocious, annoying kids. I worked on a team (NT) where the tone was set by Dave Cutler and the guys he brought over from Digital, so it was rather different. On the other hand, it's such a big company that odds are those four main people DID exist somewhere in the company. Just not around me!
Why was (is) a monolithic registry preferred over distributing the settings in a number of files like Unix? Why did windows remain single-user focused for so long when Unix was multi-user since the 70s? In my understanding, if there is just one user, that user has to be admin which opened Windows up to security issues. (I don't even recall any sudo-like privilege escalation in pre-XP Windows.) Windows NT was multiluser from birth. And there's nothing about the Windows architecture that requires users to be admin; the reality, I think, is that most apps started out in Win95 land and just didn't work if they were run as non-admin, so people ran as admin because the apps required it.
We couldn't just break all those apps and say "Oh well, get better apps" so what you got was a convention of people running as admin. But again, there's no need to. Same as Unix.
The one exception is that under Unix it's easy to sudo and so admin work briefly. I wish Windows had (or exposed) a simpler mechanism for letting me run as a non-admin credential and escalate when needed. I know UAC does the same thing, more or less, if used cautiously.
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Yeah NT did eventually get around to fixing it. My question was really about the earlier systems, because I think you said you worked on MS-DOS? Since there were existing systems with multi-user and privilege escalation even before the first Windows, somebody must have made a conscious decision to not include that functionality. MS-DOS was only the second or third OS I can think of for a Microprocessor (CPM, SCP, then MS-DOS). What existed for mainframes and minis didn't matter much in the memory limits available on the desktop.
What was the inspiration for Space Cadet Pinball and what is your high score? I don't know, I wasn't the designer, the inspiration part happened separate, I provided the perspiration part! I was actually pretty good at the game, since I was literally paid to play and test it... but I don't know the score, sorry! I do have the world high score on Tempest, though! But not Pinball :-)
1. What's something super useful within Task Manager you think even seasoned Windows users don't know they can do? 2. What do you think a future version of Task Manager should be able to do? I think CTRL_SHIFT_ESC is a surprise to a lot of people!
I think Task Manager needs Dark Mode, and a way to show who has locked what file or device so you can kill the offender when needed.
Why is it that I can still find dialogs in Windows 10 that were clearly built using 16 bit Visual Studio 97 version? This should explain it. When you achieve perfection, you leave it alone:
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Please for the love of God, use your Microsoft contacts to stop the snipping tool from going away. It's literally perfect but they keep trying to discontinue it. One Compound Word: SnagIt. It's what you need to make your life complete.
After my time, but I heard the new snipping and history that's being built in to replace it is pretty good. It better be if they kill snipping tool!
Thanks for task manager! I use it for so many things. How do you feel about newer versions of Windows de-emphasizing the control panel in favor of their new settings app? I'm all for it if they made sure they had 100% coverage of all settings. It's sort of weird that in this day and age, with an R&D budget in the billions, we still have a mix of new control panel and old property pages. But I like the new stuff if it covered all cases!
Hello Dave! Why does Windows have such a rough time transferring a lot of small files? Is it a limitation of NTFS? It's not Windows, it's all operating systems. Part of it is filesystem related:
Imagine copying a file takes 200ms of overhead plus 10ms per MB. Coping 100M of large files will take 200ms + 1000ms = 1.2 seconds.
Now imagine you have 100M of 1M files. Now you have 100*200ms + 1000ms = 20000ms or 20 seconds. 20 times as long for the same amount of data.
Did you ever get a chance to work in/on OS/2? I stuck with OS/2 until 2005/2006, before moving onto Linux, and would love to hear any opinions and stories you might have. I didn't! I used OS/2 a bit but never had a chance to work on it. Many of the people I worked with did, though... but if OS/2 were Kevin Bacon, I'm one degree removed.
I had waited more than 20 years to ask this... What the fuck is Trumpet Winsock? That's what you need to use TCP/IP on Windows before it was included in Windows. You're welcome.
What was the idea behind having "generic" activation keys starting in Windows XP that would activate any version, it was said they were for [educational purposes], did Microsoft provide them to 501c3/non-profit schools, or was there a different reasoning? I'm not sure what you mean by "generic". I remember retail and oem, but what was a generic key?
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There was a set of keys that became public knowledge partway through XP life that appeared to activate unlimited machines as valid, though added a banner "For Educational Purposes Only". I remember trying it back in the day and always wondered what the intention was that was important enough the key activations were never blocked. [I did have multiple legal keys, but curiosity killed the cat and I had to swap one to the "educational" key to see for myself, lol] I don't actually know! But I can surmise that if it was displaying a banner down in the bottom right corner of the screen, it knew it was not licensed and was likely limited or time-limited in some way. Unless you could actually ACTIVATE them with that key, which would surprise me.
How does OLE still work? I can't think of anything else that complex and old that still runs. We've got a legacy piece in our application that uses it and I can build against it using .net 4.0, in an Azure pipeline and deploy to windows 10 hosts and a piece of 90s technology still works perfectly. How and why? It was complex, but pretty well written and very well tested. That's not to say there aren't a lot of bugs outside the common case codepaths, but I bet if Office used it, it's pretty solid, and will be forever.
Other than your personal phone number, did any Easter eggs make it to general availability? There was one in the Win9X shell, but I think we removed it for Windows XP and later. So not that I'm aware of!
Have you ever wanted to make a "sequel" to Space Cadet? There are actually two other tables available in the original Maxis game that should work, in theory, but I think Space Cadet was the best of the 3, so...
Were there ever any 3rd party edit/change to shell that made you think, "Why didn't we think of that?" Not offhand, but "Stacks" on MacOS where it tries to rescue your mess by grouping things by filetype (Images, Docs, etc) is pretty clever. So that's something I wish we'd though of!
Have you worked at all with Bryce Cogswell and Mark Russinovich?? Also, what was your initial response to Process Explorer /the Sysinternals stuff?? No, but the SysInternal guys are geniuses of the highest order, so far as I'm concerned (and I say that based on their products, no knowing them). They know their stuff.
What are your best/oddest purchases you were able to justify as a work expense (for example, were you able to get MS to buy pinball machines as an R&D cost)? I had DirecTv in my office! I was working on the Media Center prototype and we couldn't get cable on campus, so I got the dish installed on the roof, etc....
I had a Tempest machine in my Office but at my own expense. I started right around the days of the "shrimp vs weenies" memo, so they were pretty cost conscious.
Is it true that you and Dave Cutler got into a knife fight over a hand of poker gone bad? A broken bottle is not a knife.
Was DoubleSpace stolen from Stacker? No. As I understand it, DoubleSpace was licensed from an Israeli developer. Then I heard that Stacker had somehow been awarded a patent on using a hash table in compression, which sounds pretty ludicrous if true. There was a trial, and even though it revolved around hash tables and math and compression engines, and no one on the jury had been to college, as I heard it. So the big guy lost. That's the story I heard, your mileage may vary. I'm not a spokesman, etc.
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MS-DOS 6.21, the most useless version. I remember writing an extra "2" on my 6.2 OEM disks when the update came out (no point wasting disks). You say "useless", I say "canonical".
I think I actually worked on 6.22, not sure. It was 6.2 something. In terms of usefulness, the features I added to it personally were:
- Moving Doublespace to HMA to free up a lot of low mem, as noted
- Giving Diskcopy ability to do it in a single pass with no swaps
- I wrote a new version of Smartdrv that added CD-ROM support
- I wrote a special version of Setup that worked via deltas and put everything on a single floppy (no point wasting disks).
Mind you, I was just a summer intern when I did that, and it took me about 3 months.
What are your favorite DOS command-line tricks that still work in Windows 10? doskey!
What actually happens if someone deletes Win32? Human sacrifice, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria. Do not attempt.
Did Bill ever swing by your cubicle and tell you'd he'd take your assignment home and finish it in a weekend if you didn't hurry up? Cubicle? It was the 90s at Microsoft! I had a corner office with a table, chairs, a Tempest machine, and a sofabed.
What is the best project you worked on or had friends work on that was canceled, that you would revive if you had the resources? Windows Media Center, I'd say! And I wish they'd done a great AutoPC that the OEMs could have licensed and made common to most cars.
There has been a lot of hate on Windows / Microsoft from the Unix / Linux advocates. What are some narratives that you disagree / don't think are true? I used to love the Amiga, so I know what it's like to feel a sense of advocacy for a platform that you feel is superior but overlooked in the marketplace.
I think the most untrue narrative I've heard about them is that they all have neckbeards. I think it's only "most", not all.
How do you introduce yourself at parties? "Does anyone here know how to update my Groove subscription on my Zune?"
What OS are you using now? What's your favorite OS of all time? What's the worst OS of all time? What's the worst Microsoft OS (if different)? The best OS of all time was Windows NT 4.0 with the Shell Update Release.
The worst OS of all time was the TRS-80 Model 1, Level 1 DOS that didn't have the keyboard debounce code in ROM yet so you couldn't even type on the thing.
[deleted] No, I never put a true easter egg in anything. Especially in an operating system, I don't believe in them. You have to be able to trust the OS, and I think it goes against that.
How did you get started in this specific field? I first wandered into a Radio Shack store in about 1979 when I was 11, where I saw my very first computer. It was not connected yet, as the staff had not figured out how to set it up yet. Being somewhat precocious, I asked if I might play with it if I could manage to set it up. On a lark they said, “Sure kid, have a shot”, and ten minutes or so later I had it up and running. This endeared me to the manager, Brian, enough that every Thursday night and Saturday morning I would ride my bike down to the store: I’d type in my crude BASIC programs and they were kind enough to indulge my incessant free tinkering on their expensive computer. So that's pretty much how I started!
Do you ever have moments where you’re like “they have it so easy nowadays” or do you think that because of the groundwork put in place 30 years ago that systems have become exponentially more complex? Only when someone spools up an entire docker instance to pipe something to it on the command line... then it's like "Really? You're basically booting a virtual computer as a command?"
What's the best C++ expert tip you can share for fellow programmers? If you make anything in your class virtual, make the destructor virtual, particularly if there's any chance that anyone might delete an instance of your derived class through a base class pointer. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined, I think, but even if it works, it's not what you want!
the below is a reply to the above
Wow this is eerie. I literally fixed a bug a couple weeks ago that was this specific case. They can be weird bugs to track down, too!
Tabs or spaces? Spaces on an indent of 4, tabs set to 8.
How can I open an MS Binder file? Push down on the metal tabs at the top and bottom of the central spine of the binder. That will release the 3-hole punch claws, and then you can remove your printed file.
"It's now safe to turn off your computer" Why was this splash removed? I think most current BIOSes can do it on their own by now!
Do you have any insight as to why MS decided to build Windows 95 from the ground up instead of building off of an existing *nix system the way Apple did with OSX? Was it just for backwards compatibility or were there other reasons? Also, had you gone this way, how do you think Windows, and the industry in general, might be different? I'm asking as someone who thinks that WSL is the best thing to happen to Windows in years. Windows 95 was not built from the ground up, but NT was. The most succinct reason (and just a guess, I'm not a spokesman) is that even though MS had Xenix on hand, there were fundamental problems in the way Unix handled SMP multiprocessor locks and so on at the time. I presume these have long since been solved in Linux, etc, but not without significant work.
WSL is one of my favorite things too, but for the library of tools and software, it makes available to me, not because of some fundamental architectural superiority, I don't think!
What are your feelings about "Microsoft Bob"? https://youtu.be/rXHu9OmLd8Y
What did source control look like in the 90's? How did MS keep its code from leaking out to the public? How did you handle versioning and different developers working on the same feature? We used a tool called SLM, or Source Library Manager. It was sort of available briefly as a product under the name Microsoft Delta.
It was OK for smaller teams but did not support branching, so just before I left we moved to Source Depot.
Why was Ctrl + Alt + Delete changed to Ctrl + Shift + Escape? It wasn't! Ctrl-Alt-Delete raises the "Secure Alert Sequence" which triggers the OS to switch to the secure desktop, where you have the ability to click a button which will start task manager upon return to your regular desktop.
Ctrl-Shift-Esc is a feature built into Winlogon that launches a TaskManager on the current desktop without switching to the secure desktop.
There are theoretically hacks and exploits that can only be caught by switching to the secure desktop, so if you're ever in doubt, ctrl-alt-del is the more secure way to go.
How did DOS ever get away with just pulling device names like "COM1" out of thin air when it came to output redirection etc..? That's for compatibility with MS-DOS.
What are you currently working on? Mostly on LED and Microcontroller projects that I detail on my YouTube channel, and the channel itself takes a fair bit of my time! If you're curious, you can check out my current successes and failure adventures at http://youtube.com/d/davesgarage
Did you work with Kris Hatleid on Super Hacker and the game Evolution? I worked with Kris on an unreleased title called "Commander Video". That's largely where I learned assembly language, since he did the bulk of the coding, I watched and did level design, etc. 1982 or so I believe!
Got any dev back door mainframe access codes for pinball? hidden test
Dave, how did you manage to do all that without being able to google everything? That's one of the craziest things... I got a degree in computer science before you could even look anything up!
The hardest part was OLE2. Coming form a different platform (the Amiga) it was a monster to wrap my head around, and the book (Inside OLE2) was not the best for introducing devs to OLE. It scared me, and I sure could have used a YouTube tutorial or two!
Hi Dave! So here's a bit of an odd one. I loved your Space Cadet Pinball! I must have spent countless hours on it as a kid, and even now I still occasionally try to find ways to boot it up. A legitimate classic. But lately, the version windows offers just... don't feel the same. They aren't as nice. Is there a game you can name that you would say feels like a worthy successor to Space Cadet Pinball? Or even any more general pinball games you would recommend? I have a real Black Knight 2000 machine here in the house that I fully restored, so I'm a fan of physcial pinball as well!
I think the two best video games are (a) arcade Tempest, and (b) XBox Geometry Wars 3.
GW3 is a classic, or should be!
Woah woah woah, University of Regina?!? Are you from here? Cool to see a UofR grad had such a major impact! Yup! Check out the regina sub for a recent article
When working on MS-DOS what did you think of alternatives such as 4DOS, NDOS or DR-DOS, were they source of inspiration for new features or not at all ? No in general, but Norton had NCD. It was a change folder command that could jump around the disk, so if you typed "NCD drivers" from the root, it could go down to "C:\windows\system32\drives". Super handy.
So I tried to write one for NT, but it meant changing the working directory of the PARENT process (cmd.exe) and I could never figure out a clean and elegant way to do it without modifying CMD itself!
Which is the best version of Windows? (Figuratively speaking). Windows NT 4.0
submitted by 500scnds to tabled [link] [comments]

Recommendations on poker training sites?

So I believe my time has come to step up from twitch streams and YouTube videos for poker education to maybe some reading material (books/ebooks) or one of these training sites that I hear and do believe are way worth the value. Problem is they are somewhat expensive enough to pick one and regret as far as it not being the optimal choice for me. I know alot of them have free trials and I plan on doing that for all the ones with that option but would just like the communities input on their experience with it. Also was looking at some general apps on the phone for on the go knowledge or practice if anyone can suggest their favorites.
PS: Maybe we can get this stickied to help our community to continue to grow and get better at this game we all know to love.
Poker Training Sites:
Run it Once
Raise your Edge
Negreanu/Ivey Masterclass
Holdem Manager
Poker fighter
Betting Simulator
Odds Calculator
Bankroll Tracker
Forums = Cardchat, 2 + 2, and of course the best of the best.... REDDDDDIIIIITTTTTTTTT
There are probably 1000+ books that could be named but maybe your favorite or most informative read?
Also your experience on personal training through a coach? Personally I think that would come after going through one of these sites
I understand most of the sites are pushing $100 a month for their content and if thats the case so be it.
I am currently using an app because of the laws and my location but am trying to switch it over to a computer using an emulator so I can work with a HUD/ track my personal stats a little bit better.
If you took the time to read this out or put a comment in, I thank you for your experience. Stay grinding and get that money guys/gals!!
submitted by juicyjim9327 to poker [link] [comments]

S3 Ranked Mirrors: a Guide for f2p

S3 Ranked Mirrors: a Guide for f2p
  1. Introduction
  2. Scoring Rules
  3. Opponent Selection
  4. Team Composition
  5. Battle Mechanics
  6. Micro-optimizations
  7. Above All Else


Frustrated because Momoko spooked your gacha rolls for the 3rd time? Threw your phone because a whale with maxed Friends landed triple-crits? Tempted to pull out that credit gachaskill card? Fear not, this guide will teach you how to reach S3 in Ranked Mirrors (top .5%) without spending a dime.
EDIT: screenshots may not be mobile-friendly. Also, thanks for golds, generous incubators!

About Me

I’m a math and gacha game enthusiast who goes by Cirnobey both in-game and on Discord. One of my hobbies is using math to compete with whales on pvp in gacha games while being f2p. Turns out you can get pretty far as f2p using the power of math, including:
  • Arena tier 20 in Fire Emblem Heroes (before the rank 21 patch).
  • Rank 1 in Exercises in Azur Lane.
  • S3 with 199k in the first Ranked Mirrors in Magireco (top 7 on Discord).


Have disposable time and mental energy to devote to Magireco. Seriously, don’t ruin your grades or career for a mobile game.
Have a few 5* fully awakened lvl 100 girls, preferably with at least 2 slots, and covering at least 3 elements. Even as f2p you are bound to roll some dupes, and have decent welfare units like Tsuruno and Yachiyo on top of that.
Read and understand the Magical Girl Tier List.
Read and understand the Memoria Tier List.
Take both tier lists with a grain of salt, as they are based on the JP meta which has been developed for 2 years. For example, it ranks Momoko at D-tier in JP, but I consider Momoko to have been A-tier in NA during the first Ranked Mirrors, before Yachiyo’s uncap. No need to memorize the tier lists, but understand the principles behind them.
Be comfortable with Expected Value (EV) and probability. Pop quiz time!
Question 1: The enemy Ren has non-maxed Friends (20% crit chance). If Ren attacks 6 times, what is the EV for the number of crits?
Answer: 6 * .2 = 1.2
Question 2: The enemy team has 3 girls. What is the probability that the enemy Kyouko gets a Puella Blast Combo?
Answer: 12 C 2 / 15 C 5 = 66 / 3003 = .022
I will now go over maximizing your Ranked Mirrors score by focusing on opponent selection, team composition, and battle mechanics.

Scoring Rules

This section should be review for most readers, but here’s a refresher on how Ranked Mirrors scoring works.
When you win a match, you get 1000 * (difficulty bonus) * (performance bonus) * (break bonus).
When you lose a match, you get 300.
When you disconnect, you get 0. Never play Ranked Mirrors with unstable connection!
Difficulty bonus is a coefficient that goes as high as 1.8 based on the opponent’s team power. The thresholds for 1.8 are:
  • 112k for 2 girls
  • 150k for 3 girls
  • 180k for 4 girls
  • 208k for 5 girls
Performance bonus is a coefficient that goes as high as 1.5, and is calculated as follows:
  • The multiplier starts at 1.4
  • It decreases by .1 at the start of turn n, if n > 2
  • It increase by .1 each time you Connect
Break bonus is 1.5 for the 3rd battle each day, and 2 for the 7th battle each day. On the final day this includes the 13th battle and 17th battle respectively. For all other battles the coefficient is 1.
Altogether, you can score as much as 2700 per battle ignoring Break bonus. In the first Ranked Mirrors, the S3 cutoff was around 186k, which corresponds to an average score of 2310 per battle.
Conclusion: your first goal is to not lose. If your win is secured, your second goal is to maximize bonus.

Opponent Selection

This is the most important section of the guide because it is the most overlooked. During the first Ranked Mirrors, many players rushed their battles in a single play session - some did so within the first hour after a daily reset. These same players then complained about losing to an evade or a crit. It may be tempting to rush your battles to show off your score, or simply to get it over with, but the key to winning as f2p is to only pick battles you can win, just like Disgusting Lord Ephraim.
If you clicked on this guide hoping for some secret whale-hunting technique, then...sorry for the disappointment. Avoid whales like the plague (unless you get lucky and catch one in the middle of team editing). The most consistent path to S3 consists of winning against f2p and minnows, with the occasional dolphin.
Let’s justify this claim with quick maths. You fight 10 matches a day. After each match except the last, you get a refresh. You also get a time-based refresh every 15 minutes. You also get 10 free refreshes. Each refresh shows you 3 possible opponents. Assuming you open the app at least 10 times a day, you will be shown as many as 3*(1 + 9 + 10 + 10) = 90 opponents, yet you will only challenge 10 of them to an actual fight. This means that you should be extremely picky about whom you fight.
To make an analogy, beginner poker players tend to play too many hands, and only after running out of chips a few times do they learn that the majority of poker hands are not worth calling the big blind. Ranked Mirrors is similar: unless you have outlier gachaskill as f2p, you should be folding liberally and challenging conservatively.
To get that sweet S3, only fight opponents at 1.7 and 1.8 - you can lean more toward 1.7 or 1.8 on average depending on how many slots you have. In the first Ranked Mirrors I fought 1.8 teams about 30-40% of the time, but as teams in NA improve over time, the bar for S3 as well as our predilection for 1.8 teams must rise accordingly.
Losing is costly, so only challenge opponents at 1.8 if their team power is manageable for your girls. In particular, I never fought 2-girl teams at 1.8 because 112k is ridiculously high. Attacking a girl with 56k power feels like slapping Thanos with a pool noodle. On the other hand, 5-girl teams around 210k are almost always worth challenging.
Look up your opponent by name beforehand. I know it’s a hassle, but I did this almost every fight because slots and dangerous memorias are vital information. Things to check for:
  • How many slots does each girl have? 2-slot girls will hit much harder than 1-slot girls. 4-slot girls will hit about as hard as 2-slot girls, but will be a lot tankier.
  • Which important memorias do they have?
    • Look out for Friends, especially if maxed. Maxed Friends is hot garbage and the best counterplay is to pick a different opponent.
    • Against bulky teams, look out for powerful turn 3 actives like maxed Dependable Negotiator.
    • Keep track of new important memorias as they get released. After the Rain - Mito) is a powerful Active that will come out 2 days after this guide is posted.
  • Are there girls on their Mirrors team but not their Support team? Make an educated guess for their slots. Welfare girls like Tsuruno and Yachiyo generally have 3 or 4 slots.
  • Try to foresee turn 1. Will you have a good play regardless of which of your 2 girls gets Puella? Are all of your girls likely to survive turn 1? Do you still have a path to victory if one of them dies turn 1?
Some opponents will not be searchable by name due to their name being too common. Assume the worst based on their team power - personally I seldom challenge unsearchable opponents.
Here’s an example of a 220k team that I felt comfortable challenging.
Slotwise, Mami and Madoka are 2-slot, and Ayame is 4-slot 4*. Tsukuyo isn’t visible, but given that Kirika is 1-slot I suspect Tsukuyo is 1-slot as well.
Perusing their memorias, I do not see any hot garbage like maxed Friends. Granted there is a possibility that they are hiding Friends, but I figure that even if they have one non-maxed Friends, the variance due to RNG is acceptably low.
RNG losses are by far the most common grievance, so leave buffer room for random events like crits/evades within reasonable expectation. A rule of thumb in opponent selection is that bad luck should cause you to lose multiplier, not lose the battle. If you lost because the opponent landed triple crits with non-maxed Friends, then you were obviously cursed by some unspeakable comment or picture on Reddit. If you lost because of 1 crit, then that’s on you. You shouldn’t be challenging that opponent in the first place.

Team Composition

Team Members

To aim for S3, you should be running 2 girls. 3 girls may be justified if 2 girls have an unacceptably high chance of losing against a particular opponent, but if so, ask yourself whether you should be fighting this opponent in the first place. The benefit of running 2 girls is a guaranteed Puella on turn 1, and a probable Puella Connect on turn 2. Getting connects is semi-reliable with 3 girls, and woefully unreliable with more than 3 girls; each turn you spend without Connecting is a loss of .1 Performance bonus!
I often see players ask, “Is this a good team for Mirrors?” with a screenshot of a single team. Running a fixed team is fine for casual Mirrors. For tryhard Ranked Mirrors, first decide your opponent, then pick the optimal team to counter their team. Use clearly-named Memoria Sets to minimize the hassle. Prefer choosing girls with 1) elemental advantage, 2) more slots, 3) stronger connects, and 4) better discs.
Elemental advantage is self-explanatory. Advantage matters more for Fire/Aqua/Forest girls than Light/Dark girls.
Slots make a large difference to stats: about 2k HP and 2k ATK/DEF for a MLB 4* memoria. For most girls the gap from 1 to 2 slots is more important than the gaps from 2 to 3 slots, and 3 to 4 slots. This is because each girl can equip up to 2 Passive memorias, which are preferable over Active memorias. Tanks are an exception to this rule, as they make more efficient use of many Actives. Moreover, keep in mind that natural 2* girls like Tsuruno and Yachiyo have slightly lower stats than natural 4* girls, a tradeoff for being easily slottable.
Connects are pivotal in Ranked Mirrors because of Performance Bonus. Your goal is to score 1.5 on Performance as much as possible, and a devastating Connect like Momoko’s or Kazumi’s excels at ending battles on turn 2. Prefer consistent Connects like Momoko’s over RNG-based Connects like Yachiyo’s: this game has enough variance to begin with.
Finally, discs make a difference, but are often overhyped in online discussions. Blast is usually best in Ranked Mirrors. Contrary to popular belief, Charge is usually a close second because of synergy: Blast damage scales rapidly with charges. Charge also helps you distribute damage more efficiently, e.g. use CCB to clean up two half-HP girls and one-shot a full-HP girl. The downside of Charge discs dealing less damage is rarely noticeable since you will Puella almost every turn. Accele is useful for dealing reliable damage, but sadly AP will almost never matter in this lightning-paced meta.
Personally, I ran Momoko (2s) and Mami (2s) for the majority of my matches. Against teams with elemental skew I used these subs in descending order of frequency: Tsuruno (4s), Nanaka (4*, 4s), Kyouko (2s), Rena (1s).
A huge shoutout to Momoko for being my hard-carry. She gets a lot of flak for spooking gacha rolls, and funnily enough some players complain about Mirrors while having a 3s Momoko’s sitting untouched at level 1. However, I honestly couldn’t have made S3 without my Momoko. Time and time again, she soloed 3-4 enemy girls after Mami’s brave sacrifice.
You might be surprised that I hardly used Kyouko (2s), one of the hardest hitters in the game. The issue with Kyouko is her Connect being almost dead weight outside of Blast Teams. By contrast, Momoko’s Connect is the flex tape of Magireco.


Use Brave Echelon, and put your most important girl in the center. For me that was Momoko, as she was the anchor in case of bad turn 1 RNG. You can switch to Attribute Delta if you are running 2 girls of the same element and need the extra damage. If so, put them in different columns to avoid getting Kyouko-blasted.


Here is the memoria setup I ran for the majority of my matches. Perfectly Imbalanced has great stats, and ensures that I can 2-shot a glass cannon of my choice on turn 1. When subbing in Tsuruno (4s), I equipped her with Active memorias Longchiyo and Unfaltering Conviction. Longchiyo’s Active saved me a few times 2-3 times, while Unfaltering Conviction’s Active was never used.
For the most part, equip your best offense memorias, and make sure they are max lvl. Although I previously mentioned minimizing variance, Friends is still good because it is Friends. If one of your glass cannons is the target for all attacks, consider giving her an Active memoria to boost her Def and divert some attention. The effect of the Active is often less important than the stat boost.
Do not run Evade on offense. Players often overestimate the effectiveness of Evade memorias. Due to recall bias we tend to remember that time when we lost to a triple-evade, while forgetting all the times when Evade did nothing except serve as a detriment. Evade takes a Passive slot and has 2k less in stats than a maxed 4* Memoria. It can sneak you a few defense wins, but on offense it is too unreliable. You might argue, “But I won a match the other day with a really clutch evade!” Okay I believe you, but probabilistically 4 out of 5 times that evade won’t happen - if that evade was actually clutch, then you shouldn’t be challenging that opponent in Ranked Mirrors in the first place. Also keep in mind that we will receive more anti-evade options like Magical Halloween Theater.
Do not run Magia cheese on offense. Contrary to the words of a man with tiny hands, magic isn’t everything. Without Connects, you will not have enough bonus to reach S3. Fun fact: out of 70 matches, the 1 match I lost did not involve crits or evades. I tried to Magia cheese with Mami, but overestimated the damage on Tiro Finale and was punished by a Puella to the face.

Battle Mechanics

This section covers everything after the battle begins.
Have a general understanding of the damage calculation mechanics of Magireco. You do not need to memorize the full damage formula, or the damage sum of every disc combination (thanks u/Darkbeetlebot), but you should know that e.g. BBB and CCB are the two combinations with highest damage output in Mirrors, or that e.g. the optimal way to arrange A, B, C discs is ACB.

Memorias (continued)

Although you just spent a considerable amount of time looking at your opponent’s Memorias, you will need to do so again when the battle starts to verify their distribution. In the first Ranked Mirrors, you could reasonably assume that sword icon meant Friends (occasionally Perfectly Imbalanced, which can be disabled with 1 attack), blast icon meant Onward to the Light, and invisible icon meant Evade, etc. We will get a bit more variety as the meta evolves, but Friends is still broken in JP. Since you stalked your opponent beforehand, you know the slot counts for most of their team: use this to deduce whether a girl has an invisible icon.
For instance, whenever I saw a Kyouko with a blast icon and a sword icon, I knew that she:
  • Could blast me for extra damage.
  • Could crit me for extra damage.
  • Could not evade.
Hence it made sense to eliminate her asap.


This section is about targeting for both you and the CPU.
Conventional wisdom says that you want to target the girl who deals the most damage. However, often it is worth leaving her at low HP to more evenly distribute among among your girls, and to reduce the chance of the opponent getting Puella. This is especially true against 3-girl teams, where hitting each girl once on turn 1 may be the safest setup for turn 2. Losing a girl means losing the option to Connect. Quintessential for damage mitigation is to not let the opponent have just one girl left turn 1, as that gives them guaranteed Puella with best possible discs. Unfortunately crits from Friends can sabotage you here.
Each enemy girl will target the girl she can do most damage to, taking into account defense and element, but not taking into account damage reduction effects. However, the CPU may attack a different target to deal a fatal blow. Also, the CPU abides by the same rules you do in that it must commit to 3 discs. This means that if the CPU expects one of your girls to die, its subsequent attacks will target another girl, even if the original girl survives (damage reduction, guard, etc.). As far as I know this isn’t consistently exploitable, but is nice when it happens.
On the other hand, if your attack targets a girl who is now dead, the attack will be redirected to a target in the rightmost column, specifically the topmost within that column. This is important when you are not sure how many hits are required to finish a target.
Keep track of attacks and prevent the CPU from Connecting - it will almost always Connect when possible. This usually takes priority over other targeting concerns. In one of my most embarrassing battles, I knew that the enemy Ren had Connect, yet I only targeted her with one attack. She evaded, and her Connect cost me 2 more turns, crippling my bonus.
The battle will rarely last until turn 3 for the opponent, but if it goes, never let CPU use Dependable Negotiator or other devastating actives.


As long as you have 2 girls left, you should chain Puella Connects to maximize your Performance bonus, barring extreme circumstances, e.g. the girl who would receive the Connect is fogged and you need to win this turn.
Sometimes players forget that a Connect counts as a disc for both the donor and the recipient. If girl X has connect but girl Y has insufficient discs, you have the option of doing the following:
Turn 1: X X X
Turn 2: X(to Y) X X
which will still qualify as Puella. This screws over your Connect chain on Turn 3, but you still get 1.5 if you win on Turn 2, and 1.4 if you win on Turn 3.
If you are running a 3-girl team, even if you don’t get Puella on turn 1, you have the option of double Connecting on turn 3 by doing the following:
Turn 1: X X Y
Turn 2: X Y Y
Turn 3: X(to Z) Y(to Z) Z
You can salvage your 1.5 Performance bonus on Turn 3 this way. However, it’s rare for all 3 girls to survive this long, and I only managed this once or twice in 70 matches, via meticulous target rebalancing.
Although most Connects give ATK UP or Damage UP, do not blindly connect with the first disc. If the enemy Tart has 5k HP left while the enemy Kirika has 30k HP, you may be able to finish them both in one turn with B C(connect) B.


As I alluded to earlier, to aim for S3 as f2p you’ll want to think about Magireco like poker. In the world of professional poker, discussions almost always revolve around the EV of decisions that players made, not what outcomes those decisions entailed. This is equally applicable in Magireco.
In the first Ranked Mirrors season, there were some matches where I got 2700, but immediately put my phone down and sighed, “That made a terrible mistake”. There were also some matches where the reverse happened. After all, there are 70 matches in one season, a pretty large sample, so even small misplays and habits will get amplified in my expected final score.
Staying EV-focused will help you to not tilt. Tilting leads to poor decisions in both poker and Magireco. If bad RNG hits on you match 7, consider taking a break until you feel clear-headed again. While on break, remind yourself that bad luck happens to everyone, and that many players would have lost in your position. Actually, many players have lost or will lose in your identical position, even whales (word on Discord is that even Envvi lost a match this season), and as long as you continue to make high-EV decisions, the Law of Large Numbers will reward you in the long run.

Example Battle

Earlier I decided to challenge a 220k 5-girls team as an example. Let’s apply what we learned to the ensuing battle. In the screenshot below, whom on the enemy team should we target?
On our team, Mami has less Def than Momoko. This implies that on the enemy team:
  • Rena will target Momoko
  • Ayame, Madoka, Tsukuyo, and Mami will target Mami
We know from stalking earlier that Rena is 1-slot while Mami and Madoka are 2-slot. Tsukuyo is probably 1-slot, but 2-slot is not beyond question. Therefore Momoko has negligible risk of dying turn 1, so our bonus-maximizing strategy is to protect Mami. This can be done by eliminating Ayame and weakening Madoka and Tsukuyo:
C(Tsukuyo) C(Tsukuyo) B(Ayame)
You might wonder, “Why not eliminate Ayame and Mami?” This goes back to ensuring a path to victory being our first priority.
If Mami dies an early death (just like episode 3), Momoko needs to solo the battle, and having the opponent Mami alive dilutes their discs, giving Momoko better survivability odds while chipping away at Rena, which is our path to victory.
If Momoko dies an early death, Mami needs to solo the battle. She can do so by cleaning up everyone but Rena. Rena would have Connect but no allies to give it to, leaving our path to victory secure.
Fortunately, both of our girls survive turn 1, though this outcome is unsurprising. Mami ends the battle turn 2 using Momoko’s Connect:
C(connect, Tsukuyo) C(Rena) B(Madoka)
Thus we collect our 2700. Even in most cases of bad RNG, we would have lost multiplier but not the battle. The EV of challenging this opponent was at least 2600 by a rough estimate - in other words, we should gladly challenge this opponent again if given the chance.


This section is for other small tricks I employed to gain more edge.
  • Endless Mirrors is a fantastic training ground for Ranked Mirrors. Being able to predict who lives, who dies, who tells your story on turn 1 largely comes from Endless testing.
    • I used to maintain a Google Sheet with an entry for every match I lost in Endless Mirrors, and what misplays I made. I stopped maintaining the sheet after Friends came out, but I still review my misplays mentally.
    • I also mentioned avoiding whales like the plague. In Endless Mirrors you can challenge whales to your heart’s content, to make up for all the times you’ll have to decline them in Ranked Mirrors.
  • You can get more defense wins by switching to a dedicated defense team between matches.
    • Very annoying to do; slightly less annoying with Memoria Sets.
    • Sadly, Magireco doesn’t let you set a dedicated defense Mirrors team, unlike Fire Emblem Heroes.
    • I lack stats to back this up, but I suspect that defense wins matter very little for getting into S3 as f2p. The players you are competing with are almost certainly disjoint from the players you are getting defense wins from.
  • You can get more defense wins by changing your name to something generic, so that players cannot find you via name search.
    • E.g. I changed my IGN to “Sakura” for the duration of Ranked Mirrors.
  • Some players have Japanese characters in their names, like “entロピー”. Counter this strat by learning Japanese.
  • You can follow someone after a match to stalk their team and memorias whenever you want, bypassing any name shenanigans.

Above All Else

If you made it to the bottom, thank you for reading my guide. There is a final piece of advice which I cannot stress enough: you are welcome to follow this guide as closely as you’d like, but remember to have fun. Magireco is just a game at the end of the day.
submitted by zephyredx to magiarecord [link] [comments]

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Keep in mind this is the very first release, if you encounter a bug we would love to hear about it! We hope you guys enjoy this as much as we did building it.
submitted by iDontLikeApple to poker [link] [comments]

Best and Most Handy Poker Odds Calculator?

Can anyone recommend the best poker odds calculator and push / shove tool to use to study? An IOS App would be particularly handy.
submitted by ZARApants to poker [link] [comments]

new poker reg looking for advice (live 1/3, St. Louis)

Hi /poker,
I'm a new live player that wants to take a shot at making some decent $ at the casino. I've played for small change previously, and had a pretty decent run on the WSOP poker app. (I know it's play money, but when you get to the higher stakes alot of the players become somewhat decent)
I've done two dozen sessions with 1/3 NLHM at a nearby casino (Lumiere in St. Louis) for a few months and have found it to be challenging. I have a couple questions for you guys if you don't mind me asking.

1 - If I choose to play a connectobroadway hand offsuit, are the suits important to memorize?

I say this because unless I have a A or a K, I find the information to be hardly useful. (one less flush card out for a villian, but they don't know that?)

2 - Has your session length endurance improved?

I've noticed after about ~3 hours during a session my play starts to get weaker. Over time have you all been able to improve to longer sessions gradually or have you been stuck at the same session length throughout your poker careers?

3 - When you have TPTK on the flop against a few villains, which is the better +EV long term play and why:

4 - How should mucked cards that are revealed factor into my calculation?

I understand that this can affect outs to:
But what if it is none of the above? Can this act as a positive multiplier for the outs I have already? (ie. if 3 cards are accidentally revealed, multiply your outs by x1.25) Maybe this is so insignificant that it's not worth the hassle.

5 - Drawing with middle or bottom pair on the flop? (no flush or straight added)

The pot odds are terrible, but are the implied odds worth it if the villain is deep stacked? I ask this because I have seen some solid regs (that I'm 90% sure are using poker as a full-time income) use this strategy to take another player's stack with two pair or land trips successfully.

6 - Best bluff strategy for 1/3?

I've found that bluffing 3 streets almost never pays off, even when I have a tight table image. Thus I've dropped my bluff frequency to 1 street, and maybe 2 streets occasionally. Usually I look for scare cards (flush draw, overcard appeared, etc.) for a quick takedown of the pot. I realize bluffing is situation and player dependent moreso than having x% of a bluff range that others like to promote. Am I wrong in thinking this?

7 - Suited connectors in a large multiway pot perform badly?

According to online sources, suited connectors are great for multiway action, but a recent post here - Live 2/3 NLHE - J9s has me second guessing using them in a multiway pot. Should I be looking to only land the straight or two pair with them? Maybe only play small pocket pair for a set or a nutted A/K high flush? I'm unsure now...

8 - How much of a flush range is eliminated when on a flush draw board the suited Ace or King hits the flop?

Assuming most villains play Ax's and Kx's and suited connectors. This would narrow down the flush range by ~1/3 or 1/5? Assuming they play AKs-AJs and KQs-KJs aggressively? How should this affect my decisions when I see a flush draw on the board? What kind of equity calculations should I be doing?

9 - Lastly, what kind of resources do most of you live players use? Flopzilla, Combonator, Equity Lab?

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope to be a contributing member to this community in the future! :)
submitted by timothymtorres to poker [link] [comments]

Is it worth it to join the iOS Developer program?

I currently have two apps, a poker-odds calculator and a video editor, I've been thinking about releasing, but am slightly hesitant to sign the Developer Agreement and pay apple $100.
I'm thinking both would be free and include a small banner add to generate some revenue (but no forced popups), so one quesiton I have is how long/is it even possible to recoup the program costs from ad revenue alone.
One is a simple app to calculate the odds of winning a texas holdem poker game. You just select your starting cards, enter the number of players, and you will see the probability that you have the best hand in the game.
The other app is a fully featured video editor for iOS. It allows you to capture,import,trim,and merge videos as well as adding audio tracks to movie compositions. One issue here is I know there are tons of video editors out there, the only advantage here being it is extremely simple to use, and will allow adding audio from itunes without having to pay for the premium versions which most editors seem to make you do.
My hesitation revolves primarily with the Apple Developer Agreement, which seems unfairly biased against the developer, and also what I perceive as limited finiancial opportunity for my situation.
My primary goal is to find a job, so I am hoping puting these apps out there would look better then just having the code up on github.
Should I even bother releaseing to the app store? Is there any financial opportunity for apps with limited appeal (poker odds) or tons of competition (video editor)?
What would you suggest?
Thank you!
submitted by curiousIOSDev to iOSProgramming [link] [comments]

The APP game you play is actually gambling. Many people are ruined.

The APP game you play is actually gambling. Many people are ruined.
Playing games is a relaxing activity, but if it's linked to gambling, it can be a ruin.
Lost all the savings in half a year, mobile games have become a gambling platform

Mr Li of Shanghai is 31 years old and is a company employee with a monthly income of 12,000 yuan. Since September last year, he has been exposed to a network of Texas Hold'em that is said to be able to make money.
Mr Li played Texas Hold'em in order to win, but he forgot a word, ten gambling and nine losing. Mr Li showed the reporter the transfer record of his remittance to the club. He told reporters that in the past six months, he lost all his savings, about 80,000 yuan, and he still owed a debt.

Originally, it was an ordinary poker game, but the reporter found that the poker circle downloaded from Xiao Li’s mobile phone, the Texas State Bureau, the micro-said, and the poker tribe were not so simple. These four apps are free to download on both the Apple Store and the Android platform, but some are defined as "frequently strong simulated gambling games", while others are directly defined as "gambling and competition."

The club can "Charge commission" by Hundreds of thousands of monthly income
In the survey, the reporter found that in these gambling mobile application platforms, there are various kinds of playing clubs. When these players gamble, these clubs will also charge a certain service fee to make a profit, and the jargon is called "pumping." And some so-called play clubs can only income Thousands by monthly “pumping”.

On April 10th, the player's winning or losing data on the 82nd table of the Texas City Platform Heroes Club showed that a player named “12 hours a day” earned a total of 11,600 yuan in less than two hours, one called “ The player who dreams of flying has lost 12,000 yuan. The reporter calculated that the profit of all players is 29,451 yuan. The club draws 5% of this fund, which is 1,472 yuan as the service fee, plus all the insurance costs of 475 yuan. A table club earned a total of 1947 yuan.

Gambling makes people lose their all money,and owe a lot of debt, The happy family is now facing a fragmented situation. because they addicted to gambling and lose all money. But there is a way to make you win money.:Invisible Ink Mark Poker
can help you win the poker game 100%. no one can find it. Contact lenses marked cards is a kind of Marked cards,It is more practical than Ordinary Marked cards.
When you wear special contact lenses on yous eye, you can read the marked in the middle on the card's back,but The naked eye can not see it.
This is the latest and the best marked cards.
When you play Texas Hold'em,use such of playing cards,and you will win Billion of wealth .Please contact us: www.cheatpoker.com
poker analyzer is predict poker games result advance in different poker games like Texas Hold’em, Omaha, Baccarat. Usually, poker analyzer is used to read the barcode marked cards rather than the back marked cards.poker analyzer just like smart phone and you can use it to make a call or surf the Internet.
poker analyzer equiped with poker scanning camera, it can read and analyzer barcode marked cards within few second with 100% accurate. While.In order to hide cheating, the poker analyzer can work with the external poker scanning camera like power bank scanning camera, watch scanning camera, wallet scanning camera and so on. After poker analyzer analyze the marking playing cards, you can receive game’s result by your earpieces. it’ll calculate poker odds of all poker hands by its poker analysis software. You can know the poker rankings by watching the time mode or the wireless earpiece.
submitted by xiaoairenwwe to u/xiaoairenwwe [link] [comments]

Beginner struggling with time-limit; are there other options to get comfortable with the game?

So I'm really, really new to poker, and don't want to throw away money just to get a grasp of the mere basics. I don't have so much that I'd be comfortable throwing 20 bucks a week at learning a game.
As it is now, a 2-dollar buy-in at a 1c/2c table won't last very long for me. Additionally, the time limit is barely enough for me to judge my own hand, much less to reflect on my thought process or even start thinking about my opponent's range or calculate pot odds or whatever.
I don't have a home-game either - I don't know anybody who plays poker.
Which leaves me with play-money games, in which people behave so irrationally and careless that after a single hour I'm fed up with it already.
Soooo.... What's the best way to improve from zero? Specifically, what are options to think through boring, basic, uneventful poker-situations with more than a 10-second time limit? Watching or reading hand-reviews by pros are way over my head.
I think a single-player poker-app would be better than play money games. When I was a kid I had a training-book for chess: It had questions on simple situations, and some neat explanations for the solutions. I can find similar things for poker, but mostly for advanced play, not for beginners.
Any suggestions?
submitted by Poka-chu to poker [link] [comments]

best poker odds calculator app video

Paddy Power Poker, Free Poker Odds Calculator - YouTube 7 Best Poker Apps - YouTube Six+ Odds App - Short Deck Poker Odds Calculator - YouTube Poker Odds Calculator App Settings - Poker Odds Calculator Pro - YouTube Poker Odds Hand Strength Calculator Excel Sheet ... Free Poker Odds Calculator Poker Pot Odds In 2021 (+EXAMPLES)  SplitSuit - YouTube Selection & Odds - Choosing Winning Hands  Poker Strategy ...

Poker Odds Calculator is an extremely useful app that enables you to input the information of a particular Hold ‘Em, Omaha, and Omaha High/Low hand and get the winning percentage. Real-time odds are generated by either a full calculation or simulated approximation for up to nine players based on the number of “unknowns” in the customizable accuracy setting. Poker Cruncher is an impressive $1.99 app that supports all the functions you’d expect from a serious equity calculator like hand ranges, random hands and deal-to-flop analysis. More importantly, this particular app allows you to handle even the most complex situations, allowing for input from up to 10 players without a significant loss in terms of performance or accuracy. Online Poker Calculator Offers instant poker odds, real time opponent statistics, and betting patterns in simple & easy to understand displays. With this feature-rich online poker tool, you'll immediately have all the information you need to make intelligent & profitable decisions. Official poker odds calculator of Betonline Poker. The #1 Ranked Poker Odds Calculator by CardsChat™ - Easy & FREE tool for calculating odds for Hold'em, Omaha & more. Find on Google Play & App Store. Know if you have the best poker card odds, with this good free odds calculator and become a poker star. You will learn holdem poker quickly and use this app to improve your poker skills to become a real pro. This iOS ods app can be used Offline, no internet is required. Enjoy this free poker odds calculator from the makers of Governor of Poker Without any introductions, let's jump to The List of 12 Best Poker Tools and Poker Software! 1. Holdem Manager 3 or Poker Tracker 4. Tracking poker software is necessary for everyone who is playing seriously. Right now poker is all about having information on your opponents and these programs do the job in the best possible way. The Poker Odds Calculator by Cardschat is a free mobile app that’s simple, easy to use and about as straight forward as it gets for a poker equity calculator. You can calculate the odds of winning for anywhere from 2-10 players for Texas Hold’em, and also dive into calculations for poker variants like Omaha, Razz and Seven Card Stud. This program is also available as a desktop app. Poker Cruncher (Free/$12.99/$20.99) Recommended Poker Odds and Equity Calculators When learning poker, knowing your chance to win against your opponents is an extremely important skill to develop. In fact, it’s impossible to have a skilled decision-making process without an understanding of equity. The most advanced Poker Odds Calculator on the web. Know your probability of having a winning hand against one or many opponents in Texas Hold'em.

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Paddy Power Poker, Free Poker Odds Calculator - YouTube

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