bet a dollar to a doughnut - Wiktionary

i bet you dollars to donuts

i bet you dollars to donuts - win

I bet you dollars to donuts.

I bet you dollars to donuts. submitted by YonderMTN to AdviceAnimals [link] [comments]

I bet you dollars to donuts Pioli gets canned if we lose to Pittsburg.

I bet you dollars to donuts Pioli gets canned if we lose to Pittsburg. submitted by utahphil to kansascity [link] [comments]

Relationship Ambiguity Is The New Backlash, and It's Dangerous and Effective Because of Its Subtlety

In the old days (disclaimer: this post reflects customs in Western societies) the tools of women's oppression were things like "you can't get a credit card or your own bank account" or "there's no such thing as rape in marriage." Today it's "let's not put a label on things" and "we're just talking,"
We've come a long way in terms of material progress in independence and security, but the emotional entrapment is actually more secure than ever. In a dating culture that gaslights us into thinking rules and standards are "uptight," "demanding," and "controlling," we live on the same precipice of fear that our foremothers did--we have no more fundamental sense of security in our relationships than they did.
But our increased ability to achieve material gains (not discounting this is uneven across racial demographics) creates an atmosphere of "what are you complaining about? your grandmother would have killed for the life you have!" She would have, you're right. But I'll bet you dollars to donuts that my emotional misery inside a relationship is identical to hers because the fundamental dynamics haven't changed.
Men have found a new way to make us feel always insecure, always wondering if we're good enough, always afraid he'll cheat/leave. The expectations of women are always climbing higher--beautiful! climbing the career ladder! pinterest mom! always up for sex! While the men are always carefully managing our expectations of them downward, and normalizing the lack of relationship labels, boundaries, and customs.
This is true across the entire relationship length spectrum, from talking online all the way to marriage, and it's a way of denying us dignity. We no longer get to say "we're dating" because that's uncool and threatens him. We no longer get to withhold cohabiting, much less sex, until marriage, because that's so uptight. We no longer get to shame porn use, because sEx pOsItIvItY and "every man does it." We no longer get to assume monogamy as a baseline reality of being in a relationship because "poly is cool." We no longer get to expect a man pays for a date, or brings us flowers, or any modicum of effort because "50/50." We have been deprived by society of every traditional means of expecting men put in effort and adhere to some kind of moral code of respect and care for women.
It's way subtler than the abuse our mothers and grandmothers took, but it's still hellishly damaging. It breaks down our confidence and well-being in exactly the same way their poor treatment did to them. Ten bucks says by the time millennial men hit 80, they will have normalized dumping their wives in nursing homes the moment they need anything (like as small as a cane or a grab bar in the shower) and dating other women even though they're still married, because "she can't function as a wife anymore."
My feeling is that if this backlash of eliminating all dating/marriage customs and labels because it relieves men of emotional and material responsibility continues, we will eventually be forced to be available to men for sex and physical and emotional labor like candy in a vending machine. OLD is perilously close to this as it is--pick a girl from the catalog and order her up! One day shipping just like Amazon!
Fight back, ladies. Stay solo rather than take this sh*t.
submitted by wrice05 to FemaleDatingStrategy [link] [comments]

Just have to vent about the dumbest argument i have ever had

So today me and my family gets pizza. We go pick up, its a large and a small. My dad is repeatedly insisting they are the same because and i quote "both have 6 slices". I point out no theres a massive and obvious difference but whatever idc food is food. He gets so upset i am not joking when i tell you he threw my pizza out the window and started ranting and raving that i'm not going to make it home. So i have to sit there listening to him make thinly veiled threats to kill me over a god damn pizza.
It gets dumber yet. We get home and he says i'm not allowed to come in. I'm now homeless and can "eat under a bridge" (?) for all he cares. He's screaming so loud my mom inside the house hears and comes out. She ask whats going on. i explain to her he threw one of the pizzas on the ground on the way home. She gets mad and starts yelling at him meanwhile he is screaming at her saying its me or him one of has to go.
This is quiet suburbia right outside cleveland. I bet you dollars to donuts everyone on the street heard this dumb argument that once again STARTED OVER A PIZZA. But it gets more pathetic. Mom makes the choice of saying screw this im going inside. I had ran inside shortly before she did.
Dad being pissed storms in and says he is shutting down the phones. He calls verizon who tell him they need to confirm this with the account holder (which is my mom because he hasn't paid for anything in almost a decade.) Mom of course goes no and he blows up more.
Mom wanting him to stop ask if i can go to a friends for a few weeks. I point out it's covid season and she just sighs and tells me to go to my room. Dad wanting of course to keep going decides to say "it isn't his room it's my room. He doesn't own anything." She tells him to leave it and to leave me alone.
He blows up more and starts saying he's leaving. Even goes as far as to come to my door and tells me to say goodbye to the dogs which i took to mean he was threatening to kill them. I of course being used to this after a decade was filming so when he goes to my mom and tells her I threatened to hurt the dogs played back the recording. Mom tells him to leave. He says fine and starts throwing out insults and accusations. He's left but he is sitting in the car in the driveway.
This has all been because of a pizza.
submitted by Jormungersfatday to offmychest [link] [comments]

G533 Quiet Microphone Resolved

I bought a G533 headset and while the audio was great, no one could hear me on the mic. Everyone complained it was too quiet. I checked all the configurations - they were fine. I updated all the software & firmware. I reset the headphones. Same problem.
I finally ended up noticing that there is an extendable piece for the mic at the end of the boom. It had a flexible arm that extends the mic and allows you to bend it towards your mouth. This does not appear in any of the documentation as far as I can tell, and you can’t even see the mic boom on the product packaging to compare. It is practically invisible when it’s not extended and practically useless until it is.
I feel like an idiot that it took me hours to find this out. However, the internet is full of unresolved complaints about this model of headset being too quiet - and I would bet you dollars to donuts a bunch of those people have perfectly good headsets - but with BS documentation.
Hope this helps somebody. I love these now. I was about to RMA them.
submitted by theschadowknows to LogitechG [link] [comments]

100 Objects "The Conspiracy" Is Transporting

Actually, that's a lie (of course, that's what conspiracies do): I have just 90 ideas so far, but I would be very happy to add your suggestions. I've seen how creative people can be on this subreddit, and I'm sure we can easily fill that out to 100 (edit: and so you did; thank you everyone)! Please steer away from a modern politics, though. Also, I'm sure there are a thousand more interesting objects described in the SCP Foundation, but I've not consulted it.

50 Small Objects

These might be found in a briefcase or even a pocket:
  1. A 3D compass of sorts, that always points to a region of space that appears empty in contemporary sky surveys (courtesy u/Delarhi).
  2. An agreement between Pope Boniface IX and several Jewish leaders, cordially setting out how the church will persecute the Jews publicly, while the two groups cooperate behind the scenes to forward their agendas. [Note: No offense intended. I probably shouldn't start this list with something so sensitive, it's just alphabetical order.]
  3. An album from Paul McCartney, dated to 1968 and unlike anything released to the public. The end of the record seems to be just noise, but if filtered just so there’s a rambling spoken word poem about conspiracies. Half of it is true.
  4. An audio tape. It alternates between a man’s voice and bizarre sounds no human mouth could produce. Are the two able to communicate, or is it a one-sided conversation?
  5. Bees, in hibernation. What does their venom do?
  6. A belt, made of wolf’s hide and decorated with bone and amber. What does it do if you wear it (and does it matter if the moon is full)?
  7. Biowarfare samples. Is the glass cracked?
  8. A box of passionate letters between Abraham Lincoln and a young man, dated to the early 1870s.
  9. A brain, in ice. Whose is it?
  10. A butterfly case. None of the species are known to the scientific community.
  11. A canister containing some liquid that only interacts with the canister. If you stick your hand or something in the fluid behaves as if it's not there. If poured out of the canister it simply falls through the ground (courtesy u/Delarhi).
  12. A canister of azidoazide azide.
  13. A chunk of ice which, if it comes into contact with water or living tissue, converts it to more of the ice. If dropped into the ocean, could it destroy all life on earth?
  14. Clay bricks, very old but showing traces of indigo paint. Anyone touching one can speak and understand any human language.
  15. Cold cash. Who will come looking for this?
  16. A computer tape. On it is code for an AI which is capable of controlling almost any computer onto which it is loaded.
  17. A curiously glittering piece of cloth. It renders objects invisible to radar.
  18. A crystal skull.
  19. A deformed fetus. Is it an alien-human hybrid?
  20. False identities. Or are they real people?
  21. Film of a cryptid, very clear and high-quality. Which one: bigfoot, chupacabra, the Jersey Devil, the Loch Ness monster?
  22. Frozen eggs, sperm, or cloned fertile eggs. Who are they from? Elites, leaders, or enemies of the conspiracy?
  23. Functional X-ray goggles.
  24. Fungi. They’re of no known type, but the spores will infect and grow on living flesh.
  25. An incredibly ancient leather pouch containing five smooth stones, as well as a sling (courtesy of u/SamAre_I15).
  26. A pair of glasses which allow the wearer to see strange worm-like creatures apparently floating in the air. Can they see you?
  27. Gold bars. What makes them special?
  28. A handful of silver coins, very tarnished.
  29. An iPod, almost encased in metamorphic rock which dates to 27 million years old.
  30. A journal from Roanoke, describing how “strange naked men appeared, with ashen skin, and promised to deliver us from our deprivation.”
  31. A large iron nail, marked with rust. Or is that dried blood?
  32. Letters between Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe, in which the former blackmails the latter into giving credit for the plays he’s written.
  33. A manuscript from 1561, in which Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I apologizes to “small men from the sky, who speak without words” for waging war, and swears to be peaceful in the future.
  34. A map of the world, with lines marked on it. These converge in places like Giza and Salisbury Plain.
  35. A microwave gun, capable of causing headaches at low power - untraceable death by aneurysm at high power.
  36. Moon rocks. The bags are dated from 1948 to 1953.
  37. The nuclear “football.” Are the codes valid?
  38. A pan flute, old and worn. If played, it attracts small mammals and children, and causes hypnotic calm in adults.
  39. A partial children’s encyclopedia, dated 2037.
  40. A photograph of a world leader in an extremely compromising position.
  41. Potsherds. They appear perfectly ordinary, but there are faint scratches. Could they have recorded the voice of Jesus?
  42. Records of a CIA project to engineer HIV/AIDS and distribute it among the population.
  43. A rectangular-ish rock with an HDMI port embedded in it but seemingly attached to nothing (courtesy u/Delarhi).
  44. A recording from a gun camera, showing a saucer-shaped craft nearly colliding with a Russian fighter. For one frame, you can just see tiny bulbous heads inside a round glass window.
  45. Samples of an unknown metal. Where is it from?
  46. A street map of Area 51.
  47. A teddy bear. Is there some ghost or spirit attached to this object, or is it perfectly ordinary?
  48. A tungsten ring. If someone wears it, they can call forth intense heat and radiation, as from a nuclear blast.
  49. A wooden cup. It’s unadorned, but clearly very old.
  50. The Zapruder film - the complete Zapruder film.

50 Large Objects

These might be found in a crate, or filling a tractor-trailer:
  1. Amelia Earhart’s plane.
  2. An apparently empty crate. Objects inside age at 100 times the normal rate; putting your hand in will cause severe pain and, if not quickly removed, necrosis.
  3. The Ark of the Covenant.
  4. The Betz sphere.
  5. Canisters of an unknown chemical, designed to fit in the wings or cargo bay of an airliner.
  6. Cattle, drained of blood and with certain body parts removed with astonishing precision.
  7. A centurion’s spear. Is it about 2,000 years old, and is that dried blood on it?
  8. A child, or children. They could be clones, hostages, psychics, or super-soldiers.
  9. A clay sculpture, humanoid but oversized. It has some rough markings in Early Modern Czech, including the word “Prague.” What else do they say?
  10. A clone of a high-ranking political leader (courtesy of u/Retrolleum).
  11. A clutch of eggs, each as big as a man’s chest. What will hatch from them?
  12. A cold fusion reactor.
  13. A compact engine, which runs on gasoline or ethanol (maybe even water) at far greater efficiency than any car.
  14. A corpse, apparently of the current president. So who is that who’s giving a press conference right now?
  15. A dead cryptid - a chupacabra, man-ape, sea serpent, etc.
  16. A dog, in a spacious traveling crate with food and water. It’s well-mannered and seems quite intelligent. Extremely intelligent, actually.
  17. A door, in a frame. Where does it lead? Or perhaps... when?
  18. Experimental rifles, more powerful and accurate than anything on the market, or very quiet. Can you get ammo for it?
  19. An explosive of very unusual design. It’s encased in a very sturdy pressure vessel, as if meant to be deployed on the seabed.
  20. A ”gray” alien. Is it alive?
  21. A helicopter, partially disassembled. It’s fast, surprisingly quiet, and almost undetectable by radar.
  22. A hologram projector. Used properly, it can create a convincing illusion. What kind of illusion - lights in the sky, humanoid figures, UFOs?
  23. A horse, preserved in formaldehyde. It has an uncanny resemblance to the “demon horse” of the Denver airport.
  24. A humming gray cylinder. It has a few bumps and greebles, but no identifiable symbols. If wires are attached in the correct places, it produces several gigawatts of power, indefinitely.
  25. An iron coffin, bound with silver chains. There's a cross-shaped dagger piercing the center, securely bound in place.
  26. Jimmy Hoffa. Where had he been buried, and why did they need to move him?
  27. Lead-lined caskets, in a curiously small and elongated shape. What’s in them?
  28. A lizard-man, in hibernation.
  29. A locked wooden chest, banded with iron. A rhythmic thumping can be heard from within (courtesy of u/SamArea_I15).
  30. A man, in cryo-stasis. He’s tall, handsome, well-dressed, and comes with a box of effects including a Walther pistol in 7.65 Browning.
  31. A mermaid or merman, in a tank. Alive in a tank of water, or dead in a tank of formaldehyde?
  32. A metal box. It appears utterly empty and ordinary, but careful examination reveals that it’s slightly bigger on the inside.
  33. A miniature model of a city... with some significant changes (courtesy u/SethTheSloth1).
  34. The Nazi Bell).
  35. Parts from a crashed plane. One piece is labeled “Aurora.”
  36. A prototype Alcubierre drive. Does it work?
  37. A radio transmitter, of an unusual type. It’s labeled as part of HAARP, and causes suggestibility in anyone on the receiving end.
  38. A selection of organs and cuts of flesh. It looks like pork. It is not.
  39. A set of four lead boxes, three large enough for a person to climb into, the fourth small enough to fit in your hand. If opened, the fourth one contains a human eyeball, which furtively rolls this way and that as if taking in its surroundings (courtesy u/SamAre_I15).
  40. Several bolts of incredibly dense fabric, unlike anything presently known. What sort of tools might one need to work with such an incredibly sturdy material (courtesy u/SamAre_I15)?
  41. A silver cylinder, nearly man-sized. There’s a single button which opens and closes it. When closed, time stops inside. Is there anything in it, when found?
  42. A small nuclear warhead. Where did it come from?
  43. A smooth stone sphere that perpetually feels warm to the touch (courtesy u/Delarhi).
  44. A statue of an adult woman, made of salt. The artistry is impeccable, very lifelike.
  45. Steel from sunken German battleships, uncontaminated by radiation. Why did someone need such metal?
  46. Sumerian cuneiform tablets. If translated, they describe how the “nephilim” who taught them writing, mathematics, and engineering are returning to their home among the stars.
  47. A tank of metallic hydrogen. It’s metastable, but could still be explosive if agitated too much.
  48. A triptych of Jesus with dark skin (or Mohammed, or some other historical figure with no known living portraits); by all authentication methods, it appears to date to when he lived.
  49. Wreckage from Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.
  50. A young woman in cryo-stasis. Bet you dollars to donuts she has psychic powers.
submitted by DJTilapia to d100 [link] [comments]

Don't enter the haunted house at Kausterman's Farm (Part 2)

The next path was much of the same with yellow lights instead of blue. I looked down at my bloody hands to assess the new damage. The left was torn open at the knuckles with deep purple bruises around the pinky. The knuckle on the pinky black. Broken.
The bottom of my right hand had lost a few layers of skin from the acid. And now I was barefoot without a coat with my shirt covered in blood. Die Hard in a haunted house, I laughed miserably to myself.
The door slammed shut, causing Max to jump.
We walked for what felt like another mile before I saw a change in the ground. Max knelt down to investigate. "Plants..." He said under his breath.
Wheat. It didn't need to be said.
After a few feet it gradually stood higher from the floor. Every yard or so it seemed to be an eighth of an inch higher. I saw where this was going. The lights flickered. Max walked up to the next piss yellow bulb.
They continued to flicker. No. Not flicker, I realized as I looked into the bulb. There was an ornately coloured wasp zipping around, searching for freedom. Shiny and green.
"Oh god," his eyes widened, "That's an emerald wasp".
"They paralyze cockroaches and mess with their heads so they can lay their eggs inside while it's still alive. Then the babies eat their way out".
"Good thing I'm not a cockroach," I said, then added they should go play in the Eat hallway.
"I doubt that's gonna matter in this haunted hellhole". He was right. They'd probably swarm us and paralyze us in seconds before laying thousands of carnivorous eggs inside. Obviously the rules of nature didn't apply here. "Any ideas?" I asked.
"I'm staring to warm up to the idea of starving to death," he replied. "In fact, if I go down in here..." I knew what he was about to ask and agreed with a solemn nod. A gunshot to the head would be a great mercy at the hands of laying paralyzed on the ground for days, starving and eaten from the inside out.
We both sat down against the wall.
"I'm honestly considering it right now," he said. "I'd already have done it if I wasn't so much of a coward".
"Not until we exhaust every angle. There's something we're missing. I'm sure of it".
Max shook his head. "You see it right? That wheat is gonna get taller and taller until it hits the ceiling. Then it's gonna start filling with those evil fucking wasps". He was defeated. And right.
"That much is obvious," I said. "But whatever this is, it doesn't want to kill us. Not like this. It wants to terrify and torture us. It wants to drag us through broken glass first. Otherwise it would have just sent you into a pit of fire instead of a basement". The gears started turning.
"Yeah, okay..." he started to convince himself, "It's like a video game that seems impossible but you just don't know the puzzle... we're not stuck".
"Good," I said standing up. "Let's go".
Max stood up and we started walking. "So what pieces do we have..." he continued.
"If it's like a puzzle, what puzzle pieces do we have? They'll help us see the shape of the one we're missing." He looked around noticing the steel grated fans on the ceiling.
fans, wasps, wheat...
"The lights," it all clicked into place. "Fire. When the stalks are high enough, we can burn them. The answer to the puzzle is fire".
"That's why there's no breeze, the fans are upside down. They'll pull out the smoke..." Max finished my thought excitedly.
Then the speaker added its two cents.
"All your pieces fit together, but can you see the corners?"
We carried on in silence as the words spun in our heads. The wheat now up to our chests. It had to have been at least two hours that we'd been in this hall.
"So what are we-" he started before I cut him off.
I knew what the speaker was getting at. "We can't figure out the remaining pieces because we don't have the right information".
"Sounds like a long winded way to say we're screwed".
I had no response to that.
We walked until the wheat hit our faces. It was getting difficult to move at this point. The stalks kept breaking and stabbing into my bare feet. I got used to it for about an hour until they started driving the splintered remnants deeper into my flesh.
We jumped and stopped when the speaker spoke again.
"There was once a man who took a trip and found himself infested. Parasite, parasite. Please, oh please just let me die," the voice sang before the witch cackle rang out again.
"Did you notice that all the lights are on this time?" Max broke the silence. I hadn't noticed. My feet were distracting me too much.
"What do you think it means?" He added.
"Last time it forced us to keep going in one direction. It doesn't care if we go back". I reasoned. But the door was still closed. Should we have been burning the wheat as we went? Shit. What if-
The wheat behind us rustled.
Max cried out.
There was a man who got infested
Oh fuck.
"There's someone else in here!" Max said.
"Yep," I let the creepy nursery rhyme play in my head again, "And I bet you dollars to donuts he's infested with wasps". A corner piece clicked in my mind. "There's three more things we don't know". I yelled out.
"Corner pieces..." Max muttered. Then he pushed through the wheat as far to the side as he could. And kept pushing. Beyond where a wall should be. The second corner piece clicked.
I followed him into the secret passage. The wheat abruptly ended as an empty hall. One that looked exactly like our starting point.
"Holy crap," he said, "What are the odds?"
I shook my head. "There's probably dozens of these passageways lining the walls". I grabbed a stalk of wheat so we could burn this underground maze to the ground. I told him that once he breaks the glass to kill the wasp immediately.
Then an image flashed in my head.
Sometimes a gut feeling doesn't seem to make sense. Like it comes from nowhere and just somehow knows things it can't. Yet, against all odds it's right. I'd learned to trust my gut over the years.
"Stop!" I grabbed Max's hand. The image of all the bottom teeth from the Eat room grinding and breaking all at once kept playing on a loop in my mind. The third corner clicked.
"It's a trap". I couldn't explain it. I just knew. "I don't know why. I can just feel it. As soon as we break this light, all the other bulbs are going to shatter".
He thought for a minute, "Like the center of the puzzle says fire is the answer... but the corner says the center is a lie - holy crap". This kid was sharp. Thank god.
The wheat rustled. Luckily without all the fucking wheat we could sprint our way down the hall this time. We finally stopped when we reached the point where the shortest wheat began again.
I couldn't feel my feet anymore. Just an radiating, throbbing pain. We sat against the wall, slick with sweat. Panting for the oxygen we so desperately needed as I picked broken stalks out of my heels.
"Okay," he said between breaths, "Fourth - corner?"
I took a deep breath and outlined everything we knew, adding, "This path is identical to where we started..."
"Is it a maze? Maybe if we could start a fire without the-"
Max cut me off by slowly standing back up. Eyes locked in absolute horror. I matched his gaze and saw the infested man's white eyes. It stood awkwardly. Twitching and moving its limbs and fingers in weird, robot movements. No longer a man. A rotting corpse full of parasites. It smelt like shit and rotting meat.
The entire surface of its skin was squirming. Distinctive bulges were moving around and vibrating underneath. Small black dots marked the pale, rotting skin suit in random spots. Wriggling around. They were stingers trying to cut their way out.
We slowly backed away as it started making a high pitched gargling noise. At first I thought it was trying to speak. That was until a mouthful of wasps poured out then headed directly for us. We bolted in the opposite direction.
One of them buzzed in my ear. I crushed it against the walls as I ran. The stinger stuck in my palm and my fingers went completely limp after a few seconds. I pulled my gun out. Ready to end it all if needed.
The wheat was getting close to our faces now and we were slowing down. But we had a good lead. Max was ahead of me and I was losing sight of him. I didn't bother to ask him to wait. What good would that do?
He called out for me but realized he didn't know my name. "Chambers," I yelled back.
"I'm gonna stick to the right until I hit the next passage," he told me.
I slowed down and did the same. When I finally caught up to him he was sitting on the ground again.
"How long does this last?" I held up my paralyzed hand.
"Three days, I think". Great.
I tossed him my gun, "Know how to use it?" He shook his head.
"Better figure it out quick," I slumped down next to him. I guessed we had about three minutes to rest before we started the death crawl again.
"We've taken a left and a right," he thought aloud. We were on the same track. The corn maze that led to the farm started with a right, followed by a left. It was the way you entered it. But reversing it could be the exit.
"It's a long shot, but..."
"Yeah. This might be the fourth corner". We didn't stick around to second guess. The distant buzzing was enough motivation.
Each new passage took about an hour. We counted the ones we needed to skip in order to match the maze in reverse the best we could. Each time the infested man would suddenly appear, rustling through the wheat. It became clear it was the same corridor on a loop. But we stuck to it.
We hoped we were on the final one, the last path of the maze required you to just walk straight and you would find an entrance to the side that shouldn't be there. We arrived at the start of the wheat.
"Wait," I put out my good hand. "We have to go back," and pointed behind us.
Max echoed my realization, "Backwards instead of straight..."
We turned around. I wasn't surprised to see that thing standing directly behind us. Max pointed the gun at it but I stopped him. Grabbing the barrel at the last second.
This time it turned to the side. Looking directly at the yellow light with lifeless eyes.
"What's it-"
It swung its dead, twitching hand at the bulb. Shit.
We didn't stick around any longer. It kept swinging and missing. It had no hand-eye coordination. But eventually it would-
All the bulbs shattered in unison.
We were thrown into complete darkness. I tried to yell something to Max, but the angry chorus of buzzing was deafening. We kept running, each feeling a side of the wall for a sudden entrance. I could feel their wings brushing past my entire body. But I was moving too fast to get stung very much.
The few I took numbed my sides and left hand some more, because I used it as cover. But they didn't hit any vital spots that would impair movement. Still, i hesitated to think of any of this as lucky.
I suddenly realized that we couldn't communicate. Whoever found the exit wouldn't be able to announce it. We would have to circle back on the opposite wall to-
I hit a turn. Then Max.
We collided at almost full speed. It didn't work. We were done. I started to collapse, but Max grabbed me and threw me through back into the wheat we came from in the doorway. I landed in the red room.
Max stepped through the wheat that had overtaken the door to the Wheat path. The buzzing continued, but no wasps came out of the wheat. I sprawled out on my back and looked over to the left path. My heart attempting to jump its way out of my chest. My vision buzzing like the wasps were still darting around in the corners.
submitted by ViolentSporegasm to nosleep [link] [comments]

Why is this so scary for me???

My boyfriend is giving me lessons after work and it's one of the few times I'm dreading getting off. I just know he's going to make me drive home on a busy road during a busy time of day.
Why can't I do this tho? Think of the dumbest person you know. I'll bet you dollars to donuts they drive.
I'm trying not to psych myself out but the fear is soooo frustrating.
Wish me luck I guess...
submitted by Turanga_hufflepuff to drivinganxiety [link] [comments]

TIFU by having a seizure and going full MMA on the six cops trying to help get me in the ambulance

Checking my email is the last normal thing I remember before waking up in the hospital, except for a few scary-as-fuck bits here and there. Hence, this comes from my own direct recollection, with the gaps filled in by my wife and other witnesses.
I had a full tonic-clonic seizure, right at my desk. Details are mostly irrelevant, here, but I've never had a seizure before. (And initial assessment is that it was probably a "perfect storm" situation with a new prescription I was on that will (hopefully) never happen again.)
My wife was in the next room and of course called 911, and the ambulance showed up. Problem is, I was postictal, which is a post-seizure state where you're essentially not in your right mind. But when two big dudes came into my house unannounced and in a big hurry to move towards me, I went into home-defense mode. The fact that they were clearly in EMT uniforms and there to help me was lost in the scrambled mess my brain was in, but my more basic instincts were working fine. I don't think I actually assaulted the EMTs, as they just kept their distance and radioed for police backup when I started yelling at them telling them (apparently) "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE. I DON'T WANNA FIGHT YOU."
And so the police sent one guy.
Now I remember feeling extremely protective of my wife and convinced that this home invasion was serious business now that this 3rd guy was coming towards me and attempting to physically restrain me. I don't remember, but I'd bet you dollars to donuts that the millisecond he rolled his shoulders forward and widened his stance is the second that I went from uncooperative to full apeshit; it's just what you do when you're trained to fight and there doesn't seem to be another option, as when you are protecting your family like I thought I was about to have to do.
That's when things started getting ugly. I was an amateur MMA fighter about fifteen years ago with a local dojo, and while I haven't practiced for a long time, I can tell you those instincts never fully leave you. I know how to reverse any submission hold a local cop is likely to be able to proficiently attempt on me, apparently even whilst postictal. Before backup arrived, I had swept the leg of the officer and had him in an armbar. Thank fuck I didn't go for a blood choke whilst my brain was short-circuiting. I was also screaming (roaring, apparently) at my wife to call the police. The irony of my request was lost on me at the time. That primal roar was the scariest sound she's ever heard come out of my body, so she tells me, and I didn't stop roaring. Luckily (for him and me), cop #1 didn't put up any further resistance until his backup arrived.
Five more big dudes showed up (now 6 cops + 2 EMTs + my wife). No weapons drawn, no tasers. Fortunately they knew they were walking into a medical call, and boy they should get a medal for how well they handled it.
I wasn't going down without a fight, and 1v1 was no contest even though they were way above my weight class. But with sheer overwhelming force they pretty much wore me out and then dogpiled me to the ground, cuffed me in the back, and then stood me up to walk me to the ambulance. Big mistake. I easily spun my way out of the officer's control grip (hand on handcuff chain, other hand on my shoulder), and gave him a front kick to the breadbasket he probably won't forget anytime soon. "Bring it, fuckers," I remember thinking (or saying? who knows). I also remember being this weird mix of scared, emboldened by my recent "escape", and pissed right the fuck off, all at the same time.
Still cuffed, front kicks were the new order of the day. I was like the goddamn free sample guy at the supermarket, giving them out to anyone who came near me. Details are loose on what happened next, but I guess they did some kind of brute force team tackle again and got me to the ground, and from the cuts on my wrists, they may have used some kind of pain compliance technique with the cuffs. It didn't work, as I was able to shrimp my way out from underneath the guy(s) on top of me and throw a nasty double heel kick from lying down. Fortunately it just grazed the guy on the shoulder rather than the neck/head, which is where I would certainly have been aiming.
Next thing I remember vividly is being face down on my living room carpet barely able to breathe (thanks to being out of shape these days, with at least one big guy on my back), and thinking this was the end for me, then they'd rape my wife, and let my cat out in the cold winter night.
They weren't screwing around at this point. Apparently judging it worth the risk, while I was pinned the EMTs shot me in the ass with some kind of chemical restraint, and the cops just sort of sat on me and let my wife try to calm me down until it had taken full effect and I was strapped to the gurney in soft restraints.
When I woke up (over a full day later--combination of insomnia + seizure + downers + 1v6 cage match really wore me out, I guess), I was bruised to shit, but aside from some minor cuts on my wrists from the cuffs and a nasty hole in my bottom lip from me biting it during the seizure, I'm a lot better off than I could have been. I have some nasty pins and needles in my hands so those cuffs must have been torqued fairly hard (by me or the cops, who knows), but I'm told by my attending doctor that should go away in about six months(!).
When got home I called the police to apologize and thank them for getting my combative ass to the ambulance. Thanks to them for being incredibly good sports about the whole thing. (And not pressing charges, especially given my level of...enthusiasm.)
I'm still trying to wrap my head around just how badly this could have gone. Yeesh. The unpredictable seizure alone is bad enough without nearly suiciding-by-cop had there been a weapon within reach. Scares the bejesus out of me just knowing how absolutely out of control I was.
tl;dr: I learned exactly how many big dudes with at least basic hand-to-hand training it takes to drag me from my home against my will. (Six, plus a syringe of something in the ass.)
EDIT: Well, this was a much bigger response than I expected. Thanks for all of your comments (especially those from police and medical professionals and other patients that have gone through something similar). And, wow, thanks for the gold, kind strangers.
Common question was where this happened: As a few of you figured out (stalkers! LOL), yes, I'm in Canada, and yes it was bloody cold out at the time, even by Canadian standards.
submitted by sun_steward to tifu [link] [comments]

[OC] Punt Rank 2019: Week 10 - Atlanta just can't get enough different punters, Dickson hits the skids, and the tale of the most underrated player in the NFL...

Welcome back, Punt Fans, to your regular Thursday edition of our weekly hunt for the King of Punt – it’s /NFL’s own Punt Rank. If you haven’t been here with me before, the concept is both simple and fantastically over-engineered. Lemme break it down:
This week on Punt Rank, we saw:
All this and the opportunity to be delighted/surprised/furious/downright miserable at how your team’s punter is doing in the 2019 season so far. Let’s get this show on the road...

Punt Rank Standings

2019 Punt Rank: Week 10 Standings
Week 10 Punt Performance Summary

Good Week for

  1. Corey Bojorquez (BUF, +3 to #32). Last week I roasted Corey Bojorquez. This week I get to say how well he did, which makes me feel good - like a teacher who helped their student finally overcome their issues with trig and pass out of high school math. Or at very least like sternly-buttoned Army Dad whose levels of affection are impossible to gauge at any given time but will hug you on your birthday and buy you a truck (USED TRUCK – DO YOU THINK THE U.S. GOVERNMENT IS SHITTING MONEY NOW ZACHARY?!) ‘just because’. This week Corey gets a pat on the head and a half-nod of appreciation for his four punt, 75% In 20 (7, 15, 15), 50.5 Net Average Yardage (NAY) day. Didn’t help the Bills beat the Browns, but you don’t win every war, kiddo. That’s what I told the boys as we were hotshittin’ it outta KEW-WAIT in Gulf I \slaps back unbearably hard*.* How’s that truck drivin’? Good, good. See ya at dinner.
  2. Brett Kern (TEN, +1 to #2). Brett Kern is the most underrated player in the NFL. Ask 100 NFL fans to name a punter – I bet you dollars to donuts none of them say Kern as their first though. But Kern, now in his 12th season in the league and 10th with Tennessee, is wildly consistently and freakishly skilled and goddamn deserves to be in that conversation. This week in the Titans’ shock victory over the Mahomes led Chiefs, Kern had four punts at a NAY of 49.6. But its more than the distance. Kern landed those punts at the 8, the 4, the 18 (punting from his own 17 yard line!!) and the 21, covering 84%, 93%, 78% and 67% of available field, for an Average Field Coverage of 78%. OK OK so he gave up five yards on that third punt and it ended up at the 23. It was still a huge performance, and he was only four fricken yards from having 100% inside the 20 (as it was he had to settle for 50%, slightly lowering his frankly ridiculous season total of 51.9%). You wouldn’t bet against Kern making it to his third Pro Bowl in a row in 2019. Maybe he’s finally getting the recognition he deserves.
  3. Bradley Pinion (TB, +1 to #35). Kern was great at 78% of Average Field Coverage. But Bradley Pinion was ever so slightly better. 49/56, 48/56, 43/64 – 79% of Average Available Field covered on his best punting day of the year so far. Were it not for a two-yard Pharaoh Cooper return on his final boot he would have had all three punts inside the 20 as well. He’ll settle for 66.6%, against his season average of 33.3%. GG, Bradders. Keep it up.

Bad Week for

  1. Matt Haack (MIA, -11 to #18). Ah, Haack Attack. It was all going so well last week. This week you fell foul of Chester Rogers’ happy feet (including a 21 yard return on a 41 yard boot) and a grim 38 yard touchback which was just plain overcooked. None of 5 inside the 20, NAY of 33.1 and all those return yards saw the Hawk drop in every Punt Rank metric, contributing to his 11 place slip overall. He’s still doing his best to Blow for Burrow, but the rest of these dudes just will NOT take a memo.
  2. Michael Dickson (SEA, -7 to #36). Michael Dickson punts 22 yards out of bounds” has been a worryingly frequent return on the play logs this season. Dickson needs to find his way back to his rookie form, and fast, before this gets ugly.
  3. Dustin Colquitt (KC, -1 to #16). Turn up, do one punt, 26 yards, back to the sideline, game check please. Colquitt has got this whole unimpeachable club legend thing nailed. Wadda ya gonna do, CUT ME?

Punter revolving door of the week watch – Week 11

Hey you guys, Ryan Allen (ATL) is back! Done with the long harsh winters of New England (read: cut by Daddy when a sexy new option came along), Allen has decided to join the club of people who punt for the Falcons for like, three weeks, catch an incurable disease and then are never heard of again. Their fourth (FOURTH!!) punter of the year, Allen managed two boots for a (19 yard return affected) NAY of 29.0, just 45% of Average Available Field. Guess it takes some time to get back into it? At least he’s got two weeks left in his Falcons career to put things right.
Related note: much loved and missed Atlanta punters of the past Kasey Redfern (#37) and Matt Bosher (#38) are now our two lowest ranked punters this year. Whatever Dan Quinn is feeding these guys, he shouldn’t be. Please Dan, for Ryan’s sake.

Punter Swag of the week – Week 10

Andy Lee (ARI) isn’t content with just being 63 years old and punting in the league since before the 1970 merger, he’s happy to WHUP BOMBS on a sweet flea flicker. All day, baby!!
Most electrifying QB in the NFL and MVP-elect Russell Wilson? Season QB Rating 114.9.
Geriatric punter and part-time cod liver oil spokesperson Andy Lee? QB Rating 118.8.
I rest my case.

Punt Drag of the week – Week 10

What did they do to my beautiful boy? The Rams’ once-feared offense ground to a halt once again this weekend in Pittsburgh, and so there was nothing for once in a generation offensive guru and future HOF innovator Sean McVay to do but do the same shit that JEFF FUCKEN FISHER used to do when the Rams couldn’t move the ball. That’s right, they asked Johnny Hekker to bail them out. Only this time, it went terribly, terribly wrong. Coming in to the game with a career QBR of 106, the bizarro screen play slash oh-no-this-is-busted-better-throw-it-to-a-lineman-who-isn’t-looking play that the Rams ended up running culminated in a Hekker interception (the first of his 21 career passes) and a slashing of his QBR down to 81.6, and just 52.1 on the season so far (63rd in the NFL this year). 64th and 65th? Josh Rosen and Dwayne Haskins. They should be honoured to be in such illustrious company.

Punt of the week – Week 10

Not only was Sam Martin’s (DET) punt from his own 48 an absolute nose-down-laces-out-watch-this-bounce beauty which was downed at the Bears 4 yard line for 92% of Average Field Coverage, it was also downed by Dee Virgin which allows us to all smile wryly and pretend we’re above those jokes.
Ah, shoot.
Guess I'll see you again next week for another round up of the best and worst in NFL Punting, and the hope that we get more special teamers with funny names. Until then…
Punt on!
submitted by erictaylorseyebrows to nfl [link] [comments]

/r/vancouverwa - "Has anyone else been getting these letters? No return address to the current resident written by hand? This the second one we've received"

I am a bot! Please send NotListeningItsABook a private message with any comments or feedback on how I work.
EDIT: As of Mon May 18 21:18:16 UTC 2020, the post is at [7pts|2c]

About Post:

--- --- Notes
Submission Has anyone else been getting these letters? No return address to the current resident written by hand? This the second one we've received
Comments Has anyone else been getting these letters? No return address to the current resident written by hand? This the second one we've received
Author Xurandor
Subreddit /vancouverwa
Posted On Sat May 16 21:21:40 UTC 2020
Score 7 as of Mon May 18 21:18:16 UTC 2020
Total Comments 13

Post Body:

n/a - not a self post

Related Comments (2):

--- --- Notes
Author ATricksyHobbit
Posted On Sat May 16 21:40:54 UTC 2020
Score 17 as of Mon May 18 21:18:16 UTC 2020
Conversation Size 5
Body link
We used to get at least one (usually 2-3) a month at our last address. They were all hand written letters from Jehovah's witness. Bet you dollars to donuts thats what they are.
--- --- Notes
Author IAmQueeferSutherland
Posted On Sun May 17 06:57:28 UTC 2020
Score 1 as of Mon May 18 21:18:16 UTC 2020
Conversation Size 0
Body link
Same! Handwritten envelopes from JWs with printed letters, signed “a concerned neighbor”. Give me a break. 🙄
submitted by jw_mentions to jw_mentions [link] [comments]

Idea for Crazy Earl's Vending Machine: Annointed Unique Items.

So Crazy Earl is our main man for Cosmetics but he has another feature:
His Annointed Gear slingin' Vending Machine.
Cool Idea but let's face it after getting to 50, we're 100% gonna go for Legendary Gear. That means this vending machine becomes essentially useless. I mean you can't even sell stuff at it.
My Solution: Annointed Uniques
Now I haven't seen any Uniques with Annointed traits. But I bet you dollars to donuts if you put them into rotation at Earl's Machine, people would farm it nonstop for that sweet sweet reward.
Now I dont want ever single Item in there to be uniques, so we'd set them to exclusively be the "Deal of the Day".
Anywho, that's my idea. What do you think?
submitted by Mr_Stach to borderlands3 [link] [comments]

Holocaust Deniers? In The_Donald? WHY I NEVER

So long story short, I was looking for some things about David Irving, a noted piece of shit Holocaust denier. Normally I just restrict myself to /badhistory because those guys are fucking tight over there, but my morbid sense of curiosity got the better of me. Oddly enough a post in /berkeley came up, and this fucking comment caught my attention:
I respect you for using the term "Holocaust Revisionist" vs "Holocaust Denier." I have never met any of the latter because they don't really exist. It's a ridiculous slur used to shame people, shut them down and shut them up. However, I have met many of the former, including growing numbers of academics - beginning with Jewish Israelis - doing serious research in this area.
I also think you are making a valuable comparison of events in your post.
Well holy shit! (The rest of that thread is kind of a trainwreck too. I'll bet you dollars to donuts that this guy isn't actually from Berkeley, has ever been to Berkeley, or could find it on a map.) My bullshit alarms were going off and I just had to click the user. I just fucking knew that the guy had to still be active and I knew I'd find more nuggets of gold. And what do you know, I did!
Trump's "dems will eat you alive" is a reference to the fact that Steyer is a satanic pedovore. Wikileaks email from Steyer to Podesta is about "walnut sauce..." inside code for sauce Podesta Spiritcooks from children's penial glands. Should you imagine I'm kidding, I'm not. Https:// Trump's "he will soon run out of money"in same tweet references the fact that Steyers assets will soon be seized. I wonder whether that happens just before the arrest or after... hmmm.
SPIRIT COOKING PEDOVORES!!! LMAO. At +2 as of right now.
The Fed has already been rolled into the Treasury Dept. New gold backed bills already printed and ready to go.
Oh my god, dude's a fucking Federal Reserve conspiracy theorist/goldbug. I'm like one or two squares away from a conspiracy theorist bingo! (Also at +3 of my writing.) Bonus shout out for the Ron Paul insanity, everyone's favorite racist grandpa.
Serious riots all over the country have been planned by the cabal after (they lose) the midterms. NG, military, etc. and others are being put in place to quell the outbreaks. Military intelligence and white hats everywhere are in control. Even if the internet goes down temporarily, Trump will use the Presidential Alert system. While things might get confusing, everything Will. Be. Ok. Hang in there pedes.
OH SHIT BINGO. Here we have Deep State planning civil unrest. His source? Way upside in his own ass. Plus a fetishization of the military taking over, some deep authoritarian/totalitarian bullshit. At +5 right now.
I'm sure that the folks of T_D care a ton about anti-semites in their midst. Any second now they'll cast him out... any second...
edit: oh, and this turned up in my search: -- at +10 from a few months ago promoting David Irving.
submitted by ForgedIronMadeIt to TopMindsOfReddit [link] [comments]

Comparing Stannis, Robb, Jon, and their respective treacherous Karstarks (Spoilers extended)

Something random I haven't seen commented on is contrasting the way these three dealt with their treacherous Karstark situations.
Robb had Rickard Karstark killed, which was clearly the wrong call as he needed those troops.
By contrast Jon had the treacherous Karstark locked up and replaced him with a new Karstark (Alys, her husband, and their army moving to Karhold).
Additionally, we don't know what Stannis plans to do with his Karstarks, but I bet you dollars to donuts that it's what everyone around Robb suggested he should do. Tell the men that their leige lord (or maybe the grandson) will live so long as they fight for the one true king of Westeros. In the sample chapter he threatens to execute the Karstarks, but muses that the men wouldn't have known and might still fight for him.
You might even add Roose sent Harrion Karstark and the bulk of the Karstark men to die at Duskendale. Also an option.
Just a random aside I thought some might find interesting.
submitted by Bach-City to asoiaf [link] [comments]

How close they came to never catching EAR/ONS at all....

Reading through all the stories this week it started to occur to me how close they were to this guy slipping away forever and never being caught.
First of all, this guy was on NO-ONES radar. He was caught because his DNA had a tangential match to a distant relatives DNA profile on an open source genealogy website and as they narrowed down POI’s, because he was a former police officer and navy man, he was interesting in comparison to the profile, It also appeared that his geographical movement did match the VRS, EAR, and ONS crimes, but hey it wasn’t like this was the first time that someone looked good based on circumstantial and geographical evidence.
Then because he’s “of interest” they decide to get a discarded DNA sample of his which matches a few markers of EAONS, so they get another which is a perfect match and boom after more than 40 years, they’ve conclusively got their man.
But think about it, that’s ALL they had.
Nobody suspected this guy of being anything more than a regular Joe. His family, the guys at work, even his former police chief in Auburn, never, suspected, anything. Sure, he yelled around his house, he swore if he skinned his knuckles while changing a spark plug, but if that’s the basis for guilt as a serial killer, somebody should be grabbing my discarded DNA.
At 72, he could have gone at any time. Massive heart attack, stroke, apparently he liked roast beef... and I’ll bet you dollars to donuts, that he left specific instructions to his family to be cremated and to scatter his ashes as immediately as possible at his favourite fishing hole so he could Rest In Peace where he was at peace, but more specifically so there would be no body to exhume. Oh and kids, while your at it, please take all of my old clothes and shoes etc and have a big bonfire at the fishing hole. You need to move on. I don’t want my memory to be a burden to you...
So, let’s say he dies, he’s cremated, his ashes are scattered.and his personal clothing disposed of and while going through the house his family finds a few boxes hidden away: junk jewelery, old drivers licenses, pictures of non family members, strange but Dad was kinda strange, oh well, it’s junk, so might as well just take it to the dump...
So, if he’s dead, cremated and scattered, no DNA, all his possessions are dealt with and no other evidence is available, that way if they do eventually get to him and he does become a person of interest, there’s no DNA to test and no evidentiary trail to follow.
And so, it becomes another of the great unsolved mysteries of all time.
But because Paul Holes kept throwing Hail Marys and submitting the EAONS DNA profile to genealogical websites and because they were able to use the information gathered to narrow down that info down to a prime suspect and then conclusively link him to the DNA found at the crime scenes, the story has a much different ending. They catch him while he’s still a walking DNA sample, while he’s still alive, while he can be put in a jail cell, tried and convicted.
I’m betting that this guy had a couple of plans because that was his nature. One if they came to get him. One if he became a known suspect. One if he became sick with a degenerative disease. One if he lived his full life but died suddenly. I’ll also bet that all of them involved a straight shot to the back corner of the backyard where he would use a TV to vault over the fence and be gone in the dark.
But thankfully investigators kept at it and his plans didn’t work out.
submitted by ienmike to EARONS [link] [comments]

Sloane is broken/OP, and FFG hates Rebel players (long rant, be gentle)

edit: By no means I am saying that Sloane automaticly wins games. Broken != unbeatable, not even close.
Been playing for more than a year now. I've started early in last September. So now, after playing three-digit number of games, dozens of tournaments (winning some, reaching top 3 in most of them), against some of the best (and also literally the best) players of Europe, and trying everything Rebellion has to offer in various ways (okay, I lied, I never played Mon Mothma with two big ships), I have to get this off my chest. The longer I play, the more strongly I believe this.
At first, I thought Sloane was simply strong. Later I thought she was quite powerful. Now I believe Sloane is fraking broken.
Sloane Sloane Sloane. Queen bitch of Star Wars Armada. God I hate her with passion. Why? Here's why:
She has three effects. Other admirals, Rebel or Imperial, only have one. All of them. I've checked. They may vary in strength (Motti, Sato, Mon Mothma), but they're still the same effect.
  1. Obviously, first and foremost, when a squadron attacks, it can a) spend an accuracy dice to spend the defender's defensive token. b) Any token. c) The attacker gets to choose. And the key word is spend - that means exhausted tokens too. As few as two attacks of generic TIE Fighters can remove your crucial Brace token on your flagship (which has happened to me more times than I'd like to remember), or Scatter of your Bomber Command CenteDengaHowlrunneTycho, without you being able to do anything about it.
  2. Re-relling crits when a fighter attacks a ship - This is huge. Normally, when an Imperial fighter attacks a ship, it has a 50% chance of doing damage or doing nothing (for normal blue dice, and 39% chance for Phantoms (two red dice) to do nothing). With Sloane's first ability, this whiffing chance drops to 25% for both cases (3/4 of blue dice and 1/2 of two red dice now do something). With re-roll... the chance that an attack does nothing drops to 6,25% (two crits in a row) for blue dice and 12,5% for Phantoms, since Phantoms have two red dice. 43,75% improvement on blue dice. Almost guaranteed effect (93,75% to do SOMETHING). 26,5% improvement for Phantoms (to a very high 87,5% chance to do something).
  3. Since the card says "Spend", the token targeted with an accuracy can't be used. You got a double hit and Sloane spent your Redirect with the other dice? Tough tatas, can't use it now, so swallow those two damage cards! This is a niche side effect, though, doesn't come up often - it applies only to Marek Steele and TIE Phantoms, but it exists.
  4. I forgot. 3# is devastating for squadrons. Statistically, 2 attacks by unbuffed Interceptors are enough to strip a squadron of it's defense tokens, which is devastating to Imperial players facing Sloane, and very annoying to Rebel players (who have the only way of defending against that - Jan Ors' ability).
Not only her three abilities are powerful, they boost the cheap and cheerful - squadrons. So while Ackbar, Screed or Vader will boost one or two key targets, Sloane will boost 8 or more.
All this, for the low, low price of 24 points, no drawbacks and only one negligable limit - no Rogue squadrons (as if Empire used them regularly... oops they usually don't). For comparison, Ackbar, gives you whooping 2 red dice... for 38 points, and assuming you only attack from your sides, so kiss that double-arc goodbye. Darth Vader, 36 points, gives you re-rolls, but you have to spend a defense token. Leia Organa, 38 points, boosts your command dials... provided you do only one command that turn. Screed, 26 points, makes you sacrifice one dice. Jerjerrod, 23, makes you take damage. Thrawn, 32, is limited to 3 dials that have to be planned before game starts. Sato, 32, requires squadrons at point-blank range of his target. Raddus, 26, is an all-or-nothing admiral, and puts you at a strong deployment disadvantage. Piett, 22, is limited to one ship per turn and one command (and frankly I love him).
There are only 5 admirals cheaper than she is, 1 of equal cost, and 15 that are more expensive.
If that wasn't enough, a properly built Sloane fleet has zero weaknesses. Motti is likely to have fewer squadrons, Ackbar is worthless if you get in front of him, Sato is incredibly hard to balance when building your fleet, and other general fleets can be good against one thing but weaker against another. Sloane, is good against everything, even fleets that should counter her. There are four main areas where an Armada list can be strong - squadrons, ships, deployment and activations advantage.
\1. Squadrons - I shouldn't even bother saying this, but a proper Sloane fleet will have the most powerful squadron force possible. Howlrunner, Dengar, Mauler, Ciena, Marek, Jendon, Soontir, Vader. The amount of synergy between various Imperial squadrons are insane. Dengar gives everyone around his Counter +1, Howlrunner gives another +1 to squadrons with Swarm (all of them, except Jendon, Marek, Dengar and Vader), as well as +1 to normal attacks vs sqadrons, Swarm allows rerolling in both cases... and also you get Sloane effect. Anything attacking Sloane squadron ball just might kill itself on Counters, and the ball can fight back, especially with Mauler that guarantees massive AoE. The overabundance of Scatter makes those squadrons quite survivable - you absolutely need that accuracy. Thanks to Great Married Couple of Howlrunner and Dengar, Sloane squadron ball will equal or exceed the amount of dice thrown between fighters even before you consider the massive Counter boost, and the popular Flight Controllers upgrade.
Or a swarm of generic TIE Fighters and Interceptors. That works too.
\2. Ships - every other fighter-focused list just doesn't quite cut it on ships front. Certainly not Rebels - none can hope to match what Sloane can field. Typical Rebel fighter list will have small ships, with Admonition, the Potato, which isn't very tough, or an underupgraded MC75/MC80 Pickle. Imperials have it easier here - they can easly field an ISD that will work both as a carrier and as a heavy-hitter, something Rebels can't really do. Our toys are quite weaker and only slightly cheaper (before upgrades, after upgrades, a 200-point Pickle still can't compete with ~180 point Sloane ISD2). A proper Sloane fleet will field an ISD2 full of upgrades, and importantly, the Avenger title, and use it as a carrier. An ISD is fast and maneuverable enough to rely on Nav tokens fed by a Gozanti, it's tough enough to get in the thick of battle, and has more punch than any ship currently in the game. Also, 4 squadrons, 5 with Hangars, 6 if it was fed a Squadron token. That means activating 4 to 6 squadrons. Each squadron (assuming blue dice) has ~31% chance to flip your Brace. Now get 4 squadrons. Or 5. Or 6. And then you get attacked by 8 dice from an Avenger, and can redirect 1 damage because he has Xi-7 turbolasers. Ouch.
And that's not even mentioning popular Boarding Troopers. BT card also says "Spend". So now you're all spent, since an ISD2 has 4 Sq value, and he gets to choose which tokens are spent (important if Sloane fields a Kuat), and there are multiple squadrons coming that will either pour damage on you or remove your defensive tokens. So now you're most likely getting stripped of tokens in one activation, without the ability to defend yourself in any way, shape, or form.
You spend several turns flaking Sloane ball? Well, those are several turns when you're not focusing the ISD, giving it a window to hunt you down and murder your face.
\3. Deployment - a typical Sloane will usually have 3 or 4 ships and 8 or 10 squadrons. Quite healthy deployment (7 at worst, 11 at best).
\4. Activation advantage - This is the only area in which Sloane "struggles". Sometimes 3, usually 4, is beaten by typical 5 activations.
And there's no defence against that. BT? Yeah, you can stay away. But with speed 3, the ISD has a healthy chance of getting to you, especially if a Gozanti blocks your path. Plus, he's going to chase you with your front arc on you... good luck fighting that with your rear arc. And you can't get away if he has Pryce and is first player.
Fighters? Nope. Intel creates a huge bubble (18cm wide) in which Sloane squadrons can do whatever they want. EWS? Peach please, Imperial squadrons are mostly speed 4 or 5. They can easly stay outside of Blue flak range and then just fly to your unprotected arc. You somehow deployed a perfect anti-intel fighter screen? It'll probably get eaten anyway. Imp squadrons will be outmatched due to Sloane's abilities 1 and 3, and Rebel squadrons don't have enough damage output (and due to lower speed they have to engage on Imperial terms) when put against 4-5, sometimes 6 dice coming from Imp Sloane squads, plus Counter 1, 2 or 3. 9 dice with two rerolls per Interceptor Squadron. Even Dutch/Wedge combo is weaker than that.
Rushing to kill the carrier before it activates squadrons too many times? Good luck, the carrier happens to be the toughest ship in the game (currently)...
Frankly, in my honest opinion, if you lose as Sloane, it's purely because of your mistakes during the game.
And why does FFG hate Rebels?
That's just a side note. I've played quite a few mock-up games with the SSD. The Rebellion has nothing that can table the SSD which spams Engineering and has support (my list spams Engineering and has a Gladiator with Projection Experts that does nothing but send shields). Played against Rebel Aces - SSD survived with several hitpoints still on it, despite bombs dropping in turn 1, and my opponent getting almost exclusively double hits. Played against two large ships, SSD took 11 cards, but 6 of them were Asteroids... it even took down the Pickle, never shooting from it's front arc (sic!). Played against a list with multple medium and small ships - survived. Didn't even get halfway to death.
Only Empire won. And... you guessed it, only Sloane (twice). A list with double Boarding Troopers, a swarm of TIE Fighters, and a pair of ISDs. And both times one and a half of ISD died (the flagship, and 4-5 cards and all shields on the other ISD), and both times SSD had no defence tokens by the start of turn 3. "Normal" lists didn't work against it. If not for Sloane's effect, even two combined ISDs wouldn't be able to kill it.
I'm really afraid that SSD will break the game. You will either be playing as SSD, or playing as Sloane, or losing (or barely winning against Sloane).
And Empire is getting a ton of great stuff with the SSD - crewmen Vader, Palpatine and Krennic are awesome, and Piett is a surprisingly legit admiral for fleets with a core ship, like the SSD or an ISD, fed tokens by a Gozanti. What do Rebels get? A nearly unbeatable opponent, and... nothing else. Hell, even if Rebels get an Epic ship of their own, I bet you dollars to donuts that it won't have a Defensive Retrofit, which automaticly makes it infinitely worse than the SSD. How? Two words. Minister Tua (she should be a cross-faction card, like Hondo, but that's just IMHO).
Eh, Empire gets a lot of great things. Imps now have 12 admirals to Rebels 10 (and only 3 useless to 4 on Rebel side), many very important upgrades are available only in Imperial expansions, while nearly all important cards from Rebel expansions were also in various tournament kits. In Wave 7, Imps got two excellent specialist ships and a ton of non-faction great cards, including two EWS cards, and two quite neat squadrons. Rebels for a jack-of-all trades ship, only one EWS, and the only worthwhile exclusive card is Heavy Ions. Rebels have 10 Faction officers (and 5 see frequent use), including one cross-faction officer, while the Empire now has 19 officers (6 are frequently used, and there are 4 amazing officers in the SSD, so ~10), and no cross-faction officers.
ARHGHHA rant over.
submitted by Petersaber to StarWarsArmada [link] [comments]

[Offer] 10 July Birthday Cards [US]

I'm offering 10 postcards for July birthdays. Comment below and include things you like. I bet you dollars to donuts I will have a postcard for you. Then PM me your name/address or the person's that you want the postcard mailed to.
submitted by tigerlady13 to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

Is Epic Games a Good Deal for Everyone?

I lately looked into how much it would cost me to purchase Satisfactory on the Epic Game Store, and I wasn't pleased one bit to be honest.
I noticed that all of the pricing is in United State Dollars, and when I did the conversion from Canadian to US Dollar it will cost me (depending on the strength of the Canadian Dollar) over $38.00 dollars as of right now.
I am actually paying more for a Indie game than I normally would. I have never paid $38 dollars for any indie game, and I mean never. So much for paying less through the Epic Game Store.
At least on Steam, and GOG I know the price I will be paying. Epic Game Store doesn't even have the decency to quote me the real price.
Also I use Gift Cards (This protects me from having my credit card, and banking details out on the internet to be stolen) for all of my purchases for games. Now Epic game store offers none of that. This isn't in the best interest of the consumer, It's only mean't for Epic to earn more money, and do not be fooled into thinking that they (Epic) are doing this for a good of the developer out there. They could care less if they went under.
Some folks think that this is healthy competition but it isn't. Exclusivity is the exact opposite. This is only good for Epic, not for the developer, and never good for the consumer.
At least the developers can get steam keys, and sell their game on their own website, and gain 100 percent of the profit. Epic Store doesn't do that, and never will. If Epic was for the developer they would allow the developers to sell the game on their own store front, but they won't.
Q: So why do I have an Epic Account? A: Because Epic is giving away free games for a year, and once that is all done with I am walking away. Truth be told, many of the games they are giving away I already own on steam.
What I also find very interesting is many people who have grabbed copies of Epic's freebies such as Subnautica (for example) have been going to steam to get customer support, and help with their problems. Epic games store doesn't even have a way for customers to get the support they need if they run into any problems.
Also if you do some reading Epic has mentioned that they will not be offering any sort of forum support, or discussion forum. Instead they are leaving it up to these other services such as Reddit, Twitter to fill in that glaring gap. Yeah, great customer support Epic, and way to go.
What I find interesting is that Epic is banking on those who are signing up to grab those freebies to stay for the long term, and just keep buying their games, but over the past few months I have spoken to quite a few people who are only there to pick up those free games, and then once it is all over with they will uninstall the Epic Store Game launcher.
Also Epic has people thinking that the people who play Fortnite will buy all of these games they offer but that is not the truth. In fact I suspect that many people playing Fortnite do not care about the other games for the most part, and they are only with Epic because Fortnite is free to play, not because they have a store front, and I would bet you dollars to donuts that these folks all log back into steam to pick up the latest deal on games they have in their wish list which by the way Epic game store doesn't offer.
Besides, Epic is milking those 10 to 13 year old's out of their mom, and dads hard earned money so they can purchase all of those goodies epic sells in Fortnite so they can keep pouring money into getting more, and more developers to sell only through them, and no one else.
What Epic is doing is NOT in the best interest of the consumer with these exclusivity deals with these developers. This is not healthy for the gaming industry one little bit. It does not create any competition whatsoever.
If I was a developer I would want to have my game on every store front. The more people I expose my game too the greater chance I will make more money in the long run.
Oh well, all I can say is I will not be purchasing a $38 dollar early access game no matter how great it may be. By the time if the developer decides too sell it on steam I will be no longer interested in the game. I will be playing something else by that time.
If any of you care about about the gaming industry just a little bit, start thinking on how bad exclusivity really is. Sure The XBOX, and PS4 are other consoles, and that is okay to do because it's a separate piece of hardware.
DO NOT confuse this with what Epic, and developers who have signed on with Epic are doing. What is happening now with Epic is very dangerous, and will never, and I mean never be good for you, or me in the long run.
Now if Epic didn't offer up these deals with these developers, and just allow the developers to put their games on steam, on their store front, GOG, Tencent (Tencent has shares in epic, they do not own epic), and allow the developer(s) to sell their own game on their own website, and allow for other store fronts like Humble Bundle, and the like to sell keys, then that is good for the consumer, and for the developer.
Exclusivity kills the free market which commerce is based on. Without a freedom of choice we are all going to pay a very heavy price for what Epic is doing in the near future.
Last but not least some of you may think that if the deal is a bad deal the developer can just walk out right? No, They cannot. I do know that Coffee Stain (Developer of Satisfactory) has signed a one year contract with Epic to only sell their game through Epic, and only Epic. If Coffee Stain ever did break the contract they have with Epic then they will literally be ruined because of the financial penalties for breaking that contract.
Coffee Stain is locked in, and no matter what happens now as far as sales are concerned for Satisfactory, they will have to live with it. Besides, I am very sure that Epic will cover all of Coffee Stains lack of sales (if the game sells badly), and I am also sure that Epic gave Coffee Stain a couple of million just to sign on.
submitted by MycroftCanadaNS to SatisfactoryGame [link] [comments]

What a load of shit

Fucking sold out within seconds.
I bet you dollars to donuts, if I go to stub hub right now, I'll find tickets going in the hundreds of dollars though....
EDIT: Look at this fucking bullshit:
Cheapest ticket for kingston is almost $500.
Cheapest tickets for Kingston are now $650USD EACH
Fuck you scalpers and fuck you ticketmaster
submitted by Beatle_Matt to TragicallyHip [link] [comments]

I'll bet dollars to donuts you're on here.

I'll bet dollars to donuts you're on here. submitted by Saint947 to futurama [link] [comments]

Can we ban Review Requests until December?

From my perspective, I think getting reviews/feedback is toxic to the "Just write, screw quality, this is about words on the page" mentality we're supposed to cultivate during NaNoWriMo.
Getting fellow writers to read your work and nudge you on toward victory is great! Getting constructive criticism which results in feeling self-conscious about whether you have too many adverbs floating around or if your dialogue is stilted is.... not great.
I think asking for help in a specific aspect or scene is great--"My protagonist feels too Mary Sue-ish, how can I fix her?" or "Any suggestions on why someone would try to topple a dynasty?"--but overall critique or review of a text during Nanowrimo has the potential to do two things:
  1. Crush someone's excitement about a story they're writing and make them self-conscious of their ability, which is what can happen when you respect fellow writers enough to give them honest critique of rough drafts. (Personally, I don't have a problem with this when in a "safe space" where everyone understands the point is to make them better writers AND when not participating in an event that values quantity over quality.) (And yes, every rough draft gets torn apart in review by beta readers who know what they're doing and respect you not to get angry when they critique your work.)
  2. Offer fluffy platitudes that do nothing to actually encourage good writing and inflate someone's ego.
Writing is, inherently, an attention-seeking exercise, one that begs the author to share his/her work with as many people as possible. (One of the reasons Nano is so big--it's a ready made audience of people who believe in the same goal of writing novels!) So I understand the urge to post requests for readers. (Heck, I had to talk myself out of it!)
But if we're to actually achieve our goals, offering time-consumptive critiques to people that might actually dissuade them from continuing (taking comments on a rough draft personally) is probably not the best use of time or resources right now.
But why ban them outright? I mean, I could just scroll past them if they annoy/worry me that much, right? See, I feel like a giant bitch ignoring someone's plea for feedback, and like we're committing a disservice to those authors by not helping to steer them on the right track by tacitly permitting these posts.
Thoughts on this, guys? Once Dec 1 hits, I think it'd be great to read each others' novels and excerpts, but for now... Yeah. Hell, I'm not even asking my cheerleaders to read--just yell at me if they see I don't post my word count for the day.
PS: Don't hate me. :'( Please...
EDIT: I knew something felt fishy! All these requests are coming from I bet there's a share button that people are just using indiscriminately. Damn.
EDIT 2: Yep. I just "published" my nano novel there, and the reddit share button is there, big as life. Wow. Inkitt users: PLEASE don't use this this month! I know you want to win the contest, but seriously, promoting your story on reddit right now for a bunch of strangers is going to be counter productive! (Says the girl who just submitted her story and will continue updating it, just to experiment on the platform...)
Instead, the BEST way you can win a contest on a platform like this is to review your fellow writers. Read their work, leave (constructive) commentary, and leave the door open for them to review your own work. That's how it worked on back in its heyday, and I bet you dollars to donuts that that's how it'll work on that website. Write one review every 1000 words as a way to recharge, and I bet you start building a community. (Source: Former fanfic writer and current online marketer-writer.)
submitted by terriblehashtags to nanowrimo [link] [comments]

Izumi3682 Archives

Will the Next Recession Happen in 2019? Here's Why Everyone's So Worried - Let's not get ahead of ourselves. by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 4 points 1 month ago
I can't disagree with that sentiment, but I can't help wondering if that kind of thing may fall onto the ash heap of history. Not necessarily in a good way possibly.
I believe an absolute paradigm change is coming to society. And the E-SDV is going to lead the way. 2019 is going to be the first year of the E-SDV subscription service. Waymo began on the first of December. Right now they are described as "taxis" but you can see what the true intent is. This is a business model in which personally owned vehicles is not the goal. And it could well be the first shot in a stable "post-scarcity" society. The very concept of the appearance of the automobile is going to change so comprehensively that a lot of people are going to freak at first.
Well there is precedence for this kind of change bursting out of nowhere. It happened once before when the horse was replaced in less than 20 years from 1904 to 1920. Here is proof of how fast things changed. 6,000 years of a given technology gone at a stroke. Yes all armies used horses in WW2. But not after WW2. It was the last gasp of that way of thinking.
This along with the incredibly rapid advances in ARA (AI, robotics and automation) will see the beginning of the end of the human vocation. And remember you don't have to unemploy everybody. Only a significant percentage that causes society to react. I think in 2018 and beyond, that 10% unemployment would do the trick. Believe me, everybody is going to notice if the USA unemployment rate reaches 6%. We will all know the reason why.
The bottom line is, can capitalism and economies such as we have known survive these changes any better than the individual human can. I read these predictions of trillion dollar industries. But how can you have a trillion dollar industry if no one has any money?
I think the financial reform needs to be the initiation of a "post-scarcity" society. Now if humans tried this sort of thing alone you would end up with all kinds of horror like mass starvation and communist style economies. But with the narrow AI we are developing today, it is possible that each individual human could receive the resources needed not only to survive and thrive, but to be able to "self-actualize"--to realize their full potential as they themselves would define it. Or if you are like me, just play VR "World of Warcraft" all the time and get fed awesome tasting food automatically. Oh also, and live forever.
If you are a student of history you can see that these changes particularly within the last 500 years, but especially within the last 100 years has been almost beyond belief compared to all that went before. Over 100,000 years of homo sapiens sapiens and then the last 6,000 years of recorded history where stuff was actually written down so we know who was who and what happened.
I put it like this some time back. But you'll get the picture quickly what is happening today.
I suspect we shall seen changes in society and advance in technology in the next 20 years that will be greater than all the advances since the year, oh, 1300 (AD) and today. Whither economics? And on the heels of that, humanity.
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NVIDIA's new AI turns videos of the real world into virtual landscapes by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 4 points 1 month ago
Oh yeah!
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Google Assistant Is Getting Even More Lifelike in Time for the Holidays by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 2 points 1 month ago
Oh yeah? And just what level of "lifelikeness" will it have in two years? Five years?
And I wonder how soon until something like Google "Duplex" is placed in a robot like the "Sophia" robot.
By the way, Google blows "Siri" away in voice recognition technology. For every fail using "Siri", Google voice has correctly captured whatever I said.
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To the 'VR is Dying' Crowd: There's More VR Users on Steam Than Ever Before by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 0 points 1 month ago
VR is very context sensitive. If you show a young skinny attractive female adult playing with VR you will get many converts. But if you show a (hypothetical) dumpy 58 year old male with a goatee playing with VR you could possibly set back the progress by a good 10 years maybe.
Anyways I got big plans for VR. Ignore if you already seen this ;)
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On the cusp of valleytronics by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 1 point 1 month ago
Remember valley girls? Well this is valleytronics fer shure fer shure. Anyway here is an interesting takeaway.
Because of this, Goh thinks making quantum computers that use valley states will be the key to opening up the whole 2D material field for commercialization.
Tripendicular huh! I mean totally tubular!
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Deep learning for lung cancer prognostication: A retrospective multi-cohort radiomics study by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 1 point 1 month ago
Interesting takeaways.
We found that deep learning features significantly outperform existing prognostication methods in surgery patients
and this one is of particular interest to me.
Despite their obscure inner workings and lack of a strong theoretical backing, deep learning networks demonstrate a prognostic signal and robustness against specific noise artifacts.
That translates as "we don't know how it works, but it works.
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BMW: Level 5 self-driving car could happen by 2021 by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 3 points 1 month ago
Are there still technical experts who believe that level 5 autonomy E-SDVs are more than 30 years away, "if ever"?
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Meet Henry the robot, the first sex robot for women by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 1 point 1 month ago
One of the great fears among futurists is that the Earth's carrying capacity will not be adequate to the exploding human population. This of course is nonsense. You could probably double the Earth's human population and the everybody could eat just fine. It also does not take into account the fantastic advances in various population supportive technologies like the advent of lab grown meat and vertical farms to name but two.
Anyway don't worry about that human population doubling business. The world is going to change beyond belief in the next 20 years. Human population is likely to decline for the first time ever. Through simple attrition and non-replacement. After 20 years there probably won't be any more attrition either, unless you fall out of a building or something.
But if everyone is so worried about this sort of thing, perhaps this surrogate sexual partner robotics will help to ameliorate the over-population fears with an alternate, but satisfactory outlet to biology. Truthfully they look pretty phony right now, but maybe in like ten years time, they might look better. And of course all the robotics technology and AI technology that will go with it.
I think our manner of reproduction is going to comprehensively change in the next 20 years. I bet humans will actively choose "in vitro gestation" over biology.
How realistic looking and um, moving these robots are going to be in the next ten years remains to be seen, but remember one thing about them. They are form only. As robots they can do anything we program them to do.
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Meet Sophia, the Breakout Front Row Star—And Robot—At Alexander Wang’s Show by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 2 points 1 month ago
What is of interest to me about this post is that the source is "Vogue" magazine. Not a typical source for emerging technologies. But now "Sophia" for better or worse has come to the attention of human creative artistry.
"Sophia" will evolve, and probably rapidly too, in both robotics capability and AI scope. The device seems to me to be a way to ease humanity into the acceptance of real life, honest to gosh, actual human robots that will look completely human, being among us.
And about that human creative artistry. Humans with such skills will likely begin to have impact on further development of "Sophia". There could be interesting changes...
Yes I understand "her" current limitations, but I have read that Hanson robotics is constantly upgrading and improving both the robotics and the AI to go along with the robotics. In 2018 "Sophia" became a bipedal robot that could walk independent of support or cables. Do you imagine that "she" will do no more? I bet in 2019 this device will aquire new skills.
So for now "Sophia" provides an important and essential placeholder for the legion to follow.
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5 Important Artificial Intelligence Predictions (For 2019) Everyone Should Read by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 1 point 1 month ago
The hype will die eventually of course, and AI will become another consistent thread in the tapestry of our lives, just like the internet, electricity, and combustion did in days of yore.
I don't see it that way. A better way to view it is that AI is a new natural resource like oil or electricity. And while oil and electricity changed the world, I suspect that AI in its ever more rapidly evolving forms will change human civilization in the same way that the first hominid to be able to think in abstract terms changed humanity. In a phrase it is going to be a "technological singularity". The gulf between the ability to think abstractly and not being able to think abstractly changed the course of humanity forever.
No, what I think we are going to see in the next one to five years is absolutely stunning and astonishing leaps in the ability of narrow AI and potentially some early AGI capabilities as well. I emphasize within the next five years. I would well bet that if researchers cannot develop some basic form of AI generalization in that time that they will consider themselves failures. And it looks to me that between the absolute dependence on our current forms of AI in business, military, medical and international competition that the days of "AI winters" are over.
Oh and it's important to bear in mind that none of this occurs in a vacuum. The forms of AI will mingle with biotech, robotics, nanotech/materials science, VR, computing--both classical and quantum and practical fusion research. What kind of impact will AI have on law enforcement? Will humans still be able to commit crimes? Just something to consider again.
This is all pre-singularity stuff of course. When the actual "technological singularity occurs in the next twenty years, give or take one or two years in either direction, what humans may perceive as reality may forever change. We hope for a human friendly TS, but there is also the distinct possibility that an EI (emergent intelligence) could emerge. I say we need to do everything in our power to keep that from happening.
But AI is never going to be just oil or electricity in the background. It's going to take over one way or another.
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Driver Arrested for DUI, Drove Tesla Asleep on Autopilot by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 0 points 1 month ago
Sometimes these stories just write thereselves.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at clita nostro has, sale referrentur sed ex.
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The U.S. Could Cut Emissions By 80 Percent For Less Than The 2018 Federal Budget - Experts say it would take $1.3-$5.1 trillion to rein in emissions by mid-century. by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 1 point 1 month ago
Do cars make a lot of pollution? I bet eliminating the manually driven internal combustion engine would go quite a ways to making the planet a healthier place. And that's just in emissions.
It will become a healthier planet also because instead of 37,000 people dying each year in the USA from human caused MVAs, the number might be closer to ohh, maybe a 100 if that.
I don't see a downside. Harder to get donor organs maybe... (I'm being sarcastic)
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Jarvish smart helmet has AI, Alexa, and just looks cool tbh by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 0 points 1 month ago
This is highly unlikely to happen.
Remember both your bike and cars will be AI operated robots. They will intercommunicate and be mapped and tracked.
This is the way that this technology is being developed. To be energy efficient and nearly if not perfectly 100% safe, these measures are going to part of the E-SDV revolution.
Autonomous self-driving anything completely removes the elements of training, skill, freedom and personal enjoyment from many Motorsport activities to the point I don’t believe it will happen.
In 30 years time, no one is going to know how to drive a vehicle manually. All of the safety features you describe are moot points. The goal is 0 deaths on thoroughfares. Automotive insurance is going to cease to be a thing as far as the individual consumer is concerned. And the way that the E-SDV is going to operate on the thoroughfare makes me question if manually driven ICE vehicles will continue even beyond the next ten years.
The thoroughfares may not be human driver friendly, but they will be ideal for the E-SDV. I have read that eventually these vehicles will be able to travel at nearly 200 mph and will never need street signs or traffic lights. Viewed from above they will look like red blood cells streaming through a vessel like them films you see of stuff like that.
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Jarvish smart helmet has AI, Alexa, and just looks cool tbh by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 1 point 1 month ago
Tomorrow the Waymo autonomous taxi system goes into limited public operation. All major automotive manufacturers the world over are designing level 4-5 autonomy electric vehicles. These vehicles will have more universal and standardized features than ever before because part of being level 5 autonomy is effective mapping, tracking and intervehicle communication. The advent of 5G is going to greatly facilitate the operation of the E-SDV.
Further I have observed that many business models such as GM, Ford, Waymo, Tesla and many others do not envision a future of personal vehicle ownership. The concept is subscription vehicles at your beck and call. Ten years ago such an idea would have been regarded as the wildest science fantasy. But today is not ten years ago.
Our computing speed, our data capacity, our computing architecture and the new AI since the year 2015 has permanently changed the landscape. I recall reading about two years ago that the fully self-driving vehicles were about 30 years away yet. Pfft! In 30 years it is likely the "technological singularity" will have occurred. These things you see about you today are little "soft" singularities that I would say represents the age of the "pre-singularity.
What you wrote sounds very reasonable in the context of say 2005, but in the year 2018, powerful new changes are afoot. For example I live in a relative backwater area of Richmond VA, but right across the street from where I work they have installed an electric car charging station. It's not like a big gas station where you may see 10 pumps. There are about thirty charging stations there. What is interesting to me is that there is no identification at all. Just the infrastructure. Who is building that?
There is precedence for this kind of soft singularity. The world changed irreversibly in less than 20 years once. And that world had existed for 6,000 years. Here you can see for yourself.
Now you are probably in favor with compliance with things like the Kyoto protocols regarding climate change. Can you imagine anything better than removing ICEs from the world? I bet some very influential people are thinking in these terms. And like I stated in the link in my comment, I don't think it is unlikely that people seeing the impact of the E-SDV will begin to clamor to remove the manually driven ICE from the road.
Also level 5 autonomy vehicles are but a tiny facet of the revolution in technology to come. So many other things are going to change at the same time. I'm real big on the future. Take a look at this link here to see what is really coming. It's a bit of a rabbit hole, but I put it there for anybody to see.
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What's The Actual Business Case For Virtual Reality In Music? by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 2 points 1 month ago
I was 20 in 1980. I lived through one of the most awesome eras of human history. The age of MTV. Man I comfortably pissed my life away watching hours and hours of MTV day after day after day. Some of them videos were just beyond belief cool.
This article I read is lamenting that VR is not working for live music concert venues. Helloooo! McFlyyyy! Borrrrring! You know what would blow me away in my Oculus Rift? VR music videos. OK look at this video from MTV. It is 2D, but imagine such a thing with VR tech.
I hope that soon our musical artists will be falling all over thereselves to make VR music videos. And MTV will rise again. (Uh but probably heavily balkanized as nobody like the same kinds of music. My kink is alt-rock. So get going on the VR version of "You Should See Me in a Crown" miss Billie! And "Blood in the Water" grandson!)
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Artificial Intelligence Paradox: As Robots Take Over, People Skills Become More Critical by gone_his_own_way in Futurology

[–]izumi3682 2 points 1 month ago
Awesome! Put them people to work in PSR and CSR vocations. We need those kind of people. According to the article it will be pretty much the only employ left in a few years.
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Jarvish smart helmet has AI, Alexa, and just looks cool tbh by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 1 point 1 month ago
LOL! Sounds good in theory, but E-SDVs will know what you are up to. Remember both your bike and cars will be AI operated robots. They will intercommunicate and be mapped and tracked.
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Quantum Computers: A New Age Computer to Solve Complex Problems - combining AlphaGo narrow AI with quantum computing by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 1 point 1 month ago
I wonder what kind of brave new world we will conceive by mixing AI with quantum computing. Already today our classical computers allow the development of narrow AIs that would have been fantasy only three years ago. Now we want to mix that AI with forms of computing that could solve problems that could take a million years or better on a classical computer, in just a few minutes. What could go wrong?
I bet you dollars to donuts that mixing narrow AI with quantum computing could cause a conscious sentience to emerge. Maybe not today, but in like ten years? Yeah, maybe so.
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Robot Reality Check: They Create Wealth—and Jobs by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 1 point 1 month ago
The problem with what I have come to term "ARA", which is easier to write than "AI, robotics and automation" all the time, is that the overarching philosophy of ARA is to negate the need for humans to do any kind of work for the main reason that ARA can probably do anything humans do, but a thousand times better. Sure in the short term the ARA will work along side humans in various vocations and even enhance the human performance. But over time you will see the ARA simply supplanting the human.
I read an interesting and to me somewhat entertaining article about how in our coming era of ARA that vocations requiring "people skills" would become ever more important. I had something to say about that...
Consider a vocation like barber or hairstylist. For a very long time I felt those two vocations were the safest from ARA displacement. But now I watch the development of these robotic devices with "hands and fingers" that can easily out-manipulate the human hand and fingers. And of course time going forward that kind of technology is going to get better. Better to the point of eliciting from humans sheer awe. And the narrow AI is going to get better too. Now I haven't actually seen any kind of ARA that is intended to cut hair, but I bet somebody is working on one somewhere.
But for like truckers, or any vehicle drivers or salespeople or if you do something all day long sitting at a computer, the ARA is coming for you.
In ten years I think it is possible if, say, in the USA, we don't have economic safeguards in place, that societal upheaval could occur. Well before that, we will see the unemployment rate begin to steadily climb. One of the problems is that this ARA business is going to replace humans so fast, there won't be time to retrain. That means the impact will become visible in probably another 2 or 3 years from today.
And my question is this. How can you create wealth if your consumers don't have any money? Will there be some kind of UBI? I don't think UBI is very much. Stuff would have to be way less expensive. I think a better idea is "post-scarcity" but you can't really do that 'til about 25% of USA citizens are unemployed. These are tough dilemmas. I hope somebody is seriously addressing this.
Also I'm not being hyperbolic here. About 2 years ago the USA government issued an official report about what is taking place. Here is a copy of the report.
But the TL;DR is this. We know what is happening. And that it is unstoppable. We are not sure what to do about it. We hope those displaced can be adequately retrained into "sanctuary professions". We know "technological unemployment" is going to rise. The report dismisses UBI and "post-scarcity" out of hand as "unrealistic". It doesn't really say how you and me are going to get money to buy things.
So there you go. The USA knows the deal anyways.
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Jarvish smart helmet has AI, Alexa, and just looks cool tbh by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] -1 points 1 month ago
Definitely cool looking, but I got a bad feeling about the future of motorcycling...
I wondered about this out loud the other day.
This is an interesting predicament for motorcycle enthusiasts. I would imagine that just as cars, trucks and buses will ultimately switch to battery operation as electric vehicles, so the same fate will likely befall motorcycles as well.
Worse, a level 5 autonomy SDM kind of defeats the purpose of motorcycling anyways. The idea of motorcycles as a lifestyle choice is to be well, rebellious and a loner. You the human control the powerful engine of fire and steel between your legs and enjoy the benefits of a gratifying autonomy and being in the wind. The manual control of a motorcycle is intrinsic to the essential experience. The freedom of the road. And this is a long legacy of freedom too. It extends well back to the the first world war.
So here is what is coming at best. Electric motorcycles, that are level 5 autonomy like everything else. Plus once all the gas stations have been replaced with re-charging stations, there will no longer be gasoline for internal combustion engines anyway. Further I prophesy that in about 5 years, USA society will probably begin to consider banning ICEs anyways because of fossil fuels.
But what happens to the proud heritage of motorcycle culture? An electric Harley that softly whirrs and you ride like a merry-go-round horse? And any "gritty, pencil-necked geek" could easily use one? That would really put a dent in like, the "Hell's Angels" image.
Of course that thing would fly like the freakin' wind!
But would it be allowed on a level 5 autonomy thoroughfare?
Wow! Unanticipated side effects of the coming singularity. I don't think the physical "motorcycle" will fit into the new paradigm of personal transportation. Hopefully the VR motorcycles will help to mitigate that loss.
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Artificial Intelligence Paradox: As Robots Take Over, People Skills Become More Critical by gone_his_own_way in Futurology

[–]izumi3682 5 points 1 month ago
"Man delights not me; no, nor Woman neither" --Hamlet
"I love mankind. Its people I can't stand." --Linus van Pelt
Do you know what people hate?
Dealing with other people.
We love our loved ones (mostly) and our friends (maybe) and our neighbors (iffy and depending). Oh and the people we are hoping to bed (a different word than "love") But once you are outside of that circle, the last thing people want to do is interact with other people. Especially in the mode of PSR (personal service representative). When you are a PSR, you are dealing with the absolute cream of humanity--(That was sarcasm)
So in a few years we shall begin to see a rising number of driving occupations supplanted with ARA (AI, robotics and automation). What I'm talking about is truckers. I fear a great many truckers are going to lose their truck-driving vocation in the next ten years.
What will they do? Do you think they can be retrained to be PSRs? Dude, they're truckers. There is a reason they became truckers. And it has nothing to do with people skills.
Personally I cannot imagine a worse hell on Earth than being in a people skills vocation like a PSR or CSR (customer service representative). They are definitely two different things, but what they have in common is dealing with the random person, who is calling for a reason. Often that reason is "dissatisfaction".
I think that's one of the reasons already that Americans don't do a lot of the massive CSR jobs like for Comcast or Apple. Your CSR says her name is "Joannie" but her Indian/Asian accent is so thick you can scarcely understand her.
Think about the last time you were at the grocery store or Walmart. How many people did you silently judge? Imagine that kind of thing in your face. Every. Single. Day.
There are good, good people in the world. People who devote their lives to the benefit of strangers and people who are ideal in the role of PSR. They have the patience of saints and genuinely want to help, but like the vocation of say, doctor, they are far and few between compared to the mewling mass that is the rest of us.
I think one of the greatest blessings to humankind is the inevitable demise of the grocery store. That is one less horrifying hassle to have to deal with. And all the people that are in line in front of you at the register, and those silently judging you as you pass them in the aisles.
Now before you condemn me as an anti-people person (I am, but that's my personal mental illness) realize there are yet plenty of venues where people can interact with other people voluntarily and on their terms. That kind of brick and mortar is not going anywhere. Except for mayyybe the public cinema. But that is going to decline for another reason--the ungodly crazy media technology coming to our homes. Even if we want to meet at theaters, there may no longer be theaters to go to. But a grocery store? Good riddance.
The "TL;DR" here is that vanishingly few humans are capable of people skills. The rest of us would rather have a root canal. Fortunately the "technological singularity" (TS) is going to bail us out of having to worry about "having people skills" in the next 20 years. Hell, even a human-unfriendly TS might be preferable to working in a job requiring "people skills.
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AGI continued... by izumi3682 in u/izumi3682

[–]izumi3682[S] 2 points 1 month ago
Yeah there was a theory for a while that early humans right into modern recorded history had what was termed a "bicameral" mind. I don't know if they still think that or not. I mean the scientists. Some say it was the basis for thought science that led to the concept of gods or spirits "speaking" to us.
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The Imitation Game: Startup’s Big Idea in Building AI That’s as Good as Human by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 1 point 1 month ago
I expanded this comment to an independent text post you can find here.
I don't think making a convincing simulation of a human personality, at least in written form, would be difficult for a computer now. The combination of processing speed, "big data" and novel narrow AI dedicated computer architectures should be able to make a pretty believable simulation of my style of writing to include ways that I phrase things and some of my deliberate "personality" touches I stick in my writing.
How many words do I know? An easily finite number for todays computing. I imagine a computer that had access to my writing in like reddit "futurology" for the last 5 years could deconstruct what I write to process and model vocabulary, sentence construction, tone, and probably a lot of things I may unconsciously do when I write. Narrow AI's are good at detecting patterns like that.
But that makes me ask, how long until a narrow AI can so effectively imitate me that no one can tell the difference between me and what it is simulating?
Another five years? Ten?
To me the bone of contention seems to be what exactly is going on when we have developed "artificial general intelligence".
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Dutch Drone-Fest Provides a Glimpse Into Pilotless Future by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 3 points 1 month ago
Thank you for your kind remarks!
But I stick to my guns. Not only will at least 75% of humans be technologically unemployed in twenty years time, but a far more dangerous filter is likely in about ten years time. You do not have to unemploy everyone. Just a critical percentage, say, 15% unemployment is reached that truly shows that a societal re-alignment is necessary to protect humanity. A collapse inducing societal upheaval is possible.
People will adapt and find new work in emerging industries, as we have in the past.
There is a comprehensive, literally massive difference between what is happening now and what took place before now. Before now we replaced human (and horse and oxen) muscle. Today we are striving to replace the human mind. Every single monthly, sometimes weekly development in ARA you read about is intended to supplant humans. And this is not even considering what we might come up with in the next 3 years. Yes I place the beginning of the AI revolution at the year 2015. And it is going to be exponential change too, make no mistake.
I have been really looking at climate change lately. Yes, it is mostly human caused, and yes, it is likely out of control. But truthfully I don't think there is anything we can do about it but adapt to the best of our efforts. But compared to the lightning bolt that is ARA (AI, robotics and automation), climate change is an extraordinarily slow burn phenomenon. I would rather bet that by the year 2050 climate change may no longer be a major concern. We will have a plateful of the "technological singularity". Hopefully it is a human friendly one.
Teachers will not be replaced anytime soon. Probably on the outside of ten years, but after that new technologies that modify the human mind will be coming into play.
Here is quite a bit more of my craziness if you are interested. I got it all worked out! And I cover it all in my links lol!
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Dutch Drone-Fest Provides a Glimpse Into Pilotless Future by izumi3682 in Futurology

[–]izumi3682[S] 4 points 1 month ago
I believe that something truly amazing is coming into existence. Let me give you a sort of analogy for what is going to happen, probably within the next ten to twenty years.
While the hansom cab had it's roots in mid-nineteenth century Europe, by the 1890s it had become ubiquitous in New York City. Footage of these cabs, absolute state of the art technology by the way, demonstrate literal traffic jams of these vehicles. If you had asked a fellow in New York City, in the year 1904 what the future of personal transportation was going to be, he would have understandably been very enthusiastic about the technology of the hansom cab. Never in human history had a vehicle been so maneuverable and easy to use. He would have forecast a long and useful future. He would also have been aware of the curiosity called the horseless carriage, but would have dismissed it as a fancy. A toy for the wealthy.
But less than twenty years later, the low slung, horse-drawn hansom cab had vanished from New York City streets. Nothing but "internal combustion engine" automobiles as far as the eye could see by 1920.
Here is awesome proof how fast this happened too!
I think the personal E-SFV (self flying vehicle) is going to utterly transcend the personal E-SDV in about 20 years time, maybe less. The reason for this is I see the convergence of technologies such as ARA (AI, robotics and automation) along with fantastic advancements in computing technology and materials science.
These technologies will enable marvelous realizations like AI controlled, electric flying personal vehicles. For something like the narrow AI we are developing movement in 3D space is no issue. And the optimization capability of the quantum computer would be ideal for mapping and tracking. But just for personal transport. I'm not sure how well flying technology would work for load carrying vehicles. They probably would remain E-SDVs for the foreseeable future. Oh also when I say "personal" I mean that it is people that are carried and it would likely remain a subscription service. You might ask, "What about like a bus or something?" I answer, "Why do you need buses any longer?" I think the subscription E-SDV alone will bring about the extinction of the bus.
What about poor people? In twenty years time, in excess of 75% of the population will no longer be employed. Perhaps nearly 100%. I think society will have changed to adapt to this reality. Plus nothing is ever in a vacuum when it comes to technology now. Humans may already be starting to derive into new beings by then.
But as always when I make this forecast of what AI can do in relation to any kind of technical advance like a E-SFV, I have to ask. What else will this level of narrow AI be able to accomplish apart from flying us about safely, effectively and comfortably?
Oh! Look at how futurists of the year 1908 envisioned the evolution of the hansom cab!
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Fig. to bet something of value against something worth considerably less. I bet you dollars to doughnuts that she is on time. He bet me dollars to doughnuts that it would snow today. See also: bet, dollar, doughnut. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Dollars to doughnuts is one of several ‘dollars to …‘ phrases, like ‘dollars to buttons’ and ‘dollars to cobwebs’, which date from 1884 (in G. W. Peck’s Boss Book) and 1904 (in The Boston Herald) respectively. It is obviously an American phrase and so it is used as donuts rather than its actual notation doughnuts. In earlier days when a dollar was worth more than it is now and a doughnut cost considerably less as compared to it, someone who was reasonably sure that an event But if you're loving and open with them throughout the often lengthy coming-out process, I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that the love and closeness you share with them will, over time, compel them to bridge the gap between whatever fear and prejudice they may have around lesbianism and their acceptance of you as their daughter. bet you dollars to donuts trouser suit anisotropic allelopathy marioleria matrix data hearty phase meter message splitting C cloruro (m.) de amilo regard lemon scientific meetings lavanta senjou rintapora mixed oils Y Wrongous stuff (text) utrapiti okno magnetowodu reader Bosanac adversary tregter via desumo kontinuerlig at first light kanel Dollars to doughnuts means something that is certain. The phrase dollars to doughnuts is an American idiom that originated in the middle 1800s and is still mostly seen in American English. The idea behind the shorthand phrase dollars to doughnuts is the sentiment that the speaker is so confident that he is right about something, he will put forth Being willing to bet dollars against doughnuts (viewed as worthless) means that you're totally confident that you're right, so confident that you'll bet money against nothing. The expression is... 'Dollars to doughnuts' is a pseudo betting term, pseudo in that it didn't originate with actual betting involving doughnuts, but just as a pleasant-sounding alliterative phrase which indicated short odds - dollars are valuable but doughnuts aren't. The phrase parallels the earlier English betting expression 'a pound to a penny'. bet a dollar to a doughnut (third-person singular simple present bets a dollar to a doughnut, present participle betting a dollar to a doughnut, simple past and past participle bet a dollar to a doughnut) (figuratively, mildly humorous) To declare with confidence.

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